


1. 哪 [nǎ]2. 哪 [něi]3. 哪 [na]4. 哪 [né]哪 [nǎ]疑问词,后面跟名词或数量词,表示要求在所问范围中有所确定:~样。~里(a.什么地方。b.用于反问句,表示否定,如“我~~知道?”“他~~笨啊?”c.谦辞,……





汉语拼音:nǎ yàng







  1. I usually pull the old trick of answering a question with a question. My reply is usually, "is it time for you to earn or to learn? "


  2. Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill? " But they remained silent.


  3. I do not know which to prefer, The beauty of inflections Or the beauty of innuendoes, The blackbird whistling Or just after.


  4. Then Jesus said to them, "I ask you, which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to destroy it? "


  5. 4Then Jesus asked them, "Which is lawful on the Sabbath: to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill? "


  6. If the relationship is strong enough, as the lover wishes it to be, it should sustain this measure.


  7. No matter what artistic skill you want to learn, you have to be ready to learn it for a long time.


  8. When you are going to do a miracle for an ignorant race, you want to get in every detail that will count.


  9. Compare to the time you spend on exercise and playing digital game in daily, which one occupied most of your time?


  1. 哪样,真的

    Like what? No, no, really.

  2. 那是哪样的

    Then what is it?

  3. 你要哪样颜色的?

    What colour do you want?

  4. 你挑选哪样颜色都行。

    You can choose any colour you like.

  5. 这三样东西哪样最贵?

    Which of the three cost most?

  6. 有咖啡或茶。你喜欢哪样?

    There's coffee or tea. Which would you prefer?

  7. 够了,我要先做哪样啊

    Stop. Who do I see first?

  8. 有牛奶也有奶油你喜欢哪样

    There is milk and cream do you have a preference

  9. 爱人和被人爱哪样更好?

    Is is better to be loved or the loved one?

  10. 到底哪样会更好。噢,是的。

    Which would have been fine if it had worked. oh, well.

  11. 真可笑。我不知道哪样更悲哀。

    It's funny. I'm not sure which is sadder.

  12. 去幼儿园和跟我在家待着哪样

    To go to a kindergarten or to stay home with me

  13. 有没有哪样东西是你特别想买的?

    Is there one specific item you want?

  14. 假如你非得做其中的一样,你喜欢做哪样?

    Suppose you have to do one of the two, which do you prefer?

  15. 没有人会这么说,谁会像她哪样说女儿?

    How can anyone say that, that they don't have a daughter?

  16. 团队一起劳动和孤单干哪样效率更高?

    Do you work better in teams by yourself ?

  17. 你情愿做哪样, 看电影呢还是下馆子?

    Which would you rather do, go to the cinema or go for a meal?

  18. 因为他们完全不知道哪样产品会大卖,哪样不会。

    Because they have no idea what's going to work and what's not.

  19. 对比学习和家庭哪样你会放更多时间?

    Compare to Study and family, which one you will spend more time?

  20. 下面哪样是最值得令人钦佩的人生目标?

    Which of the following is the MOST admirable life goal

  21. 下面哪样是最不值得人钦佩的人生目标?

    Which of the following is the LEAST admirable life goal?

  22. 哪样,因为一个女生吻了我男友生气吗

    Like what? Like, mad because some girl kissed my boyfriend?

  23. 很少有哪样产品是在哪一个国家制造的。

    Rarely is any one product made in any one country.

  24. 你挑选哪样颜色都行。颜色的选择不是很理想。

    You can choose any colour you like. your choice of colors was unfortunate; you can take your pick.

  25. 我们都开始怀疑到底你爱哪样多一些写作还是板球?

    We were beginning to wonder which is your hobby, writing or cricket.

  26. 虽然这事从没发生过,不过哪样的话我一定很失望

    Although it never happen, bu if happen, I will fell dispair

  27. 有哪样工作是你拿不到报酬也会愿意去做的?

    What useful endeavor would you pursue even if you didn't get paid for doing it?

  28. 不知哪样更迫害?是你的离开,还是我配不上你的无奈。

    I can't figure out what hurts more, you leaving me or the thought that Iwasn't good enough for you.

  29. 在歌曲里提及过的工作中,你最想长大了后做哪样?

    Which of the jobs from the song would you like to do when you grow up?


  1. 问:哪样拼音怎么拼?哪样的读音是什么?哪样翻译成英文是什么?

    答:哪样的读音是nǎyàng,哪样翻译成英文是 what kind; whatever