


罩在外面的东西:褥~。手~。外~。加罩:~裤。~袖。重叠的:~版。~耕。~种(zhòng )。装在衣物里的棉絮:被~。同类事物合成的一组:一~制服。~路。~数。~曲。配~。模拟,照做:~用。~语。生搬硬~。用绳子等做成的环:牲口~。圈~(喻……





汉语拼音:tào lì






  1. His conclusion was that "the lack of a comprehensive design is clear" , and that the structure encouraged regulatory arbitrage.


  2. Finally I ended up as an arbitrage trader in New York but in my free time I continued to work on my philosophy.


  3. All that suggests the euro will retain its status as a funding currency for carry trades, reducing any chance of a bounce.


  4. Many expect merger-arbitrage funds to deliver even stronger returns over the next few months once more deals reach a conclusion.


  5. The fact that tax arbitrage was at its height during boom times also raises the question of just how real were banking profits.


  6. The carry trade appears to have been squeezed out of the system by about late November, when the yen and the Vix halted their joint ascent.


  7. The kind of regulatory and tax arbitrage that small countries once profited from is now subject to an international crackdown.


  8. That means it is very difficult to see a situation of high oil prices and low coal prices, it is all arbitraged out.


  9. "The fact that business is coming here is not a question of regulatory arbitrage: it's a question of growth and opportunity. "


  1. 直接套利。两地套汇

    direct arbitrage

  2. 套利定价理论的实证研究

    A Positive Study on the Pricing Theory with Straddle

  3. 这将会产生次生的风险监管规则套利。

    That would create a second risk, regulatory arbitrage.

  4. 跌时你多买进,趁回升时卖掉套利。

    For example, you buy more stocks when the market drops and you sell them for profits when the prices recover.

  5. 新创造的股本往往被用来在全球企业之间套利。

    Newly created equity tends to be arbitraged across global businesses.

  6. 套利策略中期现套利的关键是构建目标指数的现货组合。

    Therefore it is important to make a spot portfolio which can trace the index.

  7. 那么,期货现货之间怎么会有如此大得套利空间呢

    Then, between the spot futures how we have so much room for arbitrage

  8. 套利赌注必须提供一个平等的利润,如果输或赢的马。

    The arbitrage bet must provide an equal profit if the horse wins or loses.

  9. 最后,比较预估溢价套利收益和套利成本。

    Finally, the comparison estimated premium income arbitrage and hedging costs.

  10. 时间差套利

    time spread.

  11. 套利的掮客

    an arbitrage broker.

  12. 日元套利交易

    Yen carry trade

  13. 套利机会非常巨大。

    The arbitrage opportunity is enormous.

  14. 我稱之為環境套利交易

    I call this environmental arbitrage.

  15. 这就是所谓的套利。

    That is interest arbitrage in practice.

  16. 套利与记账单位的关系

    The Relation of Arbitrage and Numeraire

  17. 如何以股价指数期货套利

    How to Arbitrage with Stock Index Futures

  18. 信息套利就是我们的职责。

    Information arbitrage is our business.

  19. 你知道如何进行套利交易?

    Do you know how to make money with arbitrage trading ?

  20. 这就是套利的一个例子。

    This is an example of arbitrage.

  21. 这就是套利得一个例子。

    This is an example of arbitrage.

  22. 少数套利者仍没有离场。

    A few arbitragers still are playing.

  23. 是指从事套利活动得人。

    One who engages in arbitrage Also called arbitrage.

  24. 是指从事套利活动的人。

    One who engages in arbitrage Also called arbitrage.

  25. 此时套利机会是否还存在呢

    Is there an arbitrage opportunity.

  26. 股指期货的套利策略研究。

    The stock index future arbitrage tactics studies.

  27. 非套利条件及均衡的存在性

    Arbitrage Conditions and the Existence of Competitive Equilibrium

  28. 确保即时的套利利润, 出售债券920。

    To secure an immediate arbitrage profit, sell bonds at 920.

  29. 交易员们迅速利用这条要闻套利。

    Traders were pretty quick to cash in on that headline.

  30. 税收套利一直是个棘手的问题。

    Tax arbitrage has always been a thorny issue.


  1. 问:套利拼音怎么拼?套利的读音是什么?套利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利的读音是tàolì,套利翻译成英文是 straddle

  2. 问:套利人拼音怎么拼?套利人的读音是什么?套利人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利人的读音是tào lì rén,套利人翻译成英文是 arbitrage dealer

  3. 问:套利者拼音怎么拼?套利者的读音是什么?套利者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利者的读音是,套利者翻译成英文是 arbitrager

  4. 问:套利交易拼音怎么拼?套利交易的读音是什么?套利交易翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利交易的读音是tào lì jiāo yì,套利交易翻译成英文是 covered interest arbitrage

  5. 问:套利公司拼音怎么拼?套利公司的读音是什么?套利公司翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利公司的读音是tào lì gōng sī,套利公司翻译成英文是 arbitrage house

  6. 问:套利协议拼音怎么拼?套利协议的读音是什么?套利协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利协议的读音是tào lì xié yì,套利协议翻译成英文是 arbitrage agreement

  7. 问:套利成本拼音怎么拼?套利成本的读音是什么?套利成本翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利成本的读音是tào lì chéng běn,套利成本翻译成英文是 change-over cost

  8. 问:套利保证书拼音怎么拼?套利保证书的读音是什么?套利保证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:套利保证书的读音是tào lì bǎo zhèng shū,套利保证书翻译成英文是 arbitrage bond



套利( arbitrage): ,在金融学中的定义为:在两个不同的市场中,以有利的价格同时买进或卖出同种或本质相同的证券的行为。投资组合中的金融工具可以是同种类的也可以是不同种类的。
