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汉语拼音:bǐ zhí
唐 顾况 《露青竹鞭歌》:“亭亭笔直无皴节,磨捋形相一条铁。”《郁达夫游记·南游日记》:“一条越岭的石级路,笔直的穿在这路亭下高山的当中。” 茅盾 《喜剧》:“青年 华 的嗓子响亮一点了,胸脯也自然而然的挺得笔直,大有凭这资格便可以到处睏觉吃饭的气概。”
He had a fine, curled beard and a straight eagle-like nose, and was really rather good-looking as giants go.
他有一部好看的拳曲的胡子,一个笔直的鹰钩鼻,就巨人来说,算是相当漂亮的了。By the time the lifeboat arrived, the ship was almost vertical in the water. The wounded soldier in a vertical position, upright in bed.
当救生艇到达的时候,船已经几乎和水面垂直了(船几乎快沉没了)。受伤的战士以直立的姿势,笔直的躺在床上。Now while he stands tough , Notice that this man did not have his hands up .
看着家伙站得笔直,你们要注意这家伙没有把手举起。The key to coasting is to build up as much speed as you can before cruising on the straight parts of the road.
滑行的关键是在稳稳当当地行使在道路笔直部分前尽可能增大速度。Doug : I can't believe with all that twisting his head went straight into the water.
道格:真不敢相信那样转体回旋之后,他还能头朝下笔直入水。I have a detailer that keeps my car straight, but if the kids (make a mess), I've got to stop what I'm doing and go take care of it.
我有导航管家保证我的车行驶时笔直平稳,但有时我的孩子们会在车上吵闹弄得一团糟,我就会停下车,先整理好混乱。He made an effort to think of nothing but the problem of keeping the jeep on a straight course.
他竭力控制自己不去思索,集中精力让吉普沿笔直方向行驶。This explains the vertical Learning Curve Humanity is in at this Very Moment! ! Home is where the "Heart is" and is found Within.
这也解释了人类在此时此刻所在的笔直的学习过程!!“心所在处于”就是家,并被发现存在其中。As he played he sat bolt upright, gaunt and aquiline, unsmiling in his crisp, perfect suit, with his elbows held close to his sides.