







汉语拼音:tú miàn



  1. She plays with simple shapes, lines, color and with the graphic arrangement of these elements to create a relationship with her audience.


  2. It also fails if the surface is a member of a mipmap or cube map, and any other mipmap or cube map member is locked.


  3. The entire empty surface represents a DataContext ready to be configured.


  4. Tab, click the task or container and drag its connector to the executable to which you want the precedence constraint to apply.


  5. Is present, designers contained within the surface can retrieve services from the application.


  6. This method causes the necessary bytes to be discarded and the surface to be loaded immediately.


  7. Data Sources window onto a design surface in your project to create controls that are data-bound to the selected properties of your object.


  8. Provides design-time support in a visual designer for a control where the design surface must use a preview of the associated control.


  9. If the image is studied, key components can be found that show the direction of 'energy', the 'flow' of the picture or it's movement.


  1. 图面天底点

    map nadir

  2. 图面自动注记

    automatic map lettering.

  3. 获取图面的用途类型。

    Gets the usage type of the surface.

  4. 检索指定的纹理图面级别。

    Retrieves the specified texture surface level.

  5. 创建新的空设计图面文件。

    Creates a new empty design surface file.

  6. 键入设计图面的网格间距。

    Type the grid spacing for the design surface.

  7. 最后,于图面上点选插入位置。

    Finally, insert the profile into the drawing.

  8. 因此该标签将占据整个控件图面。

    So the label fills the entire control surface.

  9. 用于编辑概念模型的可视化设计图面。

    A visual design surface for editing the conceptual model.

  10. 用于编辑概念模型得可视化设计图面。

    A visual design surface for editing the conceptual model.

  11. 在实体设计器图面选择一个导航属性。

    Select a navigation property on the Entity Designer surface.

  12. 波阵面的诸平面与反射面都与图面垂直。

    The planes of the wave front and the reflecting surface are also normal to the plane of the figure.

  13. 这种情况曾影响绘图面,图像和动画输出。

    This affects model appearance in the Drawing Window, image export, and animation export.

  14. 呈现目标和深度模具图面的格式必须兼容。

    The formats for the render target and depth stencil surface must be compatible.

  15. 使控件的整个图面无效并导致重绘控件。

    Invalidates the entire surface of the control and causes the control to be redrawn.

  16. 一个实体类将创建并显示在设计图面上。

    An entity class is created and appears on the design surface.

  17. 注释形状仅存在于关系图图面上,代码中没有注释形状。

    Comment shapes exist only on the diagram surface and not in code.

  18. 此方法导致立即丢弃必需字节并加载图面。

    This method causes the necessary bytes to be discarded and the surface to be loaded immediately.

  19. 深度模具图面的大小必须大于或等于呈现目标的大小。

    The size of the depth stencil surface must be greater than or equal to the size of the render target.

  20. 在关系图面上单击并编辑关联连线的标签。

    On the diagram surface, click the label of the association line and edit it.

  21. 对象发生更改,该控件将在设计图面上重绘。

    Object to which the control is bound is changed, the control is redrawn on the design surface.

  22. 并将其拖到设计图面上的表格之前的某个位置。

    In the Palette, and drop it on the design surface somewhere before the table.

  23. 外观良好, 无任何有害问题结构符合图面设计要求。

    Outward appearance shall be good without and such injurious problem of structure shall be meet the design dimensional requirements drawing

  24. 呈现目标和深度模具图面的多级采样类型必须相同。

    The multisample type must be the same for the render target and the depth stencil surface.

  25. 在关系图图面上, 拖动指针以选择您要复制的形状。

    On the diagram surface, drag the pointer to select the shapes you want to copy.

  26. 可从工具箱中将控件拖动或绘制到其图面上。

    Controls may be dragged or drawn onto its surface from the toolbox.

  27. 汉字矢量字形的输出是实现地图图面注记自动化的关键。

    The output of Chinese characters in vector from is the main problem of automatically lettering on map.

  28. 是否有相关之最新得图面。规格。样品提供给品检员?

    Are relevant and updated drawings, specs, and samples readily available to the inspector?

  29. 是否有相关之最新的图面。规格。样品提供给品检员?

    Are relevant and updated drawings, specs, and samples readily available to the inspector ?

  30. 可以从工具箱中拖动控件, 并将其置于设计图面上。

    You can drag controls from the Toolbox and place them on the design surface.


  1. 问:图面拼音怎么拼?图面的读音是什么?图面翻译成英文是什么?

    答:图面的读音是tú miàn,图面翻译成英文是 Face of Drawing

  2. 问:图面记录器拼音怎么拼?图面记录器的读音是什么?图面记录器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:图面记录器的读音是tú miàn jì lù qì,图面记录器翻译成英文是 drawings register