








汉语拼音:tuì chū








  1. 离开某种场合;脱离组织或活动。

    《三国演义》第三十回:“可速退出,今后不许相见。”《红楼梦》第五四回:“ 贾母 等都説道:‘你们去罢,他们倒便宜些呢。’ 贾珍 等方退出。” 赵树理 《李有才板话》九:“果然有几个人听了这话,去找 小明 要退出农救会。”如:退出会场;退出战斗;退出竞选。

  2. 把已经取得的东西交出来。

    赵树理 《李有才板话》八:“咱们要斗争他们,就要叫 恒元 退出押地,退出多收的租米。”



  1. The executive body of this Convention shall regularly publicize the name list of members that join or drop out of this Convention.


  2. It was also agreed that he would be allowed to retire from the voyage whenever he liked.


  3. I remembered one of his lessons one night when I was ready to quit a political campaign I was losing, and wrote about it in my diary.


  4. At least one of the columns must be uncollapsed . Exit the print dialog and readjust your column widths .


  5. Mr Kirchner has hinted that he will run for president again in 2011. By then Argentines may want to see the back of him.


  6. Add in a clause that allows you both to exit out of this project up to a certain point if the collaboration is not working.


  7. Although her disease has affected her eyesight and forced her to the sidelines of the dance floor, she refuses to fall into self-pity.


  8. "It was hard enough for Bain to enter this investment, but imagine how much harder an exit could be, " said one private equity dealmaker.


  9. She has tried to talk her old friends out of compensated dating, but they are not listening, she said.


  1. 退出联合国

    to secede from the UN

  2. 退出俱乐部

    to abdicate from the club

  3. 我退出了。

    I quit.

  4. 因此他退出。

    So he quit.

  5. 我申请退出

    And I gotta bail.

  6. 退出共和党

    to bolt the Republicans

  7. 进货退出帐

    returned purchases account

  8. 她退出团体

    detached herself from the group.

  9. 退出新闻工作

    withdraw from newspaper work

  10. 产业退出壁垒

    industrial withdrawal barrier.

  11. 退出总统竞选

    Drop out of the presidential race

  12. 磨头退出槽

    honing clearance grooves.

  13. 要么加入,要么退出。

    You're either in,or you're out.

  14. 退出并签封。

    Exit and sign out v.

  15. 要么加入,要么退出。

    You're either in, or you're out.

  16. 艾米退出了

    Amy dropped out and I think.

  17. 南非退出英联邦

    South Africa withdraws from the Commonwealth

  18. 然后我退出了。

    And I quit.

  19. 他们要退出了

    They want to get out.

  20. 首先,贝退出了

    Well, first, Bay quit.

  21. 他决定退出竞

    He decided to bolt the ticket.

  22. 我会退出诉讼

    I'm gonna back out of the lawsuit.

  23. 你得主动退出

    you need to be the one to back off.

  24. 她退出了团体。

    She is detached from the group.

  25. 他已退出内阁。

    He has resigned from the Cabinet.

  26. 饭后妇女们退出。

    After dinner the ladies withdrew.

  27. 匈牙利退出二战

    Hungary drops out of the Second World War

  28. 退出什么,音乐剧

    Of what? The musical. Um.

  29. 参与可以退出吗

    Can I withdraw from Participating

  30. 是否要退出安装

    Are you sure you want to exit Setup.


  1. 问:退出拼音怎么拼?退出的读音是什么?退出翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出的读音是tuìchū,退出翻译成英文是 leave; go away

  2. 问:退出某事拼音怎么拼?退出某事的读音是什么?退出某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出某事的读音是Tuìchū mǒushì,退出某事翻译成英文是 to back out of something

  3. 问:退出方拼音怎么拼?退出方的读音是什么?退出方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出方的读音是tuì chū fāng,退出方翻译成英文是 withdrawing party

  4. 问:退出点拼音怎么拼?退出点的读音是什么?退出点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出点的读音是tuì chū diǎn,退出点翻译成英文是 exit point

  5. 问:退出码拼音怎么拼?退出码的读音是什么?退出码翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出码的读音是tuì chū mǎ,退出码翻译成英文是 exit code

  6. 问:退出费拼音怎么拼?退出费的读音是什么?退出费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出费的读音是tuì chū fèi,退出费翻译成英文是 withdrawal fee

  7. 问:退出键拼音怎么拼?退出键的读音是什么?退出键翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出键的读音是,退出键翻译成英文是 Esc key

  8. 问:退出使用拼音怎么拼?退出使用的读音是什么?退出使用翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出使用的读音是tuì chū shǐ yòng,退出使用翻译成英文是 Withdrawn from Use

  9. 问:退出动作拼音怎么拼?退出动作的读音是什么?退出动作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出动作的读音是tuì chū dòng zuò,退出动作翻译成英文是 exit action

  10. 问:退出安装拼音怎么拼?退出安装的读音是什么?退出安装翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出安装的读音是tuì chū ān zhuāng,退出安装翻译成英文是 exit setup

  11. 问:退出帮助拼音怎么拼?退出帮助的读音是什么?退出帮助翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出帮助的读音是tuì chū bāng zhù,退出帮助翻译成英文是 quit help

  12. 问:退出循环拼音怎么拼?退出循环的读音是什么?退出循环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出循环的读音是tuì chū xún huán,退出循环翻译成英文是 Out-of-Cycle

  13. 问:退出战斗拼音怎么拼?退出战斗的读音是什么?退出战斗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出战斗的读音是tuì chū zhàn dòu,退出战斗翻译成英文是 Withdraw from an Action

  14. 问:退出指令拼音怎么拼?退出指令的读音是什么?退出指令翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出指令的读音是tuì chū zhǐ lìng,退出指令翻译成英文是 exit instruction

  15. 问:退出正文拼音怎么拼?退出正文的读音是什么?退出正文翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出正文的读音是tuì chū zhèng wén,退出正文翻译成英文是 exiting text

  16. 问:退出注册拼音怎么拼?退出注册的读音是什么?退出注册翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出注册的读音是tuì chū zhù cè,退出注册翻译成英文是 sign out

  17. 问:退出状态拼音怎么拼?退出状态的读音是什么?退出状态翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出状态的读音是tuì chū zhuàng tài,退出状态翻译成英文是 exit status

  18. 问:退出终端拼音怎么拼?退出终端的读音是什么?退出终端翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出终端的读音是tuì chū zhōng duān,退出终端翻译成英文是 quitting terminal

  19. 问:退出菜单拼音怎么拼?退出菜单的读音是什么?退出菜单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出菜单的读音是tuì chū cài dān,退出菜单翻译成英文是 escape menu

  20. 问:退出该区拼音怎么拼?退出该区的读音是什么?退出该区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:退出该区的读音是tuì chū gāi qū,退出该区翻译成英文是 Out of Area



“退出”是个多义词,它可以指退出(浅小寒热门单曲), 退出(电脑程序术语), 退出(刘惜君单曲), 退出(刘惜君演唱歌曲), 退出(汉语词语)。