


仰,高抬:~首。~然。高,贵:~贵。价~。情绪高:~扬。高~。~藏(cáng )(形容人的仪表雄伟,气宇不凡的样子)。~奋。气~~。……




笔直,突出:笔~。~进。~拔。~立。~秀。~括(guā)(衣服、衣料等平整)。~劲(jìng )。伸直,凸出:~直。~起腰。支撑:~节(坚持节操)。很:~好。~香。量词,用于挺直物:一~机关枪。……





汉语拼音:áng shǒu tǐng xīong








  • 【解释】:抬起头,挺起胸膛。形容斗志高,士气旺。
  • 【出自】:欧阳予情《小英姑娘》:“她伸开两手昂首挺胸,狂了似的往外跑。”
  • 【示例】:个个视死如归,坚贞不屈,~站在那里。王之燕同志领头高呼起口号。
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,用于人的精神状态


  1. Walk tall and proud. walk as if you've got somewhere to go and you need to be there now, never run just walk tall and quickly.


  2. As I pulled up to the gates in a hired minibus, two armed guards straightened their backs and saluted.


  3. And I just wanted them to be able to hold their head up after a game .


  4. I used to be ashamed of this childish habit but now I can hold my head up and twiddle with impunity.


  5. He like this kind of felling which raise head to stick out chest, feel oneself to live be like a men.


  6. She was very proud, and even strutted as she walked, because she had a "mane" now.


  7. Saw a flash light down the dark, vague actors can see heads held high, stepped onto the stage with confidence.


  8. But as he struts and sashays across the stage he's hardly the hobbling, pathetic figure of lore.


  9. for in the end the slave was freed, the Union restored, and the mighty American Republic placed once more as a helmeted queen among nations.


  1. 他昂首挺胸, 站得笔直。

    He pulled himself up to his full height.

  2. 他们昂首挺胸地走进了会场。

    They held their heads high when they walked into the meeting hall.

  3. 当你非常自信时,你会昂首挺胸。

    You will puff one's chest out when you are full of confidence.

  4. 另外, 昂首挺胸站著的人更迷人。

    As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.

  5. 另外,昂首挺胸站着的人更迷人。

    As an aside, people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.

  6. 昂首挺胸地走在奔三的康庄大道上!

    High spiritedly walking on the way to 30.

  7. 她勉力昂首挺胸, 不理会人家的闲言碎语。

    She managed to hold her head high and ignore what people were saying.

  8. 从他那里我学会昂首挺胸,为自己骄傲。

    From him I learned to stand up tall, to be proud of who I am.

  9. 我希望我的孩子,作为美国人,能够昂首挺胸。

    I want my children to be able to hold their heads high as Americans.

  10. 站有站相,坐有坐相,时刻保持昂首挺胸的姿态。

    Stand up, sit up, and keep your head up.

  11. 英武的个个昂首挺胸,双手高举,直指天空。

    the valiant warrior kings, with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven.

  12. 英武的战士,个个昂首挺胸,双手高举,直指天空

    the valiant warrior kings,with head and hands boldly uplifted in the sight of heaven

  13. 让我们祝愿他们能够永远昂首挺胸,阔步走向更美的未来!

    We hope they can walk to the beautiful future with their heads high forever.

  14. 而我只是想他们在每次打完比赛之后 都能够昂首挺胸。

    And I just wanted them to be able to hold their head up after a game.

  15. 当你遭遇挫折时,你将有能力昂首挺胸力挽狂澜。

    It was time to get started, but will the love last?

  16. 玛丽昂首挺胸, 似乎十分骄傲。

    Mary flung back her head and seemed very proud.

  17. 她抬头挺胸。

    Her head was erect and her back was straight.

  18. 他让孩子挺胸坐直。

    He made the children sit bolt upright.

  19. 像战士一样挺胸收腹, 年轻人!

    Pull yourselves in there, young men, look like soldiers.

  20. 收腹 挺胸, 肩往后, 抬起头。

    Stomach in, chest out, shoulder back, head out.

  21. 要牢记,目视前方,挺胸,提臀。

    Remember, eyes forward, shoulders back, hips square.

  22. 她抬头挺胸,鼻孔朝天地走。

    She walked with her shoulders back and her nose pointing skyward.

  23. 然后她挺挺胸, 打起精神上楼去。

    Then she squared her shoulders and started up the stairs.

  24. 我的头脑沉重无比,我试着抬头挺胸。

    My brain's dead weight, I'm tryin'to get my head straight.

  25. 我得头脑沉重无比,我试着抬头挺胸。

    My brain's dead weight, I'm tryin'to get my head straight.

  26. 他挺胸顶着波浪大步走进海里。

    He strode into the ocean, breasting the waves.

  27. 他们带来工作机会,我们能挺胸做人了。

    And they offer us jobs so we can hold our heads up high.

  28. 然后, 我们将以这个世界主人的身份昂首挺立。

    Garrosh Hellscream yells Then we will stand astride this world as its masters.

  29. 似乎可验证的驱向性驱使人抬头挺胸。

    It would seem that a veritable tropism impels people to keep their heads held high.

  30. 可是这些勇敢的股民们,却都一窝蜂的在里面昂首挺进。

    However, these bold investors make a lot of blindfold investment on it.


