




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 遂 [suì]遂 [suì]顺,如意:~心。~愿。成功,实现:未~。功成名~。于是,就:服药后头痛~止。通达:“何往而不~”。进,荐:“不能退,不能~”。……



汉语拼音:bàn shēn bù suí








  • 【解释】:遂:通“随”,顺从。原为医学病症名,指半边身体不能随意转动。有时比喻诗文部分好,部分不好,不够匀称。
  • 【出自】:汉·张仲景《金匮要略·中风历节》:“无风之为病,当半身不遂,或但臂不遂者,此为痹脉微而数中风使然。”
  • 【示例】:蒋百里在宜山的南边路上,汽车坏了,他受了一下子凉,就有一点~的样子。
  • 【语法】:主谓式;作谓语、宾语、定语;指人患病,半身瘫痪


  1. Other parts of the body may also appear numb and may feel abnormal or even paraplegia.


  2. Subluxation of shoulder is one of the most common complications found in stroke patients.


  3. A robotic suit has been invented to help paraplegics walk, The Daily Telegraph of London reported.


  4. Suffer a stroke, paralyze, half-paralyzed, epilepsy, apoplexy, concussion of brain, heart attack, high blood pressure and nerve obstacle.


  5. "I need a stable and suitable place to live, " partially paralyzed Chuang Fu-hua said at the press conference.


  6. Or one in which you become paraplegic? Which would make you happier?


  7. Riots and paralyzing strikes have crippled Thailand, France, and Greece.


  8. ERROL MORRIS: But Babinski only used it in the context of hemiplegia.


  9. In 1997 Dr Goffer, an Israeli engineer, suffered an accident that left him partially paralysed.


  1. 我的父亲半身不遂。

    My father is half paralyzed.

  2. 她受中风影响半身不遂

    Half of her body was stricken, the other half not.

  3. 头针治疗中风半身不遂的应用研究

    Practical Study on Treating Apoplexy and Hemiplegia with Headneedles

  4. 他1987年曾患轻度中风,之后就半身不遂了。

    He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralysed.

  5. 精神病白血病疟疾黄疸偏瘫, 半身不遂消化不良流感

    hemiplegy, hemiplegia icterus, jaundice indigestion influenza, flu insanity leukemia malaria

  6. 河流改道不遂的尝试

    abortive attempts to divert the course of the river

  7. 这正是恋爱不遂的疯狂。

    This is the very exstasy of love.

  8. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  9. 他过早地去世,壮志不遂。

    He died early with his ambitions unfulfilled.

  10. 这孩子不懂事, 稍有不遂就又哭又闹。

    This naughty child cries, and kicks when he does not have his way.

  11. 这孩子不懂事,稍有不遂就又哭又闹。

    This naughty child cries, and kicks when he does not have his way.

  12. 这几件事办得太不遂他的心了。

    He was far from being satisfied with the way the things were done.

  13. 我代表常家,一告戚秦氏勾引常威公子不遂。

    I represent Mr. Shang to sue Mrs. Chi who blackmailed Mr. Shang.

  14. 人生悲剧有二一是不遂心愿, 一是得遂心愿。萧伯纳。

    There are two tragedies in life. One is not to get your hearts desire. The other is to get it. George Bernard Shaw.

  15. 真是天不遂人愿, 他只有那天抽得出时间, 偏偏我上班离不开。

    It was Sods Law, the only day he could manage was the day I couldnt miss work.

  16. 后请归养母,遂不复出。

    Please return after the adoptive mother, did not return subsequently.

  17. 不能遂所愿, 亦当尽所能。

    They who cannot do as they will, must do as they can.

  18. 你不可能事事遂人所愿。

    You can't be all things to all people.

  19. 王夫人知他家不难于此,遂亦从其愿。

    Lady Wang knew that this presented no difficulty for the Xue family, and therefore agreed.

  20. 打破围剿得过程往往是迂回曲折得, 不是径情直遂得。

    The process of breaking an encirclement and suppression campaign is usually circuitous and not as direct as one would wish.

  21. 估计我不在伦敦,遂发生一巧妙的传说,说我已访问华盛顿。

    To account for my absence from London an elaborate story was cultivated that I was making a visit to Washington.

  22. 我们还讨论了非线性引起的遂穿率的不对称性。

    We also discuss the asymmetry of the tunneling probability induced by the nonlinearity.

  23. 她永远不会得到任何更加遂她心愿的东西了。

    She would never get anything that more closely resembled what she wanted.

  24. 简言之, 构成要件说关于犯罪既遂的判定标准不具有合理性。

    In short, constitution factors is irrational as criteria to judge crime accomplishment.

  25. 难道我想成为攀岩者不需要强壮的上半身吗?

    Dont I need a strong upper body to be a climber

  26. 痉挛性半身不膀

    spastic hemiplegia

  27. 但她显然不是夸口, 她的慷慨的半身像。

    But she definitely wasn't boasting the bountiful bust that she is today.

  28. 不要让上半身和下半身一起转动。

    You do not want you upper body and lower body to turn together.

  29. 战胜困难的过程往往不是径情直遂的。

    Overcoming difficulties is usually not as easy and smooth as one would wish.

  30. 光启誓不受辱,挥拳击敌,遂遭杀害。

    KPS until the insult, the enemy play boxing, was killed.


  1. 问:半身不遂拼音怎么拼?半身不遂的读音是什么?半身不遂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:半身不遂的读音是bànshēnbùsuí,半身不遂翻译成英文是 hemiplegia; paralysis of half of one's body...



半身不遂(bàn shēn bù suí)又叫偏瘫,是指一侧上下肢、面肌和舌肌下部的运动障碍,它是急性脑血管病的一个常见症状。轻度偏瘫病人虽然尚能活动,但走起路来,往往上肢屈曲,下肢伸直,瘫痪的下肢走一步划半个圈,我们把这种特殊的走路姿势,叫做偏瘫步态。