




1. 风 [fēng]2. 风 [fěng]风 [fēng]空气流动的现象。气象学特指空气在水平方向的流动:~向。~速。~级。~险。~波(喻纠纷或乱子)。~雨如磐(a.指风雨不断,天色黑暗,给人以重压的感觉;b.喻社会黑暗或境地艰难)。~花……







汉语拼音:shān fēng diǎn huǒ






  • 【解释】:谓进行鼓动或煽动。 康濯 《东方红》第十三章:“‘不过我觉着你们的积极性怕还不够高……气魄也不够大!’县长又半真半假地搧风点火。”


  1. Bangkok's febrile media, and some officials, had played up the risk of bloodshed at the rally.


  1. 等离子点火

    plasma ignition.

  2. 锅炉准备点火

    Prepare to ignite for boiler

  3. 泵浦灯点火

    pumping lamp ignition.

  4. 自动放散点火

    automatic divergent ignition

  5. 然后第二级点火。

    Then the second stage is fired.

  6. 用一些木块点火

    to kindle a fire with some pieces of wood

  7. 贝蒂蹲下来点火。

    Betty squatted down to light the fire.

  8. 然而它只适合点火。

    Yet it is fit only to light the fire.

  9. 我能在冰上点火

    I can make a fire freeze

  10. 旧报纸可用来点火。

    Old newspapers come in handy for lighting the fire.

  11. 这张纸就足以点火。

    This paper will serve to build a fire.

  12. 我没有火柴不能点火。

    I cant start a fire without matches.

  13. 人们用小块木柴点火。

    The lighting of a wood fire begins with small pieces of wood.

  14. 使用打火石或法术点火。

    You can light fire when outdoor by using a flint or an Igni sign.

  15. 露营者去搜寻柴木点火。

    The campers went foraging for wood to make a fire.

  16. 他教我如何不用火柴点火。

    He teaches me how ingition need not the match.

  17. 帮浦没有循环时,不会点火。

    The burner will not ignition unless Circulation pump operated.

  18. 他用一根烧着的木条点火。

    He lit the fire with a burning splint.

  19. 在离炮口很远的一端点火。

    It ignites at the end furthest from the muzzle.

  20. 女人是风, 男人是火, 魔鬼来煽风点火。

    A woman is flax, a man is fire, the devil comes and blows the bellows.

  21. 汽油发动机稀薄燃烧点火的技术创新

    Technological Innovation of Lean Burn Gasoline Engine Ignition

  22. 有回她扭开煤气灶。却忘了点火。

    Once she turned on her gas oven and forgot to light it.

  23. 有一次她开了煤气灶, 却忘了点火。

    Once she turned on her gas oven and forgot to light.

  24. 一头带钩用于为大炮点火的绳索

    a cord with a hook at one end used to fire a cannon

  25. 切忌聚集烟气过多,禁止采用爆炸法点火。

    Avoid by all means is gathered by overmuch, banned gas explosion method ignition.

  26. 但是大多数人依然不惧怕在地铁上点火。

    But most people are not afraid to start the ignition in the morning.

  27. 当你进入你的小飞船的时候,我就开始点火。

    I get the chills when you jump in your little spacecraft.

  28. 帝王的守卫暗杀者能不再在行进间点火。

    The Imperial Guard Assassin can no longer fire on the move.

  29. 触发器用来产生激励脉冲,供闸流管点火。

    The trigger is used for generating excitation pulse for the thyratron to ignite.

  30. 他嘴里叼一支粗大的雪茄,随时准备点火。

    He held a fat cigar, ready to be lighted.