


1. 和 [hé]2. 和 [hè]3. 和 [huó]4. 和 [huò]5. 和 [hú]和 [hé]相安,谐调:~美。~睦。~谐。~声。~合(a.和谐;b.古代神话中象征夫妻相爱的两个神)。~衷共济。平静:温~。祥~。~平。~气。~悦……


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……



汉语拼音:hé suí







  1. 亦作“ 和隋 ”。 卞和 与 随侯 。亦谓稀世珍宝 和氏 璧与 随侯 珠。

    汉 班固 《答宾戏》:“先贱而后贵者, 和 隋 之珍也。” 宋 叶适 《祭陈同甫文》:“鐫嗟无勇, 和 随 有罪。”

  2. 卞和 与 随侯 。亦指稀世珍宝 和氏 璧与 随侯 珠。

    《汉书·叙传上》:“先贱而后贵者, 龢 随 之珍也。”



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  2. Watching the athletes and team officials can take the shuttle to the concept of competition venues.


  3. The sample code reviewed so far and the downloadable code provided with this article both rely on those two files in that location.


  4. It is a complex vector which have obvious heterogeneity of the distribution in space and a variability with time.


  5. The blunted nocturnal decline and its exacerbation with age in AAs corroborate and extend findings of cross-sectional studies.


  6. The control of breathing can be impaired by different mental and physical factors that may coincide and change over time.


  7. The complex interactions between water and soil in the process of piping proves that the piping develops and changes with the time.


  8. If don't wash also will be absorbed with vaginal eduction body outside, won't cause harm to the body.


  9. Advertisement, publishing, repair, and install-on-demand are all available when deploying your application.


  1. 你能引导北斗星和随它的众星吗?

    Canst thou guide Arcturus with his sons?

  2. 热爱工作和生活,性格幽默随和。

    Deeply loves works and lives, the disposition humorous is amiable.

  3. 前导黑子和后随黑子

    preceding spot and following spot

  4. 也许我随和点, 敷衍他两句, 他就会走开了吧。

    Maybe if I'm polite to him, agree with him, he'll go away.

  5. 围歼战结束后的一个星期里他待人接物真随和得出奇。

    He was exceptionally easy to get along with the week after the battle.

  6. 优势种的种类和数量随时间的变化而变化。

    The species and amount of the dominant species were changing with time.

  7. 猪笼草的形状和地点随品种而改变。

    The shape and placing of the pitchers varies from species to species.

  8. 拉伸强度和硬度随外壳厚度比增加而增加。

    Tensile strength and stiffness increase as skin thickness ratio increases.

  9. 团队项目设置和属性随团队项目的不同而不同。

    Team project settings and properties vary from team project to team project.

  10. 此段的宽度和长度随不同的充盈情况而变。

    The length and width of this segment are changeable in different phase of filling.

  11. 隐斜和近视随单眼视力低下变化的相关研究

    Studies on Heterophoria and Myopia in Association with Uniocular Hypopsia

  12. 换句话说, 黑点和圆圈随机器人臂得活动作出反应。

    In other words, the dot and the circle are responding to the robot arm's movements.

  13. 换句话说,黑点和圆圈随机器人臂的活动作出反应。

    In other words, the dot and the circle are responding to the robot arm's movements.

  14. 质量和频率随时间变化的谐振子的经典和量子精确解

    Exact classical and quantum solutions for a harmonic oscillator with variable mass and frequency

  15. 沸点升高以及热容和潜热随温度的变化忽略不计。

    Boiling point elevations are negligible as well as the variation of the heat capacities and latent heats with temperature.

  16. 战争和苦难形影相随。

    War and suffering go hand in hand.

  17. 需要注意美国和英国紧随其后。

    It should be noted, of course, that the United States and the U. K. are the next in line.

  18. 我请客你的啤酒和花生,随你吃多少

    I'm gonna buy you a beer and all the peanuts you can eat.

  19. 火星和地球有随时间而改变的运行轨道。

    Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.

  20. 火星和地球有随时间而改变得运行轨道。

    Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.

  21. 双双和弟弟单单随父母从马来西亚来新加坡。

    Together with her parents and younger brother, Shuangshuang left Malaysia for Singapore.

  22. 伤害减少和电阻率将随召唤剩余的手机。

    Damage reduction and resistance rate will vary with the summoners remaining MP.

  23. 骨关节炎的危险性和发病率也随年龄增长。

    The risk and prevalence of osteoarthritis increase with age as well.

  24. 骨关节炎得危险性和发病率也随年龄增长。

    The risk and prevalence of osteoarthritis increase with age as well.

  25. 树下有一匹母马和一匹紧随其后的小马驹。

    There is a mare with her colt at foot under the tree.

  26. 树下有一匹母马和一匹紧随其后得小马驹。

    There is a mare with her colt at foot under the tree.

  27. 处理损失金额和准确性将随召唤剩余的手机。

    Amount of damage dealt and accuracy will vary with the summoners remaining MP.

  28. 西班牙和法国紧随其后,分别制定了2015年和2017年的目标。

    Spain and France have followed, setting targets for2015 and2017.

  29. 西班牙和法国紧随其后,分别制定了2015年和2017年得目标。

    Spain and France have followed, setting targets for2015 and2015.

  30. 当阿根廷拥抱婚姻平权,乌拉圭和巴西紧随其后。

    When Argentina embraced marriage equality, Uruguay and Brazil followed.