







汉语拼音:yì jìng







  1. 指文艺作品或自然景象中所表现出来的情调和境界。

    明 朱承爵 《存馀堂诗话》:“作诗之妙,全在意境融彻,出音声之外,乃得真味。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷二:“ 云栖 修篁夹道,意境殊胜。” 端木蕻良 《关山月的艺术》:“画梅花的,很少能闯出 林和靖 式的梅花品格,总是强调暗香疏影这般意境。”



  1. There was in him, in some nebulous, unrecognizable form, a great artistic reality which was finer than anything she could plan for herself.

  2. It is recommended you work with one fragrance at a time until you find oils that work for you and your moods.

  3. D. this novel was built up to be a master piece but i found it very dull.

  4. This is an enchanted valley me how can I did not expect to see here Andrew - Wise with Van Gogh's artistic conception of the images.

  5. In particular, the scene of her blend of artistic conception, so that works into a meaningful picture of the art realm.

  6. Fuzzy language is usually used in literary works by experienced writers to obtain unique expression effect and artistic value.

  7. The concept of the word of art has a very long process of developing in Chinese art history.

  8. Some web designers like the idea of a little background music to set the mood of the page.

  9. The classical Chinese poetry is picturesque and the unwilling departure between friends is presented in this sort of picturesque poetry.


  1. 意境的营造

    creating artistic conception.

  2. 意境全息说

    On the Holographic Nature of Artistic Moods.

  3. 论意境的审美价值

    On the Aesthetic Value of a Work of Art

  4. 体姿的意境性

    internal beauty.

  5. 论舞之意境美

    On the Beauty of the Mood of Dancing.

  6. 心灵美、自然美与意境

    The Relationship of the Beauty between the Mind, Nature and Images

  7. 关于意境的两点浅见

    Two Notes on Artistic Conception

  8. 我的故事是意境的力量

    My story is the power of a metaphor.

  9. 论室内庭园的意境创造

    About Creating Artistic Conception of Interior Garden

  10. 这瀑布是挺有意境的。

    This waterfall has a certain essence.

  11. 纳兰词凄婉意境探析

    The Research on the Miserable Background of the Ci by NANAN

  12. 我喜欢花园和云的意境。

    I like the idea of the garden and the clouds.

  13. 诗歌的魅力源于意境的优美。

    The enchantment of poetry lies in the exquisite artistic conception.

  14. 唐代诗歌理论之意境论

    On Artistic Conception Poesy Theory in Tang Dynasty

  15. 刘熙载美学意境创造论

    Liu xizai's theory of the creation of aesthetic prospect

  16. 古代叙事文意境的审美特征

    Aesthetic Characteristics of the Artistic Conception of Ancient Narratives

  17. 只为营造一方闲适的意境。

    But merely to elaborate a leisurable land.

  18. 论意象的建构与意境的生成

    On the construction of imago and the formation of artistic conception

  19. 诗歌借助暗示联想达到最佳意境。

    Poetry achieves its finest effects by suggestion.

  20. 当前传统私家园林意境的隐退

    The Hiding of Artistic Conception in Contemporary Classical Private Garden

  21. 比兴思维与意境的创造李健

    Bixing thinking creates artistic worlds. li jian

  22. 本文论述了工笔画的意境表现。

    This paper discusses the artistic mood performance of traditional Chinese painting.

  23. 意境叙事性文学的最高旨趣

    Artistic Conception the Supreme Purport of Narrative Literature

  24. 集成为表现本画意境的新诗。

    Integration for the performance of the poetry of the Paintings.

  25. 这篇散文词藻繁丽,意境优美。

    This essay is rich and flowery in diction and elegant in its artistic mood.

  26. 这篇散文词藻繁丽,意境优美。

    This essay is rich and flowery in diction and elegant in its artistic mood.

  27. 论造型艺术中审美意境的创造

    On the Creation of the Aesthetic Artistic Conception in the Plastic arts

  28. 论意境审美生成的内在矛盾运动

    On Internal Contradictive Movement of Artistic Conception

  29. 好文章,有意境!楼主继续努力哦!

    Good article, there are artistic conceptions!

  30. 全曲意境深邃, 大气磅礴, 结构谨严。

    There is a profound range of feeling in this piece, which incorporates a majestic spirit within a tightly knit composition.


  1. 问:意境拼音怎么拼?意境的读音是什么?意境翻译成英文是什么?

    答:意境的读音是yìjìng,意境翻译成英文是 artistic conception


