




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:qián shēn







  1. 佛教语。犹前生。

    《晋书·羊祜传》:“ 祜 年五岁,时令乳母取所弄金环,乳母曰:‘汝先无此物。’ 祜 即诣邻人 李氏 东垣桑树中探得之。主人惊曰:‘此吾亡儿所失物也,云何持去!’乳母具言之, 李氏 悲惋。时人异之,谓 李氏 子则 祜 之前身也。” 唐 白居易 《昨日复今辰》诗:“所经多故处,却想似前身。”《红楼梦》第一○三回:“离别来十九载,面色如旧,必是修炼有成,未肯将前身説破。” 王仲荦 《魏晋南北朝史》第十章第二节:“ 陶弘景 虽然是道教徒,但他晚年宣扬自己前身是佛教中的 胜力菩萨 投胎下凡来渡众生的。”参见“ 前生 ”。

  2. 指事物演变中原来的组织形态或名称。

    毛泽东 《论联合政府》四:“农民--这是 中国 工人的前身。” 巴金 《家》六:“只要能够买到的他们都买了,甚至《新青年》的前身《青年杂志》也被那个老店员从旧书堆里检了出来送到他们的手里。” 马南邨 《燕山夜话·北京劳动群众最早的游行》:“当时煤窑的出现毕竟是一种新鲜事物,那些窑主们毕竟是后来的资产阶级的前身,那些窑工们也毕竟是后来的无产阶级的前身。”

  3. 上衣、袍子等前面的部分。



  1. Officials said the new body was taking on the same mandate and activities, as well as the name.


  2. The company formerly known as the "Xi'an Securities Financial Service Center" , attached to the Xi'an City Department of Finance.


  3. The Club was christened 'Dial Square' by David Danskin, a few weeks after the Scot had founded what was to become Arsenal Football Club.


  4. The bear was tagged before it was released, to show that it had been causing trouble.


  5. The project, known as Hepburn Wind, grew out of a campaign by a few devotees to educate people about clean energy.


  6. She was last seen wearing a black T- shirt , a green short skirt and a pair of black slippers .


  7. Training is everything: the peach is once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with college education.


  8. Barely a year after she set up the FI Group, later called Xansa, she gave birth to her only child, Giles.


  9. The progenitor was comparatively easy to find because it was one of the brightest stars in the host galaxy.


  1. 衬布与前身相同。

    Using interfacing as for the jacket front.

  2. 炮前身的震动

    the thrill of the chase

  3. 前身中间褶裥暗拉链裙

    zipper fly front skirt

  4. 天文学的前身是占星术。

    Astronomy inherits from astrology.

  5. 赤卫队是红军名称的前身。

    The Red Guards was the previous name for the Red Army.

  6. 前身钉钮无袖外长衣

    button front jumper

  7. 儒略历是公历的前身。

    The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar.

  8. 这就是暴风影音的前身。

    The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.

  9. 油炸面团是甜甜圈的前身。

    The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

  10. 油炸面团是甜甜圈的前身。

    The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

  11. 国共联盟的前身从此诞生。

    A formal GMDCCP alliance is established.

  12. 这些军团们构建了我的前身。

    These legions are among my antecedents.

  13. 其前身为货运物流限公司。

    Formerly known as Forwarding and Logistics Limited.

  14. 治安委员会前身为学员荣誉委员会。

    The Vigilance Committee was the forerunner of the Cadet Honor Committee.

  15. 它就是利伯维尔的前身。

    It is the predecessor of Libreville.

  16. 这座博物馆的前身是一座宫殿。

    This museum used to be a palace.

  17. 这座博物馆的前身是一座宫殿。

    This museum used to be a palace.

  18. 这座博物馆得前身是一座宫殿。

    This museum used to be a palace.

  19. 那时不叫二野, 是二野的前身。

    At that time our forces were the predecessors of the Second Field Army.

  20. 北夫余是高句丽的前身。

    Bukbuyeo was the predecessor of Goguryeo.

  21. 这就是暴风影音得前身。

    The predecessor that this is windstorm image sound.

  22. 油炸面团是甜甜圈得前身。

    The doughboy was a predecessor of the doughnut.

  23. 这些军团们构建了我得前身。

    These legions are among my antecedents.

  24. 这个大学的前身是女子师范学校。

    This university grew out of the Women's Normal school.

  25. 一个修订也可以有多个前身。

    A revision can have multiple predecessors, too.

  26. 乡村音乐毫无疑问是摇滚乐的前身。

    Country music was unquestionably one of the forerunners of rock'n'roll.

  27. 现在你看看我!只剩下前身的灵魂

    Now, look at me! I am nothing but a ghost of my former self.

  28. 那时不叫二野,是二野得前身。

    At that time our forces were the predecessors of the Second Field Army.

  29. 它是联合国的前身 国际联盟所在地。

    It was home to the League of Nations, the predecessor of the United Nations.

  30. 战略服务办公室是中情局的前身。

    The Office of Strategic Service was the precursor of the CIA.


  1. 问:前身拼音怎么拼?前身的读音是什么?前身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前身的读音是qiánshēn,前身翻译成英文是 previous existence

  2. 问:前身细胞拼音怎么拼?前身细胞的读音是什么?前身细胞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前身细胞的读音是qián shēn xì bāo,前身细胞翻译成英文是 precursory cell

  3. 问:前身部联胎拼音怎么拼?前身部联胎的读音是什么?前身部联胎翻译成英文是什么?

    答:前身部联胎的读音是qián shēn bù lián tāi,前身部联胎翻译成英文是 emprosthozygosis




