




1. 还 [huán]2. 还 [hái]还 [huán]回到原处或恢复原状:~乡。~俗。衣锦~乡。返老~童。回报别人对自己的行动。~手。~击。以眼~眼。以牙~牙。偿付:归~。偿~。~本。原物奉~。古同“环”,环绕。姓。还 [hái]依然,……



汉语拼音:kǎi hái






  1. 犹凯旋。胜利归来。

    宋 曾巩 《军功制三》:“夫军赏之行速,则众劝。是用进尔之秩以激士心,尚有不次之恩,以待凯还之喜。”《辽史·圣宗纪八》:“ 南京 留守 燕王 萧孝穆 以东征将士凯还,戎服见上,上大加宴劳。” 鲁迅 《坟·摩罗诗力说》:“而 修黎 遂以孤立,羣復加以排挤,使不可久留于人间,於是压制凯还, 修黎 以死,盖宛然 阿剌斯多 之殞于大漠也。”



  1. Mr Ma also called for greater technology transfer from wealthy nations, as envisaged under previous UN agreements.


  1. 课间休息时, 文凯还经常跟学生们一起做小游戏, 轻松一下。

    At class break, Kevin has also prepared some games for the students to play.

  2. 报道中,张凯还介绍了一些关于他在萨克拉门托的情况。

    Reports, Zhang also briefed on some of his Sacramento.

  3. 报道中,张凯还介绍了一些关于他在萨克拉门托得情况。

    Reports, Zhang also briefed on some of his Sacramento.

  4. 在见到凯先生以前,我们还有没有什么需要商量的?

    Is there anything else we need to talk about before meeting Kaye?

  5. 当我刚开始从事玫琳凯事业时, 我们还是一家小公司。

    When I began in Kay, we were a much smaller company.

  6. 我还嫉妒凯丽

    I was jealous of Callie.

  7. 还和凯思琳一起

    And with Kathryn.

  8. 我还是住凯悦吗

    Am I staying at the Hyatt again

  9. 凯瑟琳,你还在啊

    Oh, hi, Kathryn, you're still here?

  10. 还有约翰和凯思琳

    and John and Kathryn.

  11. 是关于我还是凯思琳

    Is it about me? Is it about Kathryn?

  12. 还有,是吧,凯思琳

    And, uhyeah. Right, Kathryn?

  13. 还有凯思琳的声音

    And Kathryn's voice?

  14. 那时候凯茜还没有搬走。

    At that time, Cathy had not removed.

  15. 我都还没和凯伦说

    I haven't quite told Karen yet.

  16. 凯莉你现在还觉得沮丧吗

    Kelly So, are you still feeling blue

  17. 我还没见过凯利呢。

    You know,I have never met Kelly.

  18. 还是说回到凯瑟琳吧。

    So back to Katherine.

  19. 还是说回到凯瑟琳吧。

    So back to Katherine.

  20. 凯思琳还说我什么了

    So what else does Kathryn say about me?

  21. 凯伦,怎么了,你还好吗?

    Karen, what happened? Are you OK?

  22. 谁会唱歌?艾达还是凯特。

    Who can sing songs, Ada or Kite.

  23. 凯特的头发是长的还是短的?

    Is Kate rs hair long or short?

  24. 谁会唱歌,艾达还是凯德?

    Mr WhiteWho can sing songs, Ada or Cade.

  25. 那凯特是否还和你联络?

    Pete's most famous'bird'was Kate Moss. Is he still in touch ?

  26. 综合绿叶沙拉还是凯撒沙拉呢?

    Mixed Greens or Caesar Salad?

  27. 你还在凯什曼服过刑?

    You did a stretch in Cashman too?

  28. 约翰,我刚还和凯思琳说

    John, I was just telling Kathryn that, uh.

  29. 今天凯迪还回了我的吉他

    Katy Brought My Guitar Back Today

  30. 你和爱达玲,凯利还有

    between you and Adalind and Kelly and.