


1. 拉 [lā]2. 拉 [lá]拉 [lā]牵,扯,拽:~车。~网。~下马(喻使某人下台)。用车载运:~货。使延长:~延。~伸。排泄粪便:~屎。联络:~拢。~帮结伙。摧折:摧枯~朽。带领转移:把部队~出去。牵引乐器的某一部分使乐器发出声……







汉语拼音:lā yìng shǐ






  1. 比喻硬装清高。

    《红楼梦》第六回:“当日你们原是和 金陵 王 家连过宗的。二十年前,他们看承你们还好,如今是你们拉硬屎,不肯去就和他,才疏远起来。”




  1. 如今自然是你们拉硬屎,不肯去亲近他,故疏远起来

    Since then of course you've been too pigheaded to go near them, so that now you've drifted apart.

  2. 拉屎撒尿直译

    Piss and shit.

  3. 占着茅坑不拉屎

    be a dog in the manger

  4. 伙计们,我得拉屎去。

    Guys, I need to take a dump.

  5. 这些狗不断地拉屎。

    The dogs constantly make messes.

  6. 这一切拉屎舞台上。

    And that for all that shit on stage.

  7. 在草坪上拉屎的狗。

    a dog crapping on the lawn

  8. 不 当你拉屎的时候。

    No, when you take a shit.

  9. 狗刚在厨房拉屎了!

    The dog just pooped in the kitchen!

  10. 狗刚在厨房拉屎了!

    The dog just pooped in the kitchen!

  11. 为什么抽烟完就想拉屎?

    Why to smoke to think shit?

  12. 有人来我们家拉屎啊?

    Somebody comes and shits on my house

  13. 这样我就能正常拉屎了

    And I'll still be able to poop just fine?

  14. 一只小鸟在她腿上拉屎。

    A bird poops in her lap.

  15. 也没有教育好,到处拉屎撒尿。

    Without good education, she piddled everywhere in the room.

  16. 我可不会在我男人面前拉屎。

    I'm not gonna do it in front of my man.

  17. 她也许还会允许那奶牛拉屎。

    She might as well let the cow's crap in.

  18. 我在麦当劳拉屎 因为我是个淑女。

    I poop at McDonald's'cause I'm a lady.

  19. 苏珊,我这地方鸟不拉屎的。

    Susan, I am in the middle of nowhere.

  20. 有些官员只是占着茅坑不拉屎。

    There are some officials who are only the dogs in the manger.

  21. 噫!那些占著茅坑不拉屎的人。

    Alas!There are dogs in the manger.

  22. 额是有人往那个女人身上拉屎么?

    Ew is that woman being crapped on

  23. 这意味着什么, 我们可以一起约拉屎?

    And whats this shit about us meant to be together ?

  24. 约翰是个占着茅坑不拉屎的人。

    John is a dog in the manger.

  25. 让狗在人行道上拉屎是违法行为。

    It is an offence to let your dog foul a footpath.

  26. 他真是个占着茅坑不拉屎的人!

    What a dog in the manger he is!

  27. 那我拉屎要不要通知你啊,臭不臭要不要通知你啊?

    Would I let you know if I want to shit, and let you know whether it is smelly or not

  28. 叮叮当, 我好臭, 我刚拉屎在我裤子上。

    Jingle bell. Bad me smell. I just crap my pant.

  29. 它会制造噪音,撒尿拉屎,甚至生病呕吐。

    Instead, it makes noise, it pees, poos and barfs.

  30. 德希达将大便对拉屎的特权解构。

    Derrida Deconstruct the privileging of shit over crap.

