


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……





汉语拼音:suí bǐ







  1. 犹言随手下笔。

    鲁迅 《集外集拾遗·<铁流>编校后记》:“觉得译文很拙笨,而且怕有错字、脱字,望看的时候随笔代为改正一下。”

  2. 一种灵活随便的笔记或文体。

    宋 洪迈 《<容斋随笔>序》:“意之所之,随即纪录,因其后先,无復詮次,故目之曰随笔。”

  3. 一种散文体裁。篇幅短小,表现形式灵活自由,可以抒情、叙事或评论。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致李小峰》:“我们几个人在选我的随笔,从《坟》起到《二心》止。”



  1. This one is all about the city, with essays, thoughts, and illustrations on the city over the ages.


  2. After all, Life is usual, or even trifling , not very alike a poem and a picture, sometimes, it seems to be the plain essays one by one.


  3. and she had to leave her paradise to wind yarn, wash the poodle , or read Belsham's Essays by the hour together.


  4. Purposes and demands differ between an informal essay and a formal one, and between the sports page in a newspaper and a chemistry textbook.


  5. Homework is usually unnecessary and most student don't do it. We have more assignments and essays that will contribute to our grades.


  6. The greatest of faults is to be conscious of none---Thomas Carlyle, Scottish satirical writer, essayist, historian and teacher.


  7. In her diary and critical essays she has much to say about women and fiction.


  8. This manuscript of fifteen pages suddenly and sweetly revealed to her all of love, sorrow, destiny, life, eternity, the beginning, the end.


  9. As the alert reader may have noticed, the titling scheme of these essays is a hat tip to Montaigne, the original blogger.


  1. 小品文,随笔

    a familiar essay.

  2. 文学随笔作者

    a literary essayist.

  3. 航空服务随笔

    Watch Globe Air Line Service

  4. 地球理论随笔

    Essay on the Theory of the Earth

  5. 南方考察随笔

    Jottings of visiting the Southern China.

  6. 闲话栏,漫谈随笔

    gossip page

  7. 点击这里浏览随笔

    Click here to read stories

  8. 爱欲和美德随笔

    Essays of Love and Virtue

  9. 写意花鸟画创作随笔

    Short Notes on Creating the Freehand Brushwork of Flowers and birds

  10. 监狱工作随笔四题

    Four Essays on Prison Administrative Work

  11. 钟楼和鼓楼研究随笔

    An Essay on Bell and Drum Towers

  12. 冰心散文随笔四题

    Four Topics of Prose and Essay by Bing Xin

  13. 简论新随笔创作特征

    A Brief Comment on the Writing Feature of the Modern Informal Essay

  14. 北京台网创业初期随笔

    An essayon the pioneering work of BeijingSeismic Network

  15. 庞德的诗章优雅的随笔

    Collected Early Poems of Ezra Pound

  16. 他决心要写完他的随笔。

    He's bent on completing his essay.

  17. 脍炙人口的风格、随笔、文章等。

    A highly readable style, essay, article, etc.

  18. 澳大利亚新西兰畜牧业考察随笔

    The Technical Report of Animal Husbandry from Australia and New Zealand

  19. 随笔粗略的或简短的散文作品

    A sketchy or brief prose work.

  20. 弘基书香园规划设计随笔

    Informal essay on planning design of hongji literary garden.

  21. 那是一份革命随笔的书。

    It was a copy of essays on revolution.

  22. 小型山地网球馆建筑设计随笔

    Small Upland Tennis ball Station Design

  23. 这是一篇具有思想性的随笔。

    This is a thoughtful essay.

  24. 这是一篇具有思想性得随笔。

    This is a thoughtful essay.

  25. 建国以后以散文、随笔创作为主。

    After the founding, shegave priority to the creation of prose and essay.

  26. 他的随笔或许带有陈腐的学究气。

    His essays can be Oxbridge musty

  27. 这些书是我们写随笔的好帮手。

    These books are a good assist to us for the essay.

  28. 这些书是我们写随笔的好帮手。

    These books are a good assist to us for the essay.

  29. 这些书是我们写随笔得好帮手。

    These books are a good assist to us for the essay.

  30. 清华大学北院景园设计随笔

    Essay on Landscape Architecture De sign at the North Yard of Tsinghua University


  1. 问:随笔拼音怎么拼?随笔的读音是什么?随笔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:随笔的读音是suíbǐ,随笔翻译成英文是 informal essay; casual literary notes