




1. 尺 [chǐ]2. 尺 [chě]尺 [chǐ]中国市制长度单位(亦称“市尺”。一尺等于十寸。西汉时一尺等于0.231米,今三尺等于一米):~素(a.一尺长的白绢,借指小画幅;b.书信)。~短寸长。~牍。量长度的器具:竹~。像尺的东西……



汉语拼音:zhǐ chǐ








  1. 周 制八寸为咫,十寸为尺。谓接近或刚满一尺。

    唐 柳宗元 《石渠记》:“渠之广,或咫尺,或倍尺。”

  2. 形容距离近。

    《左传·僖公九年》:“天威不违颜咫尺。”《淮南子·道应训》:“终日行不离咫尺,而自以为远,岂不悲哉!” 唐 牟融 《寄范使君》诗:“未秋为别已终秋,咫尺 娄江 路阻修。” 明 都穆 《都公谭纂》卷下:“天昏黑,咫尺莫辨。” 冰心 《寄小读者》十五:“她们乡关咫尺,却因病抛离父母、亲爱的人。”

  3. 形容地方狭小。

    《战国策·赵策二》:“ 舜 无咫尺之地,以有天下。” 唐 张祜 《题王右丞山水障》诗之二:“咫尺江湖尽,寻常鸥鸟飞。” 清 厉鹗 《东城杂记·自馀轩》:“虽达官右族,曾不得咫尺园林,可以游目而憇足。”

  4. 形容微小;不足道。

    《战国策·秦策五》:“虽有高世之名,无咫尺之功者不赏。”《史记·游侠列传序》:“今拘学或抱咫尺之义,久孤於世,岂若卑论儕俗,与世沉浮而取荣名哉!” 清 钱谦益 《太仆寺制》之十九:“盖诚奇伟倜儻之人,岂曰匹夫咫尺之行。”

  5. 形容时间短暂。

    宋 晁补之 《芳仪怨》诗:“寧知翻手明朝事,咫尺人生不可期。” 元 马谦斋 《沉醉东风·自悟》曲:“人我场慢争优劣,免使傍人做话説,咫尺韶华去也。”《新华文摘》1981年第11期:“他几次想说出真情……可是话到舌边卡住了,咫尺间,他失去了最后的勇气。”



  1. Meanwhile, a defiant Mr Gbagbo, holed up in the presidential palace a stone's throw away from his rival, clings tenaciously to power.


  2. The smell got stronger. She could sense a presence, only a few feet in front of her on the carpet.


  3. It seemed that both God and Buddha spread the same splendor and blessing to this piece of land, making it so much admired.


  4. The Century Park, Oriental Art Centre and Shanghai Technology Museum are within a close reach and 2010 Expo Park is just around the corner.


  5. Anyone can be similar to you or different from you depending on which aspects you focus on.


  6. Sometime the wind would be not past two yards broad, and so it would carry the snow as far as I could see.


  7. Aesthetics in Chinese Poetry "right close thousands of miles, " "mustard Sumeru" is an important aesthetic evaluation criteria.


  8. "The windows are floor-to-ceiling, and your bed is one meter from the sand, " he said.


  9. Even though it was a very short distance graph has miles of the landscape of the momentum majestic.


  1. 还是相隔咫尺的邻居?

    Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?

  2. 还是相隔咫尺的邻居?

    Or how about a neighbor that lives a few feet away?

  3. 相隔千里,如在咫尺。

    When you think of a friend the miles between you disappear.

  4. 初恋和性爱只有咫尺差距。

    First crush and sex are miles and miles apart.

  5. 因为你知道, 咫尺就是天涯。

    For those near to you are distant, you say.

  6. 那么自由就咫尺可及了。

    It was only a short flight to freedom.

  7. 咫尺天涯,无论你身在何方。

    Near, far, wherever you are.

  8. 我们曾经在一起, 如今却咫尺天涯

    We were so close but yet so far now

  9. 咫尺之隔,竟成海天之遥。

    Who would have expected that the short distance between us should be keeping us poles apart!

  10. 天涯原咫尺, 到处可逢君。

    World is but a little place, after all.

  11. 天涯原咫尺, 此地又逢君。

    The world is but a little place, after all.

  12. 天涯原咫尺, 何处不相逢。

    The world is but a little place, after all.

  13. 无论我们相距咫尺,还是远隔天涯。

    Whether we are near each other or at the ends of the earch.

  14. 咫尺天涯皆有缘, 此情温暖人间!

    There are lot whether within meters or far in the distance, this feeling warms the world.

  15. 对我来说, 只有咫尺之遥了。

    For me, this is about as close as it gets.

  16. 很享受能跟她相距咫尺的感觉。

    just enjoying her presence.

  17. 他们认为幸福就在咫尺之遥处。

    They think happiness is an inch away.

  18. 当你需要时, 爱就近在咫尺。

    Love is there if you want it to be.

  19. 我们真的离冠军只有咫尺之遥。

    We are getting really close to becoming champions.

  20. 离机场咫尺之遥的旅馆, 很快。

    A stone's throw away from the airport, out of which, shortly after.

  21. 涯咫尺, 无爱咫尺天涯, 爱, 到底需要多少理由?

    There's no love, love, love the world is but a little place, what need much reason?

  22. 当我想起你, 相隔千里, 如在咫尺。

    When I think of you the miles between us disappear.

  23. 当我想到你, 相隔千里, 如在咫尺。

    When I think of you the miles between us disappear.

  24. 触手可及只是假象 咫尺天涯才是箴意。

    The tentacle may and be only a pseudomorph, unbearable admonishes Italy.

  25. 让你的爱情看到我吧, 虽然相隔咫尺。

    Let your love see me even through the barrier of nearness.

  26. 让你的爱情看到我吧,尽管相隔咫尺。

    Let your love see me even through the barrier of nearness.

  27. 底特律至多伦多的距离仅咫尺之遥

    Its only a short haul from Detroit to Toledo.

  28. 有志始知蓬莱近,无为总觉咫尺远。

    A successful man wouldn't had been successful if he is lazy and afraid of difficulties.

  29. 可实际上迩与太阳扫射的光芒确是咫尺天涯。

    May in fact the ray which strafes with the sun really be unbearable.

  30. 这个小镇距海港码头咫尺之遥, 举步即达。

    The town is steps away from the dock of the harbor.


  1. 问:咫尺拼音怎么拼?咫尺的读音是什么?咫尺翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咫尺的读音是zhǐchǐ,咫尺翻译成英文是 the immediate vicinity

  2. 问:咫尺天涯拼音怎么拼?咫尺天涯的读音是什么?咫尺天涯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:咫尺天涯的读音是zhǐchǐtiānyá,咫尺天涯翻译成英文是 so near and yet so far



“咫尺”是个多义词,它可以指咫尺(配音角色), 咫尺(词语概念)。