


1. 五 [wǔ]五 [wǔ]数名,四加一(在钞票和单据上常用大写“伍”代):~彩。~官。~谷。~金。~代(中国朝代名,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期)。~帝(中国传说中的五个帝王,通常指黄帝、颛顼、帝喾、唐尧、虞舜)……


1. 大 [dà]2. 大 [dài]3. 大 [tài]大 [dà]指面积、体积、容量、数量、强度、力量超过一般或超过所比较的对象,与“小”相对:~厅。~政。~气候。夜郎自~。~腹便便。指大小的对比:这间房有那间两个~。规模广,程度深,性……




疏忽,不周密:~心。~疏。~略。~率(shuài )。不精致,工料毛糙:~糙。~劣。~料。~纸。~粮。~制滥造。去~取精。长条东西直径大的:~大。~壮。~重。~实。~线条(a.指毛道粗的线条:b.喻粗率的性格、作风,亦喻文章的粗略的构思)。……



汉语拼音:wǔ dà sān cū








  • 【解释】:形容人高大粗壮,身材魁梧。
  • 【出自】:梁斌《播火记》:“猛回头,身后站着一个五大三粗的人,仔细一看是大贵。”
  • 【语法】:联合式;作谓语、定语;含贬义


  1. It was the realm of King Atlas, whose bulk surpassed that of all other men.


  2. It was the kingdom of King Atlas, who was bigger than all other men.


  3. He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.


  4. she is not just fat. she is positively gross!


  1. 他长得五大三粗的。

    He was tall and stoutly built.

  2. 他五大三粗,但头脑简单。

    He was a big strapping guy but short on brains.

  3. 你看见一个胡子拉碴,得五大三粗的男人。

    You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.

  4. 你看见一个胡子拉碴、长得五大三粗的男人。

    You see a strong, stout man with a bushy beard.

  5. 我们被两个五大三粗的保安人员拦住了。

    We were stopped by two hulking security guards.

  6. 我第一天就走到院子里最五大三粗的女人面前

    My first day, I walked up to the biggest bull in the yard.

  7. 五大三粗的恶汉趾高气扬地走过来,居高临下地对我咆哮着。

    The burly brute swaggered forward, towering over me, and shouted.

  8. 这是阿特拉斯国王的国土, 阿特拉斯长得五大三粗, 天下无双。

    It was the realm of King Atlas, whose bulk surpassed that of all other men.

  9. 因为不用和三大五粗的卡尔顿选手

    That they didn't have to go ten rounds.

  10. 修订后的粗糙草稿把多法因描写得五短三粗。

    The revised rough draft described Dofine as short and fat.

  11. 一年一小步,五年一大步,三个大步就差不多了。

    Make a small step each year and a big stride every five years, and with three big strides the work is almost done.

  12. 五大连池中, 以三池为最大, 也最美。

    Of the five linking lakes, the Third Lake is the largest and most picturesque, deep and teeming with aquatic life.

  13. 浏览五大连池二池,三池,乘车返回哈尔滨。

    sightsee the second and third lakes of the Five Great Chain Lakes, return to Harbin by bus.

  14. 一五三0年, 在义大利第一次有人玩早期版本的宾果。

    An early form of bingo was first played in Italy in 1530.

  15. 星期四风很大,周训书在前五洞中三洞打出了柏忌。

    Playing in gusty winds Thursday, Zhou bogeyed three of the first five holes.

  16. 校外的, 众多梧桐树三五米高, 够粗够荫。

    Out of the university, chinars are very stout and give us cool.

  17. 校外得,众多梧桐树三五米高,够粗够荫。

    Out of the university, chinars are very stout and give us cool.

  18. 三,以六大工程建设为契机,推进林业五个历史性转变

    III. Promoting Five Historical Transformations of the Forestry Sector

  19. 一天吃三大顿饭不如吃分量适中的五到六顿小餐。

    Rather than three big meals per day, try to eat five or six smaller ones.

  20. 第五洞为三天大法师龛。

    The fifth hole for a three Grand Master niche.

  21. 三反五反运动,是对党内资产阶级思想的很大打击。

    The movements against the three evils and the five evils dealt heavy blows to bourgeois ideas inside the Party.

  22. 启动三到五次以内着火,加油不滞后,大油门不冒黑烟。

    Within three to five times to start a fire, fuel is not lagging behind, the throttle is not smoky.

  23. 近五十年来,为国家培养了大中专毕业生三万余名。

    Nearly five decades,in order to cultivate the country college graduates more than 30, 000.

  24. 这表示他们的大脑前额叶皮层将比我们大百分之五十三。

    And that leads to an increase in the prefrontal cortex of a staggering 53 percent.

  25. 自一九九五年起,浸大代表队在历届比赛中均名列三甲。

    Our BBA students have been among the top three teams in this annual competition since 1995.

  26. 摘要一个三十五天大的幼儿接受二沟腹股沟疝气门诊手术。

    A 35dayold male infant was scheduled for bilateral inguinal herniorrhaphy.

  27. 大卫·史密斯,北京朝阳区朝阳门外大街十九号泛利大厦五零八室。手机号码是一三七五六四一二三二三。

    David Smith at Rm.508, Fanli Mansion, No.19 Chaoyangmenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing. My cellphone number is 13756412323.


  1. 问:五大三粗拼音怎么拼?五大三粗的读音是什么?五大三粗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:五大三粗的读音是wǔdàsāncū,五大三粗翻译成英文是 tall and well-built

