







汉语拼音:cí liáo






  1. 应用医疗器械所产生的磁场作用进行治疗。




  1. The present invention can be used for making physiotherapy combining heat therapy, magnetic therapy and medication to cure various diseases.


  2. The present invention relates to a magnet therapeutic apparatus capable of providing magneto therapy far most scope of human body.


  3. This invention designs a magnetic therapeutic apparatus composed of two tapered massage devices with different magnetic poles.


  4. Magneto therapy, treatment of illness with magnetic current, has been extensively researched and the physiology of its benefits documented.


  5. A device for far IR physical therapy, thermotherapy, magnetic therapy, or pulse physical therapy is arranged on the physical therapy belt.


  6. The invention discloses a low-frequency magnetic therapy apparatus and a method for using the same.


  7. Having trouble remembering where you left your keys? Perhaps magnetic therapy is in your future.


  8. fixing with two kneading balls , six knocking hammers , and infrared magnetic therapy.


  9. When you are enjoying the ground heating, your health can also be cared by magnetic therapy and magnet supplement.


  1. 腧穴磁疗法

    acupoint magnetic therapy.

  2. 稀土磁疗项链

    rare earth magnetic necklace for medical treatment

  3. 单纯磁疗法

    single magnetic treatment.

  4. 穴位磁疗法

    magnetic therapy of points.

  5. 按摩磁疗器

    magnetic medical massaging apparatus.

  6. 低频磁疗机

    Low Frequency Magnetic Field Therapy Machine.

  7. 耳穴磁疗法

    auricular points magnetotherapy.

  8. 工频磁疗机

    industry frequency magnetic therapy unit.

  9. 超长波磁疗机

    ultralong wave magnetic therapeutic apparatus

  10. 椅式超长波磁疗机

    chair type ultra long wave magnetic therapeutic apparatus

  11. 软垫式超长波磁疗机

    mattress type ultra long wave magnetic therapeutic apparatus

  12. 磁疗对兔脑水肿影响的研究

    The study of magnetotherapy on the influence of brain edema in rabbits

  13. 磁疗效果, 消除打鼾, 提高深度睡眠。

    Eliminate snoring and improve deep sleep, with effects of magnetic therapy.

  14. 磁疗磁场分布测量及剂量表达方法

    Measurement of magnetic field distribution and expression of dosage in magnetic treatment

  15. 针刺超短波与磁疗治疗急性腰扭伤

    Needle prick ultrashort wave and magnetism treatment acute sprain

  16. 高频胸壁震荡磁疗通气的临床应用

    The clinical use of high frequency chest wall oscillating magnetic ventilation

  17. 脉冲磁疗对脊髓型颈椎病的疗效观察

    The effect of pulsed magnetic field on patients with cervical spondylotic myelopathy

  18. 磁疗用方片磁源空间磁场定量分析

    Quantification Analysis of Space Fields on Square Magnets Using for Magnetic Therapy

  19. 远红外线磁疗型颈椎牵引器的临床研究

    Clinical study on the cervical tractor of far infrared and magnetic type

  20. 同时具备磁疗远红外功能,消除酸痛。

    Simultaneously has the therapy far infrared function, eliminates is sore.

  21. 磁疗电磁耦合器设计及磁场空间分布研究

    Design and study in magnetic field distribution of electromagnetic coupling apparatus

  22. 脉冲磁疗按摩对血乳酸消除速率影响的研究

    Effects of Pulsed Magnetic Massage on the Rate of BLA Decreasing

  23. 浅静脉立体磁疗防护贴的设计与实用性研究

    Development of Stereo Magnetic Intravenous Infusion Dressing

  24. 磁疗排出人体珍珠形胆结石的红外光谱分析

    Infrared spectrum analysis on pearly gallstone discharged with TMF

  25. 磁疗对烫伤大鼠皮肤痛阈和创面愈合的影响

    Effect of rotating magnetic field on the pain threshold of scalded rats and their wound healing

  26. 耳穴磁疗及特定穴位治疗老年人失眠症临床评估

    To evaluate the effectiveness of a standardized protocol of auricular therapy using magnetic pearls on sleep promotion in the elderly

  27. 本实用新型涉及一种由电疗,磁疗和激光治疗仪。

    The utility model relates to a therapeutic instrument for electrotherapy, a magnetic therapy and a laser.

  28. 智能型高场强脉冲磁疗仪的研制及临床应用

    Development and clinical applications of intelligent type pulse magnetic treat instrument with high magnetic field strength

  29. 如果你得挤当你放下,你会发现一个积极差别磁疗法。

    If you get congested when you lay down, you will notice a positive difference with magnetic therapy.

  30. 骨伤磁疗贴是含极性静电场,不含其他任何药物,化学成分。

    The Bone Injures Magneto Remedy is a macromolecular membrance elecret including polar static electricity, free of any pharmachemical component, and on peculiar smell, no derelict.


  1. 问:磁疗拼音怎么拼?磁疗的读音是什么?磁疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:磁疗的读音是cíliáo,磁疗翻译成英文是 magnet therapy; magnetic therapy


