







汉语拼音:hén jī









  1. 见“ 痕迹 ”。

  2. 亦作“ 痕跡 ”。亦作“ 痕蹟 ”。事物留下的迹象。

    唐 寒山 《诗》之二○二:“我家本住在寒山,石巖栖息离烦缘。泯时万象无痕跡,舒处周流徧大千。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·海叙不遇》:“ 赵牧 不知何许人, 大中 、 咸通 中,斅 李长吉 为短歌,可谓蹙金结绣而无痕蹟。” 宋 朱弁 《曲洧旧闻》卷四:“古语云:‘大匠不示人以璞。’盖恐人见其斧凿痕迹。” 清 袁枚 《随园随笔·古文模仿》:“古人作文,摹倣痕迹未化,虽 韩 柳 不免。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》二十:“眼睛干巴巴的闭不上,他呆呆的看着那有些雨漏痕迹的顶棚。”



  1. Incognito is a private space where all traces of your session are deleted as you leave the mode and get back to normal browsing.


  2. But Emma couldn't seem to find the words to tell her mom or her friends that the marks on her arms were from something that she had done.


  3. He was one of those men who carry the morning tub stamped on every line of their faces.


  4. I knew that if any time was wasted trying to do all that, this moment was going to pass undocumented.


  5. He had some of it in his shed then. There were marks of an axe and of woodpeckers on the butt.


  6. There was also very little wear and tear on the bones which suggested that they had not been involved with any physical labor.


  7. It seemed to Carrie he was as yet only overcoming the last traces of the bashfulness of youth.


  8. But sharp-eyed fans have noticed that the series seems to be uncomfortably close to some specific American hits.


  9. The ancient city gates and well-preserved city walls with signs of erosion seem to be telling of the beautiful legends in ancient times.


  1. 新鲜的痕迹

    A warm trail.

  2. 凿子的痕迹。

    Chisel marks.

  3. 苦难的痕迹

    the imprint of suffering.

  4. 无痕迹燃烧物

    Traceless inflammable.

  5. 追寻硝烟的痕迹

    Traces of the Revolutionary War Years

  6. 残缺, 模糊痕迹物证

    Fragmentary and Ambiguous Evidence

  7. 从层磨损的痕迹。

    Scuff marks from floors.

  8. 这些痕迹擦不掉。

    These marks won't rub off.

  9. 铅笔痕迹被擦去。

    The pencil marks were erased.

  10. 细数、手腕的痕迹。

    Thin number, skill trace.

  11. 留下出天花的痕迹

    marked by smallpox

  12. 洗纹身不留痕迹。

    Washes the model community not scar.

  13. 新理念中的旧痕迹

    Old Trace in New Theory

  14. 留下斑斑点点的痕迹。

    Mark with a spot or spots.

  15. 它们大多不留痕迹。

    Most of them don't leave a trace.

  16. 汽车得痕迹很明显。

    The motorcar tracks is very clear.

  17. 汽车的痕迹很明显。

    The motorcar tracks is very clear.

  18. 不留痕迹, 容易忘记。

    Forget easy not to keep a trail.

  19. 发现魔鬼行事的痕迹。

    There's demons afoot.

  20. 海洛因欣快记忆痕迹

    heroin euphoria memory trace

  21. 红葡萄酒能留下痕迹。

    Red wine leaves a stain.

  22. 辨认远处登陆的痕迹

    Deciphering the Remote Login Trail

  23. 没有任何电脑的痕迹。

    There is no Photoshop involved.

  24. 他的毒不留痕迹。

    This poison leaves no sign.

  25. 车子留下废气的痕迹。

    The car left a trail of exhaust fumes.

  26. 他擦去铅笔的痕迹。

    He erases pencil marks.

  27. 一切痕迹都被一扫而光。

    Every vestige has been swept away.

  28. 古堡的痕迹已荡然无存。

    Not a vestige of the castle remained.

  29. 不能有强迫的痕迹。

    There must be no signs of duress.

  30. 泥土上蚯蚓粪的痕迹。

    Evidence of worm casts on the mud.


  1. 问:痕迹拼音怎么拼?痕迹的读音是什么?痕迹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹的读音是hénjì,痕迹翻译成英文是 imprint; trace

  2. 问:痕迹的拼音怎么拼?痕迹的的读音是什么?痕迹的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹的的读音是,痕迹的翻译成英文是 vestigial

  3. 问:痕迹反射拼音怎么拼?痕迹反射的读音是什么?痕迹反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹反射的读音是hén jì fǎn shè,痕迹反射翻译成英文是 trace reflex

  4. 问:痕迹器官拼音怎么拼?痕迹器官的读音是什么?痕迹器官翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹器官的读音是hén jì qì guān,痕迹器官翻译成英文是 rudi-mentum, rudimentary organ

  5. 问:痕迹性状拼音怎么拼?痕迹性状的读音是什么?痕迹性状翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹性状的读音是hén jì xìng zhuàng,痕迹性状翻译成英文是 rudimentary character

  6. 问:痕迹检验拼音怎么拼?痕迹检验的读音是什么?痕迹检验翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹检验的读音是hén jì jiǎn yàn,痕迹检验翻译成英文是 verification of traces

  7. 问:痕迹理论拼音怎么拼?痕迹理论的读音是什么?痕迹理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹理论的读音是hén jì lǐ lùn,痕迹理论翻译成英文是 trace theory

  8. 问:痕迹学鉴定拼音怎么拼?痕迹学鉴定的读音是什么?痕迹学鉴定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹学鉴定的读音是hén jì xué jiàn dìng,痕迹学鉴定翻译成英文是 trace expertise

  9. 问:痕迹条件作用拼音怎么拼?痕迹条件作用的读音是什么?痕迹条件作用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹条件作用的读音是hén jì tiáo jiàn zuò yòng,痕迹条件作用翻译成英文是 trace conditioning

  10. 问:痕迹条件反射拼音怎么拼?痕迹条件反射的读音是什么?痕迹条件反射翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹条件反射的读音是hén jì tiáo jiàn fǎn shè,痕迹条件反射翻译成英文是 trace conditioned reflex

  11. 问:痕迹消退理论拼音怎么拼?痕迹消退理论的读音是什么?痕迹消退理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:痕迹消退理论的读音是hén jì xiāo tuì lǐ lùn,痕迹消退理论翻译成英文是 theory of trace extinction



“痕迹”是个多义词,它可以指痕迹(知名插画家), 痕迹(韩国组合神话演唱歌曲), 痕迹(约翰·罗斯金创作诗), 痕迹(汉语词语), 痕迹(江城原创音乐团队出品歌曲), 痕迹(痕痕创作书籍), 痕迹(晨辉歌曲), 痕迹(小王爷(Lil Prince)歌曲), 痕迹(二宫和也作词作曲演唱歌曲), 痕迹(微电影), 痕迹(阿杜歌曲)。