




讲,说:~说。~喻。~道。~欢。~情。~必有中(zhòng )(一说就说到点子上)。说的话:~论。~辞(亦作“言词”)。语~。~语。~简意赅。汉语的字:五~诗。七~绝句。洋洋万~。语助词,无义:~归于好。“~告师氏,~告~归”。姓。……







汉语拼音:suǒ yán jí shì



  1. "You speak the truth, sire, " replied the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. "


  2. Gordon: You hit the nail on the head! I want you to help me review.


  3. You're perfectly right, but don't you see Chinese food's delicious?


  4. You're right. Let's just get on. I'll see you outside before you see me.


  5. The incumbents have a point, though: For larger corporations, going full cloud is not simple.


  6. Thanks for brother's comment! ! ! ! You're quite right! I think most are handiwork, and so exquisite and regular.


  7. Brother Gu, you're quite right.


  1. 召会的所作不如召会的所是重要。

    What the church does is not as important as what the church is.

  2. 第三所是三号房屋。很简单,很明显。

    Third is house number three. It's easy. It's obvious.

  3. 裁研所是联合国裁军机制的智囊团。

    UNIDIR is the brain trust of the United Nations disarmament machinery.

  4. 亚里斯多德大便就是大便其所是。

    Aristotle Shit is what shit does.

  5. 它所是关于破除虚伪性价值观的电影。

    It was about breaking away from hypocritical sexual values.

  6. 我们所作的算不得甚么,但我们所是的却极其重要。

    What we do does not mean very much, but what we are means a great deal.

  7. 宿命论主张什么东西都如其所是的命定了的。

    Fatalism claims that everything is fated to be exactly as it is.

  8. 并且, 面对混乱的世界就是面对如其所是的人类状况。

    And, to confront the disorderly world means to confront the human condition as such.

  9. 将我的所是和我的所有, 完全献给你, 不自经营。

    All that am and have am bringing, Lord, from this moment all shall be Thine.

  10. 对觉醒的人而言,一切事物都如它所是地完美。

    To the Awakened One all things are perfect as they are.

  11. 之后不同时期的医学讲习所是韩医教育的重要机构。

    After that, Medicine Instructing and Practicing Institute in different periods is the main organization in education on Korean Medicine.

  12. 任何人对神的所是起怀疑或是不信, 就是亵渎祂的名。

    Anyone who questions or does not believe who God are profaning the name of God.

  13. 另一所是由长了几百年的草粘连的泥土造的屋子。

    Another house is made of dirt that is held together by grass that has been growing for hundreds of years.

  14. 因此, 无论何时何地, 当你与我所是的和平分离时, 呼唤我吧。

    Call on me, therefore, wherever and whenever you are separate from the peace that I am.

  15. 而在美国, 大型律所是与自身利益相一致政党的主要赞助人。

    In the US, big law firms are key donors to political parties that promote their interests.

  16. 是所至祷。

    This is what I beg of you.

  17. 这是所特殊得学校。

    There is something special about the place.

  18. 这是所特殊的学校。

    There is something special about the place.

  19. 这就是所发生的一切。

    That's what's happening here.

  20. 这学校原来是所佛寺。

    The school was originally a Buddhist temple.

  21. 那是所很棒的学校

    It's a really good school.

  22. 这是所相当舒适的房子。

    This is a quite comfortable house.

  23. 这就是所剩下的空间了。

    that little piece is all that's there.

  24. 这是所非常好的寄宿学校。

    It was an eminently respectable boarding school.

  25. 那是所指引出的方向。

    It is referred to the direction of derivation.

  26. 不是所个人都能成为赢家

    and not everyone gets a trophy.

  27. 不用说,问题是所涉及的费用。

    The problem, needless to say, is the cost involved.

  28. 这部分是空格所致。这部分归位键是所致。

    This is caused by spaces. This is caused by carriage returns.

  29. 不幸是所没人报考的大学。

    Unhappiness is a university that no one applies.

  30. 这叫洛伍德学校, 是所慈善学校。

    It's called Lowood school. It's a charity school.


“所言极是”的意思:某人说的对,说的非常有道理。 所言极是,读音:[suǒ yán jíshì ] 用法:一般用于对某人说的话表示赞同。