


1. 干 [gān]2. 干 [gàn]干 [gān]触犯,冒犯,冲犯:~扰。~涉。~预(亦作“干与”)。森然~霄。追求,求取,旧指追求职位俸禄:~禄。~仕。关连,涉及:~系。互不相~。盾,古代抵御刀枪的兵器:大动~戈。古代用以记年、记月、……





汉语拼音:gān liang



gān liáng的又音。义同“干粮gān liáng”。



  1. 指水分少、不易变质、便于携带的食品。

    汉 王充 《论衡·艺增》:“且 周 殷 士卒,皆賫乾粮。” 宋 楼钥 《跋从子所藏书画》:“问所携,前则草履,復则乾粮。”《中国歌谣选·义和团打胜仗》:“仪和团上战场,老百姓送乾粮。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第一章:“在我们临走的时候,还总是硬塞给我们几个干粮,让我们路上吃。”

  2. 乾糧:同“ 乾粮 ”。

    宋 文天祥 《至扬州》诗序:“顾马办乾粮,以备行役。”



  1. They watched him leave, making his way down a mountain trail, carrying a couple of day's provisions.


  2. Did you know your body actually has the intelligence to make its own saturated fats from all that dry food and store them as fat reserves?


  3. 'But he will dig into the dog's dry food if left to his own devices, ' she said.


  4. The pastor told a story about saving for a rainy day, then asked, "Now children, if you had some money, what would you want to do with it? "


  5. It can be a week between towns on the Appalachian Trail, so travellers need a week's worth of food as well as extra water.


  6. Or, in the consumption of dry food, a large number of water can be dissolved in saliva dry food to help lubricate and swallow her food.


  7. Dry food should be very limited but if you do feed dry food to your cat, try a grain-free variety.


  8. When he moved to a diet of solid foods, there were more bacteria with genes that influence starch digestion.


  9. The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.


  1. 明天郊游,请自带干粮。

    Bring your own food on tomorrow's outing.

  2. 干粮所剩无几, 水缸已经空了。

    The food supply is almost gone, the water urn is empty.

  3. 我得在船上备足干粮。

    I had to stock the boat up with food.

  4. 我认为干粮不如空气罐重要。

    I think the dry food as an important air tank.

  5. 干粮肯定没有普通的食物美味。

    It's certain that dried food isn't as tasty as common food.

  6. 准备好干粮,我们天亮就出发。

    Gather some supplies. We'll leave at first light.

  7. 卫斯宝羊肉与米成犬干粮

    Recipe Lamb and Rice Adult Dry Dog Food

  8. 卫斯宝羊肉与米幼犬干粮

    Optima Lamb and Rice Puppy Dry Dog Food

  9. 我带了干粮来, 我们吃午饭吧。

    I have some foods. It's time for lunch.

  10. 他们自带干粮,把实验室挤满了

    They had food they had packed out.

  11. 我确信没人愿意吃干粮喝雨水。

    I am sure nobody will enjoy eating dry food and drinking rainwater.

  12. 行军干粮被存放在防水的盒子里。

    Marching rations are stored away in waterproof boxes.

  13. 饱带干粮,晴带雨伞,点滴积累,水到渠成。

    Fill with dry food, Daiyu San clear, accumulated bitbit, and conditions are ripe.

  14. 爬山的人把干粮打成包背在背上。

    The climber carried some food in a pack on his back.

  15. 宠物干粮食品辐照杀菌工艺参数的确定

    Irradiation parameters for the control of microorganisms in dried pet foods.

  16. 并且成了那必须吃奶,不能吃干粮的人。

    You need milk, not solid food!

  17. 他们住在帐篷里,吃着干粮,用热水洗澡。

    They lived in tents, ate dried food, and took baths with heated water.

  18. 内有饮水、备有新电池的手电筒及干粮。

    These kits should include drinking water, a flashlight with fresh batteries, and dry food.

  19. 明天郊游, 请自带干粮。粮食晒干才能入仓。

    Bring your own food on tomorrow's outing.

  20. 我曾经每晚带着干粮去偷看他们的表演。

    I used to take my dinner and sneak out to watch the shows every night.

  21. 你把干粮袋捡起来, 我来搜他的口袋。

    You take the haversack, I'll search his pockets.

  22. 如果使用罐装干粮, 可将欧芹剁碎, 方便拌入。

    If you use canned with dried foods, chopped fresh parsley is easy to mix in.

  23. 然后我们匆匆睡了一点时间, 吃了少许干粮补充体力。

    Then we in a hurry slept for a little times and ate few dry ration food to add physical strength.

  24. 他们用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。

    They used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.

  25. 探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。

    The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.

  26. 驮马探险队用驮马运载干粮和帐篷越过了这些崇山峻岭。

    The expedition used packhorses to carry their food and tents across the mountains.

  27. 如果再走不出这片森林,他们就没有足够的干粮度命了。

    If they can't manage to walk out of the forest, they will run short of food rations.

  28. 如果再走不出这片森林,他们就没有足够的干粮度命了。

    If they can't manage to walk out of the forest, they will run short of food rations.


  1. 问:干粮拼音怎么拼?干粮的读音是什么?干粮翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干粮的读音是gānliáng,干粮翻译成英文是 solid food; field rations

  2. 问:干粮袋拼音怎么拼?干粮袋的读音是什么?干粮袋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:干粮袋的读音是gān liáng dài,干粮袋翻译成英文是 haversack


