







汉语拼音:shòu qióng








  1. 遭受贫困。

    峻青 《老水牛爷爷》:“他从小受穷,讨不起老婆,打了一辈子光棍。”



  1. They, too, were somewhat better educated and less likely to be poor than the typical young Lebanese man of the time.

  2. POVERTY may be rising in Europe and the United States, places that thought they had conquered it, but in Latin America it continues to fall.

  3. She prefers to be poor rather than get money in such a way.

  4. He would rather be poor than get money in such a dishonest way.

  5. As the saying goes: "Eat not poor, not poor drink, calculated not to be poor. "

  6. Fear of being trapped forever in poverty, deprived of the human right to live with health and dignity and hope for the future.

  7. That dates back to the time when we were both poor and content to be so.

  8. Many in my generation were poor and suffered from malnutrition, and now the ministry of health wants to stop us from driving to work.

  9. What you have been told up to now is charity, is simply the suicide of all those who are poor and suffering.


  1. 她经常受穷。

    Poverty was often on her heels.

  2. 她不愿受穷。

    She hates being poor.

  3. 我不想受穷。

    I don't like to be poor.

  4. 人常怕受穷。

    Poverty is many people's constant dread.

  5. 人勤不受穷。

    A foul foot makes a full name.

  6. 坐吃山空,还会受穷。

    From clogs to clogs is only three generations.

  7. 他死后使她受穷。

    He left her poor.

  8. 勤劳之人不受穷。

    Poverty is stranger to industry.

  9. 勤劳之人不受穷。

    Poverty is stranger to industry.

  10. 受穷受苦使他未老先衰。

    Hardship and penury wore him out before his time.

  11. 我为什么要为你受穷?

    Why should I beggar myself for you?

  12. 残疾人尤其容易受穷。

    Persons with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to poverty.

  13. 他开始受穷,行乞,最后坐牢。

    He began poor, panhandled, ended in jail.

  14. 穷富差别大,善择不受穷。

    Haves difference is big, good choose not poor.

  15. 我一辈子要受穷这实在不公平。

    It's unfair for me to be sentenced to spending my lifetime in poverty.

  16. 他忘不了自己没钱受穷的日子。

    He will never forget the days when he was feeling the pinch of poverty.

  17. 她宁愿受穷也不愿以这种方式挣钱。

    She prefers poor rather than get money in a way.

  18. 假如你花钱还是大手大脚的话,你就会受穷。

    Youll be in queer street unless youre more careful with money.

  19. 勤劳之人不受穷。考虑要仔细, 行动要迅速。

    Poverty is stranger to industry. Deliberate in counsel, prompt in action.

  20. 他们架子比较大,不愿意吃苦,宁愿在家受穷。

    They put on big AIRS, not willing to handle the suffering, would rather be poor at home.

  21. 他说他宁愿受穷也不愿以这种方法获取钱财。

    He said he would rather be poor than get money in such a way.

  22. 谈到租小些的公寓, 听起来像是要受穷了。

    Talk of a smaller flat sounded like poverty.

  23. 如果就业数量和劳动回报率很低, 工人就可能受穷。

    If the quantity of employment or the rate of return on labour is low, a worker is likely to suffer from poverty.

  24. 我要告诉他, 他可以为了友谊而甘愿继续受穷, 我可不愿意。

    I'm going to tell him that he may be willing to stay poor for friendship's sake but I'm not.

  25. 她说,大哥带着金银财宝走了,留下了弟弟受苦受穷。

    The elder, she said, runs off with the riches, leaving the younger impoverished and embittered.

  26. 很快,小汤姆就挣了很多钱,他的家人再也不用受穷了。

    Tom Thumb soon became rich, and his family were never in want again.

  27. 他宁愿受穷也不愿以这样一种不诚实的方法弄到钱。

    He would rather poor than get money in such a dishonest way.

  28. 堤矮人人跨,人穷受人欺。

    Every one leaps over the dyke where it is the lowest.

  29. 你们值得进行这场战斗, 因为战胜则无比光荣, 死亦受福无穷。

    These are combats worthy of you, combats in which it is glorious to conquer and advantageous to die.

  30. 丽莉受不了穷亲戚们那种乞丐般的苦日子。

    Lily had no mind for the vagabond life of the poor relation.


  1. 问:受穷拼音怎么拼?受穷的读音是什么?受穷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:受穷的读音是shòuqióng,受穷翻译成英文是 to suffer from poverty; be poverty-stricken...




【读音】shòu qióng

