


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……





汉语拼音:nèi zhì






  1. 肛门内部粘膜上长的痔疮。



  1. Hemorrhoids pain measure is assumed, if not painful to have to be early and middle rectal cancer!


  2. advanced hemorrhoids, due to anal sphincter relaxation, often out of discharge from the anus.


  3. Reasons of internal hemorrhoids causing children, often due to weak rectal vein congenital defects, with constipation.


  4. Acute hemorrhoidal crisis was defined as painful fixed prolapse or strangulated prolapse leading to thrombosis, ulceration or gangrene.


  5. However, cryotherapy is only suitable for internal hemorrhoids, and surgery because of necrosis, sometimes leading to bleeding.


  6. Pain: a simple early symptoms of hemorrhoids, usually no pain, and sometimes just feeling anal bulge or bowel problems.


  7. Simple hemorrhoids hemorrhoids are mostly children, very few mixed hemorrhoids, but local submucosal rectal varices.


  8. Hemorrhoids attack, sudden swelling of hemorrhoids, highlighting, burning, pain, a feeling of pulsation and the foreign stuff.


  9. Early hemorrhoids, the symptoms was not obvious, only in the physical examination, was discovered.


  1. 脱垂性内痔

    Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids.

  2. 内痔结扎术

    ligation of internal hemorrhoid.

  3. 剪切结扎术治疗内痔临床研究

    Clinical Study on Shearing Ligature for Treating Internal Hemorrhoid

  4. 太宁栓在内痔治疗中的应用

    The application of titanoreine suppository in the treatment of hemorrhoids

  5. 经常发现这种病人同时患有内痔。

    In portal hypertension internal haemorrhoids are frequently found.

  6. 消痔栓治疗内痔出血的临床研究

    Xiao Zhi suppository treat the clinic research of the internal hemorrhoid hemorrhage

  7. 而且内痔和混合痔都会有便血的症状。

    And there will be internal hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid symptoms of blood in the stool.

  8. 目的评价消痔软膏治疗早期内痔的疗效。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of Xiaozhi Ointment on the treatment of early stage internal hemorrhoids.

  9. 由乙状结肠镜诊断此病灶为内痔。

    The diagnosis of this lesion was internal hemorrhoids based on sigmoidoscopy.

  10. 结论敛血合剂能改善内痔的各种临床症状。

    Conclusion The Lianxue Mixture can relieve clinical symptoms of internal hemorrhoids.

  11. 结论敛血合剂能改善内痔得各种临床症状。

    Conclusion The Lianxue Mixture can relieve clinical symptoms of internal hemorrhoids.

  12. 主要用于治疗内痔、外痔、混合痔、息肉等疾病。

    It can treat all kinds of piles and polyps.

  13. 目得探讨铜离子电化学法治疗内痔得可行性。

    Objective To investigate the therapeutic effect of copper cation electrochemistry therapy on internal hemorrhoid.

  14. 生肌止痛栓治疗内痔及混合痔有确切疗效。

    the clinical therapeutic effect of treating hemorrhoids and mixed hemorrhoid by Sheng Ji Zhi Tong plug is definite.

  15. 假设痛估量是内痔,假设不痛有能够是直肠癌早中期!

    Hemorrhoids pain measure is assumed, if not painful to have to be early and middle rectal cancer!

  16. 目的观察液氮冷冻治疗内痔、混合痔的疗效。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of the cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen refrigeration for internal hemorrhoid and mixed hemorrhoid.

  17. 选择性肛垫复位术治疗重度脱垂性内痔的临床研究

    The Regional Pad Reduction In Treatment Of Severe Prolapse And Hemorrhoid

  18. 多普勒引导痔动脉结扎治疗内痔出血19例的临床效果

    Clinical Effect of Doppler Guided Hemorrhoidal Artery Ligation on19 Cases of Hemorrhage of Internal Hemorrhoids

  19. 晚期内痔,因肛门括约肌松弛,常有分泌物由肛门流出。

    advanced hemorrhoids, due to anal sphincter relaxation, often out of discharge from the anus.

  20. 巴曲酶和氨甲苯酸对内痔中等量出血的疗效比效

    Comparison of the Hemostatic Efficacy of Batroxobin and Amino methylbenzoic Acid in the Treatment of Moderate Internal Hemorrhoid Bleeding

  21. 内痔横形缝扎外痔切除保留齿线术治疗混合痔的疗效观察

    The Clinical Observation on Mixed Hemorrhoid of Horizontal Form Suturing Internal Hemorrhoid and Resection External Hemorrhoid and Retain Tooth Line


  1. 问:内痔拼音怎么拼?内痔的读音是什么?内痔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内痔的读音是nèizhì,内痔翻译成英文是 internal piles