







汉语拼音:miàn jin







  1. 亦作“麵觔”。亦作“麵筋”。食品名。用面粉加水拌和,洗去其中所含的淀粉,剩下凝结成团的混合蛋白质就是面筋。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·辩证一》:“濯尽柔麪,则麪筋乃见。” 宋 陆游 《老学庵笔记》卷七:“﹝ 仲殊 ﹞所食皆蜜也。豆腐、麪觔、牛乳之类,皆渍蜜食之。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·穀一·小麦》:“麪筋,以麩与麪水中揉洗而成者。古人罕知,今为素食要物。”《红楼梦》第六一回:“ 春燕 説荤的不好,另叫你炒个麵筋儿,少搁油纔好。”



  1. Different wheats have varying amounts of gluten but plain flour on the market can be used for bread making, cakes and biscuits.


  2. The product has no added salt contains no fat and is gluten free.


  3. There was a positive correlation between wet gluten content and average day temperature and average sunshine in the same period.


  4. It is assumed that this is due to the ions masking the repulsion between one charged gluten protein molecule and another of like charge.


  5. Coeliac disease is a complex inflammatory disorder of the small intestine, induced by dietary gluten in genetically susceptible individuals.


  6. Does not contain wheat, soy, gluten, milk, casein, sodium caseinate, egg, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring or preservatives.


  7. Gluten moisture absorption should be regard as one of the indexes to scale flour quality.


  8. A few individuals have life-threatening adverse reactions to gluten (present in many grains but notably absent from rice).


  9. With increasing of plant density, protein content, wet gluten content and stable time all would be first increased then decreased.


  1. 我们需要面筋。

    We have to develop the gluten.

  2. 蟹粉鱼面筋

    Crab meat with wheat gluten.

  3. 添加面筋的通心粉

    gluten macaroni

  4. 筋力强的面筋

    strong gluten.

  5. 面筋,不论是否干制。

    Wheat gluten, whether or not dried.

  6. 绝对避免面筋和奶制品。

    Absolute avoidance of glutens and dairy.

  7. 小麦粉湿面筋测定法

    Method for determination of wet gluten in flour

  8. 少面筋, 少油腻, 老少咸宜。

    Less flour, less oil, suitable for all aged.

  9. 免费的面筋,酪蛋白免费,无酒精。

    Gluten free, casein free, alcohol free.

  10. 对湿面筋的影响不大。

    Slight influence was detected on wet gluten content.

  11. 小麦面筋的制取及其特性

    Extraction and Peculiarity of Wheat Gluten

  12. 功能测定小麦粉的面筋含量。

    Fuction for determination of gluten in flour.

  13. 什么是面筋和什么是过敏性反应。

    What is gluten and what is an allergic reaction to it.

  14. 所涉及的参数反映了面筋的性质

    The parameters involved here are responsible for the properties of gluten.

  15. 得到面筋需要面粉,但面粉中本身没有面筋。

    There's no gluten in flour. There's only the potential for gluten.

  16. 补充针对面筋和酪蛋白的生化酶。

    Enzymes for digestion of gluten, casein.

  17. 衍生菜品臭桂鱼烧鱼面筋, 彭鲫烧鱼面筋。

    Derived dishes grilled fish smell gluten mandarin fish, broiled fish, carp Peng gluten.

  18. 患有腹腔疾病的人不能消化面筋。

    People with celiac disease cannot process gluten.

  19. 少数人对面筋有致命的不良反应。

    A few individuals have lifethreatening adverse reactions to gluten.

  20. 肠道酵母增生,面筋过敏。测试含有面筋酪蛋白肽。

    Yeast overgrowth, gluten sensitive. Test for gluten, casein peptides.

  21. 衍生菜品野生鲶鱼炖面筋, 筒骨煲鱼面筋。

    Derived dishes Wild catfish stew gluten, fish, gluten barrel burning bone.

  22. 小麦吸风粉含面筋高的原因分析

    Analysis of the cause of high gluten content in wheat wind suction flour

  23. 介绍了小麦面筋的制取以及相关特性。

    This paper has introduced extraction and peculiarity of wheat gluten.

  24. 小麦面筋蛋白酶解制备调味基料技术

    Preparation Technology of Flavour Base Material with Wheat Gluten Protein Enzymolysis

  25. 谷氨酰胺转胺酶能提高面筋含量,降低延伸性。

    Transglutaminase can improve the gluten content, lower elongation.

  26. 研究超声波技术改变小麦面筋蛋白的功能特性。

    This paper has introduced extraction and peculiarity of wheat gluten.

  27. 面筋是存在于小麦,黑麦和大麦中的的蛋白质。

    Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye and barley.

  28. 面筋蛋白是小麦,黑麦和大麦中的一种蛋白质。

    Gluten is a protein in wheat, rye and barley.

  29. 从黑麦或小麦面筋中提取的一种粗蛋白

    any of several simple proteins derived from rye or wheat gluten

  30. 麸朊从黑麦或小麦面筋中提取的一种粗蛋白。

    Any of several simple proteins derived from rye or wheat gluten.


  1. 问:面筋拼音怎么拼?面筋的读音是什么?面筋翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面筋的读音是miànjīn,面筋翻译成英文是 gluten

  2. 问:面筋发酵拼音怎么拼?面筋发酵的读音是什么?面筋发酵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面筋发酵的读音是miàn jīn fā jiào,面筋发酵翻译成英文是 wheat-gluten fermentation

  3. 问:面筋蛋白质拼音怎么拼?面筋蛋白质的读音是什么?面筋蛋白质翻译成英文是什么?

    答:面筋蛋白质的读音是miàn jīn dàn bái zhì,面筋蛋白质翻译成英文是 gluten protein