


1. 渐 [jiàn]2. 渐 [jiān]渐 [jiàn]慢慢地,一点一点地:逐~。~进。~~。~次。~悟。~冉(逐渐)。防微杜~。加剧:疾大~。疏导:~九川。渐 [jiān]浸:~渍。~洳(浸湿)。~染。~仁摩谊(用仁义之道感化教育人)……


1. 渐 [jiàn]2. 渐 [jiān]渐 [jiàn]慢慢地,一点一点地:逐~。~进。~~。~次。~悟。~冉(逐渐)。防微杜~。加剧:疾大~。疏导:~九川。渐 [jiān]浸:~渍。~洳(浸湿)。~染。~仁摩谊(用仁义之道感化教育人)……


1. 的 [dí]2. 的 [dì]3. 的 [de]的 [dí]真实,实在:~确。~当(dàng )。~情。~真。~证。的 [dì]箭靶的中心:中(zhòng )~。有~放矢。众矢之~。目~(要达到的目标、境地)。的 [de]用在词或词组……



汉语拼音:jiàn jiàn








  1. 逐渐。

    汉 荀悦 《汉纪·武帝纪四》:“ 广 伪死,渐渐腾而上马,抱胡儿而鞭马南驰。” 唐 张籍 《早春病中》诗:“更怜晴日色,渐渐暖贫居。”《三国演义》第八五回:“却説 先主 在 永安宫 ,染病不起,渐渐沉重。” 老舍 《骆驼祥子》十一:“往东入了 长安街 ,人马渐渐稀少起来。”

  2. 植物吐穗或吐絮貌。

    《史记·宋微子世家》:“乃作《麦秀》之诗以歌咏之,其诗曰:‘麦秀渐渐兮,禾黍油油。’” 司马贞 索隐:“渐渐,麦芒之状。音子廉反,又依字读。”《文选·潘岳<射雉赋>》:“麦渐渐以擢芒,雉鷕鷕而朝鴝。” 徐爰 注:“渐渐,含秀之貌也。” 明 陈汝元 《金莲记·弹丝》:“千万丝陌头杨柳,渐渐可藏鸦。”

  3. 流淌貌。

    汉 刘向 《九叹·远逝》:“肠纷紜以繚转兮,涕渐渐其若屑。” 唐 韩愈 《苦寒》诗:“中宵倚墙立,淫泪何渐渐。” 清 黄鷟来 《戊辰冬与张四明分手即事纪别》诗之七:“渐渐清溪沚,其下多鸳鳧。”

  4. 山石高峻貌。渐,通“ 巉 ”。

    《诗·小雅·渐渐之石》:“渐渐之石,维其高矣。” 毛 传:“渐渐,山石高峻。” 孔颖达 疏:“以渐渐文连之石为山石之状,又以维其高矣,故知为高峻貌。”



  1. Days and gradually, our birthday party to me and the children are looking forward to the moment of eating birthday cake.


  2. After picking up the placards, gradually uniformed and plain-clothes police force, one of whom was a woman, showed up.


  3. The day slowly and slowly dark, SY1320 under light, ready to leave.


  4. now , i am getting to understand and realize that you are the one who i desire to stand by your side to the end of all my life .


  5. "gradually, " the pig "drum belly up, he was always smiling, looked at me as if to say: " You're terrific!


  6. Now, with a bit of TLC, Tonka is being nursed back to full strength in time for the popular tourist attraction to reopen this weekend.


  7. He began to think that sometimes it was necessary to refuse to obey some laws, to practice civil disobedience.


  8. Gradually the dark days, and a small cricket has also played with very tired, to go back home. He was bouncing around jolly ran toward home.


  9. Thinking gradually began to blur, his eyes blurred together, but the heart is very clear.


  1. 天渐渐的黑了。

    It is growing dark.

  2. 渐渐的,她憔悴,消瘦。

    Gradually she pined away.

  3. 渐渐的展示这个发明。

    And played around with this a little bit.

  4. 渐渐的,天变冷了。

    By and by the days turned cold.

  5. 渔船渐渐的离开海岸。

    The fishing boat gradually moved away from the seacoast.

  6. 渐渐的蔓延到整个巴黎。

    And it was beginning to spread all over paris.

  7. 第一次,渐渐的,直到很多次。

    First, soon, and then a lot.

  8. 但渐渐的,他们开始忘记了。

    But slowly they began to forget.

  9. 渐渐的开始广泛地使用钟了。

    Gradually, clocks began to be popular.

  10. 渐渐的越来越多人加入了进来

    And then it becomes more.

  11. 渐渐的他就忽略了时间的快慢。

    By and by he neglected the passage of time.

  12. 渐渐的,我们长大了,失去了好奇心。

    Gradually, we grow up and lose the curiosity.

  13. 从一切谎言的麻木中渐渐的醒来!

    Senses dull and blunt from all the lies!

  14. 渐渐的, 无意识为了提升而被整合。

    Bit by bit, the unconscious must be integrated in order to ascend.

  15. 渐渐的我开始保持很好的状态了。

    And I started to really adapt my body.

  16. 但我渐渐的开始接受这个新的身份。

    But I did come to embrace this new identity.

  17. 渐渐的,我感觉我已经适应了大学生活。

    Gradually, I felt that I was used to college life.

  18. 渐渐的开始向往其他那些工作了的同学。

    Gradually began to yearn for those other work classmate.

  19. 然而,渐渐的,他们一个个都被带走了。

    But, one by one they had all gone.

  20. 有关他怎样欺骗我们的丑闻渐渐的传开。

    Sordid Gradually the whole sordid story of how he had cheated us came out.

  21. 在现实的磨砺中,心却渐渐的粗糙冷漠。

    In the reality of the furnace, the heart will be coarseness and inhospitality gradually.

  22. 每一天, 太阳的角度都在渐渐的变化着。

    Each day the angle of the sun changes slightly.

  23. 你认识了某个人,渐渐的有了更多的了解。

    Someone you get to know and gradually get to know even better.

  24. 渐渐的,褪去了属于水晶球应有的颜色。

    Gradually, the faded color of belonging to a crystal ball should be.

  25. 于是彼此的之间的情意渐渐的变成了美丽的爱情。

    So the mutual affection between the gradually turned into a beautiful love.

  26. 她身体渐渐的复原, 只想有人来说说话。

    As she got well, she was pining for society.

  27. 渐渐的他开始看见不同版本的自己, 他开始怀疑自己的心智。

    However, when he begins to see another version of himself around he begins to question his own sanity.

  28. 注视可以渐渐的唤醒原始的,稍稍令人心动的情感。

    A gaze that lingers awakens primal, slightly disturbing feelings.

  29. 这种智慧渐渐的被科学和社会学研究所证实。

    And this wisdom is increasingly supported by scientific and sociological research.

  30. 他总是感觉孤独,但是渐渐的他也便就习惯了。

    He always felt lonely but he's getting used to it.