




1. 降 [jiàng]降 [jiàng]下落,落下:下~。~旨。~临。~旗。空~。减低,贬抑:~低。~价。~职。~解(jiě)。~心相从(抵制自己心志以服从别人)。姓。基本字义● 降xiáng ㄒㄧㄤˊ投降,归顺:宁死不~。降服,使驯服。……



汉语拼音:chén jiàng








沉降 [chén jiàng]
  1. 在空气污染物控制设备中,沉降是指密度高于空气的微粒在空气中自由下沉之行为,例如在重力沉降室之微粒运动。在大气环境中,沉降是指污染物被地表吸收之现象,包括乾沉降及湿沉降,其中乾沉降是指污染气体或微粒被土地、植被、水面吸收或吸附的过程。湿沉降则是污染物气体或微粒被大气中悬浮液滴吸收后再降落于地表的过程,降落的型式包括雨水、雪、霰等型式。酸性沉酸是指大气沉降(乾沉降及湿沉降)中可使地表水环境酸化的过程,一般认为硫酸盐及硝酸盐是酸性沉降的主要物质,但由于海水飞沫会增加沉降物中的硫酸盐量,但不会影响地表水的酸度,故在估算酸性沉降量时大多需予以扣除。



  1. "It's sort of like a feather -- it floats down, and its terminal velocity depends on the density, " he said.


  2. Through the detail study of the flow pattern in the transition of the reactor, the concept of suspended bed reactor had been developed.


  3. With oil settling into the sediment deep on the seafloor, it's difficult to see at this point exactly how they are going to pull that off.


  4. Settlement rate method is often used to decide surcharge removal time for embankment on soft ground.


  5. They sink gradually and reach the surface of the earth in the form of a deadly dust or rain.


  6. Analysis from the variable law of displacement, the settlement difference of the four foundations is all in reasonable range.


  7. First are the Descending Sons of God, those that you know as angels, but there are many types that are not angels.


  8. The final settlement of low density roadbed might be twice of that of high density roadbed.


  9. Suspended particles are large enough to settle out or to be filtered.


  1. 火山弹沉降

    bomb sag

  2. 实测沉降量

    Field settlement.

  3. 高效沉降槽

    efficient settler

  4. 沉降方位角

    settlement azimuth.

  5. 地面沉降图

    ground fallout plot.

  6. 沙尘湿沉降

    dust wet deposition.

  7. 实测沉降值

    measured settlement.

  8. 预计沉降量

    settlement expectancy

  9. 不均匀沉降

    deferential settlement.

  10. 地面沉降值

    ground settlement value.

  11. 地面沉降趋势

    land subsidence trend

  12. 地面沉降监测

    monitoring of land subsidence

  13. 沉降推算方法

    method of settlement prediction

  14. 极光沉降粒子

    auroral precipitating particles.

  15. 红细胞沉降时间

    sedimentation time

  16. 控制地面沉降

    bring surface subsidence under control.

  17. 气载沉降物

    airborne debris.

  18. 红细胞沉降速率

    Erythrocyte sedimentation rate

  19. 红细胞沉降反应

    erythrocyte sedimentation reaction

  20. 沉降物测定仪

    fallout meter

  21. 沉降物收集器

    fallout collector

  22. 哈定格沉降槽

    Hardinge thickener

  23. 沙尘沉降通量

    dust deposition fluxes.

  24. 烟尘沉降室

    dust chamber.

  25. 离心沉降率

    sedimentation rate.

  26. 血球沉降率

    Sedimentation rate.

  27. 分隔沉降室

    settling compartment.

  28. 沉降者为阴

    the descending and sinking effects belonging to YIN.

  29. 沉降率单位

    unit sedimentation rate.

  30. 岩石圈脱壳沉降

    continental delamination


  1. 问:沉降拼音怎么拼?沉降的读音是什么?沉降翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降的读音是chénjiàng,沉降翻译成英文是 to subside; subsidence

  2. 问:沉降势拼音怎么拼?沉降势的读音是什么?沉降势翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降势的读音是chén jiàng shì,沉降势翻译成英文是 sedimentation potential

  3. 问:沉降器拼音怎么拼?沉降器的读音是什么?沉降器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降器的读音是chén jiàng qì,沉降器翻译成英文是 sedimentator

  4. 问:沉降图拼音怎么拼?沉降图的读音是什么?沉降图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降图的读音是chén jiàng tú,沉降图翻译成英文是 sedigraph

  5. 问:沉降室拼音怎么拼?沉降室的读音是什么?沉降室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降室的读音是chén jiàng shì,沉降室翻译成英文是 subsidence chamber

  6. 问:沉降差拼音怎么拼?沉降差的读音是什么?沉降差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降差的读音是chén jiàng chā,沉降差翻译成英文是 differential settlement

  7. 问:沉降带拼音怎么拼?沉降带的读音是什么?沉降带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降带的读音是,沉降带翻译成英文是 subsidence zone

  8. 问:沉降槽拼音怎么拼?沉降槽的读音是什么?沉降槽翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降槽的读音是chén jiàng cáo,沉降槽翻译成英文是 subsider

  9. 问:沉降比拼音怎么拼?沉降比的读音是什么?沉降比翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降比的读音是chén jiàng bǐ,沉降比翻译成英文是 settlement ratio

  10. 问:沉降池拼音怎么拼?沉降池的读音是什么?沉降池翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降池的读音是chén jiàng chí,沉降池翻译成英文是 subsidence basin

  11. 问:沉降法拼音怎么拼?沉降法的读音是什么?沉降法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降法的读音是chén jiàng fǎ,沉降法翻译成英文是 sedimentation method

  12. 问:沉降物拼音怎么拼?沉降物的读音是什么?沉降物翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降物的读音是chén jiàng wù,沉降物翻译成英文是 sediment

  13. 问:沉降率拼音怎么拼?沉降率的读音是什么?沉降率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降率的读音是chén jiàng lǜ,沉降率翻译成英文是 zeta sedimentation ratio zeta

  14. 问:沉降缝拼音怎么拼?沉降缝的读音是什么?沉降缝翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降缝的读音是chén jiàng fèng,沉降缝翻译成英文是 settlement joint

  15. 问:沉降体积拼音怎么拼?沉降体积的读音是什么?沉降体积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降体积的读音是chén jiàng tǐ jī,沉降体积翻译成英文是 sedimentation volume

  16. 问:沉降分析拼音怎么拼?沉降分析的读音是什么?沉降分析翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降分析的读音是chén jiàng fēn xī,沉降分析翻译成英文是 settlement analysis

  17. 问:沉降分离拼音怎么拼?沉降分离的读音是什么?沉降分离翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降分离的读音是chén jiàng fēn lí,沉降分离翻译成英文是 settlement separate

  18. 问:沉降分级拼音怎么拼?沉降分级的读音是什么?沉降分级翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降分级的读音是chén jiàng fēn jí,沉降分级翻译成英文是 sedimentation fractionation

  19. 问:沉降场强拼音怎么拼?沉降场强的读音是什么?沉降场强翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降场强的读音是chén jiàng chǎng qiáng,沉降场强翻译成英文是 sedimentation field strength

  20. 问:沉降常数拼音怎么拼?沉降常数的读音是什么?沉降常数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:沉降常数的读音是chén jiàng cháng shù,沉降常数翻译成英文是 sedimentation constant