











汉语拼音:jū wú dìng suǒ







  1. I miss your face I miss the most beautiful season, like the meteor of no fixed abode, they did not meet at the sky stars.


  2. But Assange, an Australian who has no permanent address and travels frequently, is not a U. S. citizen.


  3. It is not easy to distribute food to over two million displaced villagers, I know their condition.


  4. These exiling intellectuals fully illustrates Naipaul's inevitable exiling destiny and his psychological state of the world citizen.


  5. I don't ask my heart to go somewhere. It just strolls around, unsettling. It comes and goes but I don't know when and where it stops.


  6. He was homeless and on his own for years as a young boy.


  7. And those children usually struggle when, as typically happens, their parents separate and their lives are unsettled.


  8. Reports also lists the different lived before Michael, where children also follow everywhere, of no fixed abode .


  9. He made a living by wandering about for many years, so he didn't have a fixed home.


  1. 他是个居无定所的人。

    He's a person of no fixed abode.

  2. 一个居无定所的旅游者

    a wandering tourist

  3. 嫌疑犯是个居无定所的人。

    The suspect is a person of no fixed abode.

  4. 居无定所的杂物,该何去何从?

    Without definite residence incidental, it's time for what course should follow?

  5. 洛夫乔伊,居无定所,被控谋杀。

    Lovejoy, of no fixed abode, was charged with murder.

  6. 她小时候居无定所,在各地流浪。

    She had had a rootless childhood moving from town to town.

  7. 他居无定所,我们发现他流落街头。

    He's of no fixed abode and we found him on the streets.

  8. 你出身于一个居无定所的家庭。

    You come from an itinerant family.

  9. 爸爸总是居无定所, 妈妈染上了恶习

    Papa was a rolling stone, momma developed a habit

  10. 因为居无定所,他们无法得到工作面试的机会。

    They are not able to get a job interview because they have no fixed address.

  11. 像这样居无定所的日子我已过了三年了。

    I've been insecurely housed for three years now.

  12. 他们恰像野驴一般居无定所 食无偏好,行踪飘忽。

    They are nomadic omnivorous, and roaming like a wild donkey.

  13. 游牧民是一个到处流浪、居无定所的部落的成员。

    A nomad is the member of a trible that wanders from place to place.

  14. 当他幼年的时候, 他曾多年居无定所, 独自一人生活。

    He was homeless and on his own for years as a young boy.

  15. 居住权得不到保证是许多家庭居无定所的一个原因。

    Lack of security of tenure was a reason for many families becoming homeless.

  16. 此时居无定所的风呼啸而过, 替这场鬼魅般的悲剧火上加油。

    Simultaneously wind with no fixed adobe whistles and aggravate the ghastly tragedy.

  17. 沙夫说, 由于这些人居无定所, 要想追踪他们的情况有难度。

    She says hard to track down the displaced because they are constantly on the move.

  18. 想要两个人一起居无定所吗?

    The two of you spending every night in a different town?

  19. 想要两个人一起居无定所吗?

    The two of you spending every night in a different town?

  20. 我们发现那个地方无人居

    We find that unpopulated reside of place.

  21. 现在是空空洞洞, 冷冷清清, 分明已经无人居

    It was now empty, forlorn, and apparently abandoned.

  22. 我是说,我居无定所。

    I mean, I don't live anywhere in particular.

  23. 他们不愿意露面,居无定所。

    They are faceless men, here today and gone tomorrow.

  24. 他们不愿意露面,居无定所。

    They are faceless men, here today and gone tomorrow.

  25. 那批人神出鬼没,居无定所。

    That bunch come and go – they don't live anywhere permanently.

  26. 七分之一的人居无定所。

    One in seven live in unplanned settlements.

  27. 孙薇没有稳定收入,居无定所。

    Kenjiansun does not enjoy either a stable income or a fixed residence.

  28. 等我不再居无定所时就还给你

    I'll return it to you when I'm no longer living out of it!

  29. 流浪得我们居无定所。年轻得我们在不停地奔波。

    With the sun rising setting, day, we are on the way!

  30. 流浪的我们居无定所。年轻的我们在不停地奔波。

    With the sun rising setting, day, we are on the way!


  1. 问:居无定所拼音怎么拼?居无定所的读音是什么?居无定所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:居无定所的读音是jū wú dìng suǒ,居无定所翻译成英文是 migrancy



居无定所 : 本意表示没有固定的居住位置,甚至是属于自己的定居点都没有。从不在同一个地方多做停留,随遇而居。同意成语游走不定。