




1. 子 [zǐ]子 [zǐ]古代指儿女,现专指儿子:~女。~孙。~嗣。~弟(后辈人,年轻人)。植物的果实、种子:菜~。瓜~儿。~实。动物的卵:鱼~。蚕~。幼小的,小的:~鸡。~畜。~城。小而硬的颗粒状的东西:~弹(dàn )。棋~儿。与“……



汉语拼音:lí zǐ



亦作“棃子”。梨树的果实。明 高濂《遵生八笺·酱佛手香橼梨子》:“棃子带皮入酱缸内,久而不坏。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四九回:“幸得各人酒量还好,都吃两片梨子、苹果之类下酒。”



  1. 亦作“棃子”。梨树的果实。

    明 高濂 《遵生八笺·酱佛手香橼梨子》:“棃子带皮入酱缸内,久而不坏。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第四九回:“幸得各人酒量还好,都吃两片梨子、苹果之类下酒。”



  1. and a shape of simple loveliness, like a tear-drop or a pear, or that first forbidden fruit hanging low in the Garden of Eden.

  2. Everybody who came into the garden he took to the graft, and everybody said, 'It will prove to be a most excellent pear'

  3. Offers fruit-forward apple and pear aromas with a hint of lemon citrus leading into a balanced crispness and creaminess on the palate.

  4. The door to the kitchens in Hogwarts is a painting of a bowl of fruit. When you tickle the pear, the door giggles and opens.

  5. It began to squirm, chuckling , and suddenly turned into a large green door handle.

  6. Grandma put up strawberry jam, tomatoes, beans, peppers, pears and peaches in canning jam. They were good to eat through the long winter.

  7. They had pears in white wine , with a piece of fruitcake . Mr. Hugo didn't look up from his plate .

  8. Characteristic ripe peach aromas and a texture and flavor dimension conferred by the high degree of ripeness.

  9. Geppetto felt bad for Pinocchio. He gave the hungry puppet three pears.


  1. 苹果和梨子

    apples and pears.

  2. 梨子的滋味

    the taste of pear.

  3. 什么?还有梨子?

    What? More pears?

  4. 我有一颗梨子。

    I had a pear.

  5. 今年梨子结得多。

    The pears have set well this year.

  6. 有不只一打的梨子。

    There are over a dozen pears.

  7. 这些梨子不易烧好。

    These pears do not cook well.

  8. 有不只一打的梨子。

    There are over a dozen pears.

  9. 地球是梨子形状的。

    The earth is the shape of a pear.

  10. 不, 谢谢。我喜欢梨子。

    No, thanks. I like pears.

  11. 这是一个梨子吗?

    Is this a pear?

  12. 哪一个是是梨子小姐?

    Which is Miss Pear?

  13. 那篮子里全是梨子。

    That basket is full of pears.

  14. 这只梨子完全烂了。

    The pear is rotten right through.

  15. 我需要一罐西洋梨子。

    I need a tin of pears.

  16. 熟透的梨子是金黄的。

    Pears are yellow Rich ripe and mellow.

  17. 这些梨子有很多斑点。

    The pears are badly specked.

  18. 梨子和桃子很容易剥皮。

    The pears and the peaches peel easily.

  19. 请给我削一对梨子。

    Please pare a pair of pears for me.

  20. 梨子熟了就会变甜。

    The pears will sweeten as they ripen.

  21. 什么东西使梨子变成珍珠

    Wang changes a pear into a pearl.

  22. 我想要三公斤的梨子。

    I'd like three kilos of pears.

  23. 他的礼物是一篮梨子。

    His gift was a basket of pears.

  24. 他的礼物是一篮梨子。

    His gift was a basket of pears.

  25. 树上尚留有几颗梨子。

    A few pears remain on the trees.

  26. 我有一颗梨子和一颗苹果。

    I have a pear and an apple.

  27. 一罐西洋梨子是多少钱?

    How much was the tin of pears?

  28. 梨子对你的喉咙有好处。

    Pear is good for your throat.

  29. 这个梨子的果心腐烂了。

    This pear is rotten at the core.

  30. 这个梨子得果心腐烂了。

    This pear is rotten at the core.


  1. 问:梨子堂拼音怎么拼?梨子堂的读音是什么?梨子堂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:梨子堂的读音是Lízǐtáng,梨子堂翻译成英文是 Nashikodō