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1. 缴 [jiǎo]2. 缴 [zhuó]缴 [jiǎo]交纳,交付:~付。~销。~款。~纳。迫使交付:~械。~获。缠绕,扭转:“只一~,那后生的棒丢在一边”。缴 [zhuó]系在箭上的丝绳:“一心以为有鸿鹄将至,思援弓~而射之”。……
汉语拼音:jiǎo nà
宋 王明清 《玉照新志》卷三:“﹝ 何兑 ﹞以所作行状缴纳,乞付史馆立传。” 清 吴炽昌 《客窗闲话初集·沉竹楼》:“﹝ 沉竹楼 ﹞遣僕从将帑金缴纳。” 叶圣陶 《潘先生在难中》:“他缴纳会费愿做会员;又宣称自己的学校房屋还宽阔,也愿意作为妇女收容所,到万一的时候收容妇女。”
Article 53. A fine is to be paid in a lump sum or in installments within the period specified in the judgment.
第五十三条罚金在判决指定的期限内一次或者分期缴纳。Right now, there's a big debate taking place in Washington that will affect how much you pay in taxes next year.
此时此刻,华盛顿正在进行一场大规模的辩论,它将影响明年你们会缴纳多少税额。Conversely, if the purchase of the rights to own public key quantifiable terms, that he has no reason not to pay management fees physics?
反过来,如果购房者对自己拥有公共部位的权益可以量化计算,那他有什么理由不缴纳物理管理费呢?The ratio of the Renminbi deposit reserve shall be worked out in the same way as that of the foreign currency reserve.
缴纳人民币存款准备金的计算方法与缴纳外币存款准备金的计算方法相同。There was a time when the owners of shops and businesses in Chicago had to pay large sums of money to gangsters in return for "protection" .
以前曾有一个时期。芝加哥的商店主人和企业老板都得向当地的歹徒缴纳一大笔钱以取得保护。If a criminal sentenced to a fine fails to pay the fine within the time limit, the People's Court shall compel him to pay.
第二百一十九条被判处罚金的罪犯,期满不缴纳的,人民法院应当强制缴纳;Admittedly, as an online outfit Amazon does not pay sales tax in American states where it has no physical presence.
必须承认,作为在线零售的亚马逊由于并没有实体店,所以它无需缴纳营业税。It can access every bit of information it needs to determine how much money you should be sending on April 15.
它可以访问你的每一点信息,以确定你应该在4月15日缴纳多少钱。The only thing is it will cost the Thai taxpayer quite a bit of money and Thai rice will be more expensive on the domestic market.