


与客观事实相符合,与“假”、“伪”相对:~诚。~谛。~挚。~心。逼~。认~。~才实学。~知灼见。确实,的确:~好。~正。~切。清楚,显明:看得~。咬字很~。本性,本原:纯~。天~。人的肖像:传(chuán )~。写~。汉字的楷书:~字。~书……





汉语拼音:zhēn chún






  1. 真诚纯洁。

    元 刘因 《海南鸟》诗:“ 越 鸟羣飞朔漠滨,气机千古见真纯。” 瞿秋白 《赤都心史》三十:“况且谁也不保存自己抽象的真纯,--环境(亦许就是所谓“社会”)没有不生影响的。” 方志敏 《可爱的中国》:“一个青年学生的爱国,真有如一个青年姑娘初恋时那样的真纯入迷。”



  1. His suffering and death show both the sincerity of his belief and the truth of the message he proclaimed.


  2. I hope for a realm where all the brilliant palaces are built of fidelity and the freshness of air is kept by the purity of love.


  3. memory is the title page of a book coming, his face is quiet Fang shelves, is really Back to pure video.


  4. Birds do not sing in caves, nor do doves cherish their innocence in dovecotes.


  5. You see, the sincerity of our belief is directly proportional to our willingness to suffer.


  6. His ways are sure, His love is pure, and His thoughts are above our thoughts.


  7. they go after each other, flirt with each other, and touch each other, creating the purest and simplest love in their own ways.


  8. I love thee purely, as they turn form praise.


  9. Cheng, Xiaobei: "I respect those poets who are honest, innocent and conscientious. "


  1. 风吹草低见真纯

    The Pure Out With Grass Low After Breeze

  2. 她的心充溢着真纯的爱情。

    A heart whose love is innocent!

  3. 我喜欢这自制的柠檬水,味儿真纯!

    I like this homemade lemonade, it's real good!

  4. 鸟雀不会在洞内唱歌,白鸽不会在棚子里抚爱它们的真纯。

    Birds do not sing in caves, nor do doves cherish their innocence in dovecots.

  5. 这情可以是最真,最纯,最无私的。

    This feeling can be the true, most pure, most have no private.

  6. 平遥牛肉以其纯、真、鲜美名扬神洲。

    Pingyao beef in its pure, true, delicious famous Chau God.

  7. 这种情愫也就成了人世间至纯至真得缘分。

    This affair will become pure and to the true fate on earth.

  8. 最好的蜂蜜,最鲜的蜂王浆,最纯的蜂花粉,最真的蜂胶。

    The best honey, jelly of the most fresh, the most pure bee pollen, propolis most really.

  9. 真全纯映射

    proper holomorphic mapping.

  10. 真奇怪, 有得人大概总是动机不纯?

    Can't a fellow look beyond a tennis net without being out for something ?

  11. 真奇怪,有的人大概总是动机不纯?

    Can't a fellow look beyond a tennis net without being out for something ?

  12. 高纯硅微粉真密度的测定

    Determination of true density in high purity silica powder

  13. 到底是真孝子, 还是纯恶搞, 求出位?

    It is true dutiful son after all, pure still evil do, beg piece?

  14. 最好得蜂蜜, 最鲜得蜂王浆, 最纯得蜂花粉, 最真得蜂胶。

    The best honey, jelly of the most fresh, the most pure bee pollen, propolis most really.

  15. 这种情愫也就成了人世间至纯至真的缘分。

    This affair will become pure and to the true fate on earth.

  16. 研究了煮沸脱气测定高纯硅微粉真密度的方法。

    The determination of true density in high purity silica powder is studied by the method of boiling and taking off gas.

  17. 纯毛得衣服需要干洗,真麻烦。

    Clothes made of pure wool must be dry cleaned, its so troublesome.

  18. 纯毛的衣服需要干洗,真麻烦。

    Clothes made of pure wool must be dry cleaned, its so troublesome.

  19. 纯毛的衣服需要干洗,真麻烦。

    Clothes made of pure wool must be dry cleaned, its so troublesome.

  20. 共有六瓶单一纯麦威士忌,对我来说真的非常有纪念性!

    These 6 single malt whisky are exchanged by Mr. John Thiesen from Denmark.

  21. 这真是太方便了。顺便问一句, 里面的填充物是纯羽绒吗?

    That's really very convenient. the way, is the filling feather