


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……







汉语拼音:kān shǒu suǒ






  1. 临时关押未决犯的场所。

    端木蕻良 《被撞破了的脸孔》:“我被从××部提出之后,又被送到看守所里。”《<艾青诗选>自序三》:“在看守所的时间特别长。我写了不少诗。”



  1. But when Qiu Xinghua was interviewed at the Hanyin detention center, he denied all this. "That is a lie, " he said in a vague way.


  2. Reports said 3 bodyguards were assigned to protect him for fear he would be assassinated.


  3. He told me that after being sent to juvenile hall, he had become so disgusted with himself that he had cut his wrists.


  4. If they are unable to put up money for bail, they may be behind bars for several weeks until a court appearance.


  5. but was rejected. The detention center and local police in Puning did not answer questions.


  6. They spent years in custodypending legal hearings, but when one of them attacked a dog handler, authorities ordered them to be put down.


  7. The detention area and detention cells shall be established within the precinct of guard wall of the detention house.


  8. Zhang returned home from the detention center has become quiet, sleepy all day long.


  9. The government did not permit inspection of prisons or detention camps by human rights monitors.


  1. 地方看守所

    local gaol

  2. 建立一套看守所的反馈制度。

    D. Establish a feedback system of detention house.

  3. 看守所被羁押人员的心理管理

    Psychological Administration to Detained Persons in Watch House

  4. 看守所审前羁押情况调研报告

    Researching Report on Situation of Pretrial Detaining in House of Detention

  5. 监狱看守所手机屏蔽系统标准探讨

    Discussion on the Standard of Mobile Phone Screen System in Jails

  6. 看守所在押人员抑郁, 焦虑情绪调查

    Investigation of Depressed and Anxious Motion about Personnels in Custody Center

  7. 周日,是我在看守所的最后一夜。

    My last night in jail was a Sunday.

  8. 他被判在少年看守所关押八年。

    He was sentenced to eight years in youth custody.

  9. 他被判在少年看守所关押八年。

    He was sentenced to eight years in youth custody.

  10. 对监狱和看守所实施外围武装警戒。

    Posting peripheral armed guards at prisons and detention houses.

  11. 据说他被关在北京公安局看守所。

    It is believed that he was being held at the Beijing Public Security Bureau Detention House.

  12. 现在他在看守所,至少人是安全的。

    Now, at least he is safe in the detention center.

  13. 论看守所留所服刑罪犯脱逃的防范

    On the Prevention of Prisoner Escapes from Detention Houses

  14. 试论看守所狱内侦讯工作之拓展

    On Investigation and Interrogation Work in Jails

  15. 晋宁看守所和当地警方没有回答问询。

    The detention center and local police in Puning did not answer questions.

  16. 预计今天一位看守所所长将会上任。

    A caretaker boss is expected to be named today.

  17. 预计今天一位看守所所长将会上任。

    A caretaker boss is expected to be named today.

  18. 这与集中营的看守所面临的道德困境不同。

    It is not a similar moral dilemma to being a guard in a concentration camp.

  19. 被判处拘役的罪犯,由看守所执行刑罚。

    For a convict sentenced to criminal detention, the detention house shall execute the sentence.

  20. 事后,他及时向看守所报告了这一情况。

    Afterward, he reported this situation promptly to the lockup.

  21. 但是居我所知天主教的看守所和修道院。

    But, as far as I know, Catholic foster care and monasteries.

  22. 反映出看守所的物质生活条件亟需改善。

    From the paper, the material living condition should be improved.

  23. 谈看守所在押人员动态控制与事故的预防

    Trend Control of Prisoner in Detention House and Accident Prevention

  24. 所参观的警察局看守所羁押条件令人震惊。

    The conditions of detention in police cells visited were appalling.

  25. 第二部分真实反映了看守所减刑工作的真实情况。

    The second part reflects the real situation of the detention house's commuting sentences.

  26. 警察把罪犯用车押送到看守所。强行带走。押走。

    The police carted the criminals away to the lockup for prisoners.

  27. 此后,黄静被批准逮捕,在看守所度过了10个月。

    Hereafter, Huang Jing is authorized the arrest, passed for10 months in the lockup.

  28. 你能想像他太太让他在看守所蹲两个星期吗?

    Can you imagine his wife letting him stew in jail for two weeks

  29. 他刚从看守所出来就旧病复发,又开始偷东西了。

    He went back to his old trade of stealing after getting out of jail.

  30. 他刚从看守所出来就旧病复发,又开始偷东西了。

    He went back to his old trade of stealing after getting out of jail.


  1. 问:看守所拼音怎么拼?看守所的读音是什么?看守所翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所的读音是kānshǒusuǒ,看守所翻译成英文是 lockup; detention house; jail

  2. 问:看守所拘留拼音怎么拼?看守所拘留的读音是什么?看守所拘留翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所拘留的读音是kān shǒu suǒ jū liú,看守所拘留翻译成英文是 jail commitment

  3. 问:看守所检察拼音怎么拼?看守所检察的读音是什么?看守所检察翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所检察的读音是kānshǒusuǒjiǎnchá,看守所检察翻译成英文是 procuratorial work to the house of detention...

  4. 问:看守所监禁率拼音怎么拼?看守所监禁率的读音是什么?看守所监禁率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所监禁率的读音是kān shǒu suǒ jiān jìn lǜ,看守所监禁率翻译成英文是 jail confinement rate

  5. 问:看守所私营化拼音怎么拼?看守所私营化的读音是什么?看守所私营化翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所私营化的读音是kān shǒu suǒ sī yíng huà,看守所私营化翻译成英文是 privatization of jail

  6. 问:看守所工业协会拼音怎么拼?看守所工业协会的读音是什么?看守所工业协会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所工业协会的读音是kān shǒu suǒ gōng yè xié huì,看守所工业协会翻译成英文是 Jail Industries Association

  7. 问:看守所改革联盟拼音怎么拼?看守所改革联盟的读音是什么?看守所改革联盟翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所改革联盟的读音是kān shǒu suǒ gǎi gé lián méng,看守所改革联盟翻译成英文是 National Coalition for Jail Reform

  8. 问:看守所视察委员会拼音怎么拼?看守所视察委员会的读音是什么?看守所视察委员会翻译成英文是什么?

    答:看守所视察委员会的读音是kān shǒu suǒ shì chá wěi yuán huì,看守所视察委员会翻译成英文是 jail oversight committee