


抛,掷,扔(多指有目标的):~篮。~弹(dàn )。跳进去:~河。自~罗网。放进去,送进去:~入。~资。~标。走向,进入:~宿(找地方住宿)。~奔。~靠。~降。~师(从师学习)。~诉。发向:~射。~影。寄,递送:~递。~稿。合:~合。意气相……





汉语拼音:tóu jì







  1. 付邮寄出。

    唐 元稹 《上令狐相公诗启》:“ 居易 雅能为诗,就中爱驱驾文字,穷极声韵,或为千言,或为五百言律诗,以相投寄。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·写于深夜里》:“偶然看到 德国 书店的目录上有这幅《牺牲》,便将它投寄给《北斗》了,算是我的无言的纪念。” 孙犁 《秀露集·通讯文要》:“不论毛笔钢笔,把稿件抄写清楚,然后投寄。”



  1. He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.


  2. But the father did not expect others to also express delivery service for sending and fortune into the rich.


  3. Cartons Made of heavy duty corrugated cardboard, the carton gives superior protection to your items sent by post.


  4. Slides may be sent by registered mail together with entry form and fee, but must not be sent in the same package with submitted prints.


  5. Just leave me some information about where you want it to be sent.


  6. It would be great if it checked after each posting that my 1- 10 agents did posters did.


  7. I fully understand that letters posted after the deadline may not be delivered to the addresses before the polling date.


  8. If the letter does not specify a date, the period commences on the posting date stamped on the envelop.


  9. Shipments can be dropped at FedEx Service Centers or FedEx Drop Boxes.


  1. 免费投寄选举广告

    Free postage of election advertisements

  2. 投寄选举函件通知书

    notice of posting of election communication

  3. 投寄选举函件证明书

    certificate for posting of election communication

  4. 过往以一级或二级投寄?

    Did you post at first or second class?

  5. 罢工耽搁了催税单的投寄。

    The strike has delayed the mailing of tax reminders.

  6. 我向某杂志社投寄一长篇故事。

    I contributeed a long story to a magazine.

  7. 我需要以保证邮件的方式投寄。

    I need to send this by certified mail.

  8. 这邮件需要以优先投寄得方式发送。

    This need to go first class.

  9. 这邮件需要以优先投寄的方式发送。

    This need to go first class.

  10. 我投寄出去的稿子都给退了回来。

    Those I sent to the magazines all came back.

  11. 你只要把有关投寄地点的资料留给我。

    Just leave me some information about where you want it sent.

  12. 他说他要在邮局把那个包裹投寄掉。

    He said he would drop the parcel off at the post office.

  13. 可否请你拿这份东西走到邮筒去投寄吗?

    Can I get you to walk this down to the post box?

  14. 泰晤士报绝不会刊登我投寄的信。

    The times would never publish any letter I sent in.

  15. 除了这个包裹外,还有22个挂号信也需投寄。

    There is twelve registered letters to be sent in addition to this packet.

  16. 信件未载明日期的,自投寄该信件的邮戳日期开始计算。

    If no such date is shown in the letter, it shall accrue from the postmark date on the envelope.

  17. 你只要把有关信笺投寄地点的资料留给我即可。

    Just leave me some information about where you want it to be sent.

  18. 除了这个不包裹外,还有12个挂号信也需投寄。

    There is twelve registered letter to is send in addition to this packet.

  19. 现阶段请勿投寄任何款项支票或现金予本服务处。

    Please do not post any cheque or cash to our Management Services Office in this moment.

  20. 向一家全国性周刊投寄短篇小说的写稿人。

    A contributor of short stories to a national weekly.

  21. 也不要投寄很像广告的稿件或个人色彩浓厚的撰文。

    They're told not to submit articles that are thinly disguised advertisements or personal essays.

  22. 亨利在1820年仅以教名向当地报纸投寄过一首诗。

    Using only his first name, Henry submitted a poem to a local paper in 1820.


  1. 问:投寄拼音怎么拼?投寄的读音是什么?投寄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投寄的读音是tóujì,投寄翻译成英文是 to send by post; post

  2. 问:投寄证书拼音怎么拼?投寄证书的读音是什么?投寄证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投寄证书的读音是tóu jì zhèng shū,投寄证书翻译成英文是 certificate of posting

  3. 问:投寄生效原则拼音怎么拼?投寄生效原则的读音是什么?投寄生效原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:投寄生效原则的读音是tóu jì shēng xiào yuán zé,投寄生效原则翻译成英文是 deposited acceptance rule