





破,透:~透。揭~。~窬(钻洞和爬墙,指盗贼)。~凿。通过,连通:~过。~行(xíng )。着(zhuó)衣服鞋袜:~衣。~鞋。……




末了(liǎo ),完了(liǎo),与“始”相对:年~。~场(末了一场)。~极。~审(司法部门对案件的最后判决)。~端。靡不有初,鲜克有~(人们做事无不有开头,而很少能坚持到底)。从开始到末了:~年。~生。饱食~日。人死:临~。送~。到底……



汉语拼音:guàn chuān shǐ zhōng



  1. In the process of optimizing the mathematics models, the thinking of variants goes all through the beginning to the end.

  2. Throughout democratic concept of democracy in Harbin temporary council's legal system construction, it played an important role in guiding.

  3. Therefore, heathcliff love a hate a revenge of a human nature is the essence of novels, and a red throughout.

  4. This long-running hit has moved on to its eighth season. Two things, however, remain constant in this show: basketball and buddies.

  5. Running through the theoretical structure, holism is the fundamental principle for Davidson's Theory of Meaning.

  6. By consuming WSFL, a workflow engine can walk through the business processes activity by activity, control point by control point.

  7. It is a pretty good film: The twisting plot holds together through to the somewhat surprising climax and there's genuine tension throughout.

  8. Campaign Series: Dynamic and Static in turn regulates the flow of life, through to the end.

  9. If the wheat of zhong ye and image of the blood that runs through the play, ghastly terrorist.


  1. 贯穿始终的重点是课堂上的学习,而不是教学。

    The emphasis throughout is on learning rather than teaching in class.

  2. 在优化数学模型的过程中, 变式思维贯穿始终。

    In the process of optimizing the mathematics models, the thinking of variants goes all through the beginning to the end.

  3. 如麦剧中夜与血的形象贯穿始终, 阴森恐怖。

    If the wheat of zhong ye and image of the blood that runs through the play, ghastly terrorist.

  4. 开展学习实践活动,必须把查找和解决问题贯穿始终。

    Development study practice, must search and solve the question penetration throughout.

  5. 阴虚贯穿始终,而血瘀为合并肢端坏疽的主要原因。

    Throughout deficiency, and blood stasis is the main reason for the merger acral gangrene.

  6. 主音音高作为一种低音调奏出, 在整个演奏中贯穿始终。

    The tonic pitch is played as a drone that runs throughout the performance.

  7. 历史小说家的创作始终贯穿着激情和理性的矛盾。

    The contradiction of enthusiasm and nous runs through the writing of historical novelist.

  8. 这类场面,贯穿电影始终。

    Mirrored scenes like that can be found throughout the movie.

  9. 摘要历史小说家的创作始终贯穿着激情和理性的矛盾。

    The contradiction of enthusiasm and nous runs through the writing of historical novelist.

  10. 因此,在他的作品中始终贯穿一条暗线,就是宗教精神。

    Therefore, passes through a concealed wiring throughout in his work, is the religious spirit.

  11. 这一永恒的追求贯穿儒学始终

    This eternal aspiration lasted across the history of Confucianism.

  12. 遁世得情结始终贯穿于宋元以来趋于巅峰得文人画当中。

    The attempt of reclusion in artistic practice can be traced back to the literati paintings since the Song and Yuan dynasties.

  13. 遁世的情结始终贯穿于宋元以来趋于巅峰的文人画当中。

    The attempt of reclusion in artistic practice can be traced back to the literati paintings since the Song and Yuan dynasties.

  14. 口供问题是一个贯穿诉讼始终的核心问题。

    To a great extent, the total proceeding centres on oral confession.

  15. 软件的制作和分发十分复杂且技术贯穿于始终。

    Software creation and distribution are complex and the technology is continuously evolving.

  16. 思考之四应着眼工作务实性,把改进作风贯穿活动始终。

    Fourth ponder Should focus the work pragmatically, improvement attitude penetration activity throughout.

  17. 电影音乐要想让人记住不难,因为它的主旋律贯穿影片始终。

    Movie music can be made memorable because its themes are repeated throughout the film.

  18. 审美和功利的矛盾是贯穿美学与文学始终的矛盾。

    The contradiction between esthetics and utility exists through the course of esthetics and literature.

  19. 地方主义和中央权威的冲突贯穿国民党政府的始终。

    The conflict between localism and the central authority went through the history of Kuomingtang Government.

  20. 该代表团说, 塞内加尔政府意识到, 文化贯穿于发展得始终。

    The Delegation stated that the Government of Senegal was aware of the fact that culture was the beginning and end of development.

  21. 该代表团说,塞内加尔政府意识到,文化贯穿于发展的始终。

    The Delegation stated that the Government of Senegal was aware of the fact that culture was the beginning and end of development.

  22. 节能思想贯穿颐和园夜景照明设计始终

    Thought of Energy Conservation throughout the Design of Lighting of the Summer Palace

  23. 把学习贯彻党章贯穿于党员先进性教育始终

    Implementation of Party Constitution Should be Penetrated into the Advanced Education for Party Members

  24. 财务管理是贯穿整个企业经营活动始终的一条生命线。

    Financial management runs through a lifeline in the enterprise's whole life.

  25. 这一特征贯穿了云冈石窟造像的始终。

    This feature runs through the statues of the Yungang Grottoes always.

