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1. 行 [háng]2. 行 [xíng]行 [háng]行列:字里~间。罗列成~。兄弟姐妹的次弟;排行:我~二,你~几?步行的阵列。量词。用于成行的东西:泪下两~。某些营业所:银~。花~。商行。行业:同~。各~各业。用长的针脚成行地连缀……
汉语拼音:chǒu xíng
三国 魏 曹植 《求自试表》:“夫自衒自媒者,士女之丑行也。” 唐 刘知几 《史通·曲笔》:“用舍由乎臆説,威福行乎笔端,斯乃作者之丑行,人伦所同疾也。” 清 赵翼 《瓯北诗话·李青莲诗》:“其下并以 妲己 、 褒姒 为比,甚至以 吕后 之私 审食其 、 秦后 之嬖 嫪毐 喻 杨妃 之淫秽,则更指斥丑行,毫无顾忌。”
And the revelations shook the company's confidence in its ability to win contracts without paying bribes.
丑行暴露,动摇了公司在不行贿的情况下赢得合同的信心。Song Qiao exposes Song Nian's past doings, causing him to suffer a stroke. Yu Chen is secretly relived.
宋乔当众揭发松年的丑行,松年因受打击而中风昏迷,予晨暗地里松一口气。the most scandalous charges were suppressed; the vicar of the Christ was only accused of piracy, murder, rape, sodomy, and incest.
最恶劣的的丑行被压制了下去,教皇的罪名仅仅是强盗、谋杀、强奸、同性恋和乱伦。British and American collusion in the pillaging of Iraq's heritage is a scandal that will outlive any passing conflict .
英美合谋抢掠伊拉克文化遗产丑行的影响异常深远,将超过任何其他短暂的冲突。These rascal and a disgrace to see the scandal and shame thinking, at the same time is to purify their souls.
对这些丑类与丑行的羞见与羞思,同时就是对自己灵魂的净化。the mnc ' s contacts in europe or underground in the capital , niamey , then inform the world via the group ' s website.
他们在欧洲或在首都尼亚美进行联络,然后通过组织的网站向全世界报道尼日尔的丑行。Enter, he said to me, and see the abominable evils which they are doing here.
祂又向我说:“你进去看一看他们在那里所做的穷凶极恶的丑行。”Shameful or disgraceful action, conduct, or character.
丑行,无耻行为耻辱的,不光彩的活动、行为或性格。Brian's role touches from the Cabazon Indian scandals to United Press International.