







汉语拼音:wēn bìng






  1. 中医学病名。感受风寒而引起的热病的总称。

    《素问·生气通天论》:“冬伤於寒,春必温病。” 汉 张仲景 《伤寒论·伤寒例》:“中而即病者名曰伤寒,不即病者,寒毒藏於肌肤,至春变为温病,至夏变为暑病。” 汉 应劭 《风俗通·穷通·司徒中山祝恬》:“司徒 中山 祝恬 ,字 伯林 ,公车徵,道得温病。”



  1. The key point of treating warm diseases is expelling pathogen, and of the total letting-out-therapy is particularly important.

  2. Epidemic Febrile Diseases Course is an important clinical subject of TCM, which has broad practicability and guidance.

  3. Teaching of warm febrile diseases is of great importance.

  4. Seasonal febrile disease is a general term for all acute febrile diseases resulting from various warm-heat pathogens in the four seasons.

  5. Objective: To observe the pathological changes of tongue in rats with febrile disease (FD) of damp-ness-over-heat syndrome (DOHS).

  6. New treating methods and principles were produced continuously on the basis of former febrile diseases theory.

  7. CONCLUSION: Blood stasis exists in every stages of wenbing, though degree of the stages'are different.

  8. One of affected phases or stages in acute febrile disease.

  9. There is abundant academic thinking and methods of truncating and reversing in treatise on acute epidemic febrile diseases.


  1. 温病湿热证

    epidemic febrile disease syndrome of damp andheat.

  2. 温病学秋燥病提要

    Febrile diseases A synopsis of diseases due to autumn dryness

  3. 谈伤寒和温病的关系

    Discussion on the relationship between exogenous febrile disease and epidemic febrile disease

  4. 试论温病营分证辨治

    Differentiation of Yingfen Syndrome of Epidemic Febrile Diseases Super Camp

  5. 阳明病与温病关系的探讨

    Relationship between yangming disease and epidemic febrile disease in practical treatise on febrile diseases

  6. 温病辨证的一个部位或阶段。

    One of affected phases or stages in acute febrile disease.

  7. 从温病学说论辨弥漫性结缔组织病

    WeiQiYingXue Bian zheng And Diffuse Connective Tissue Disease

  8. 浅谈中医对温病病因的认识方法

    Cognitive method on etiology of epidemic febrile diseases in traditional chinese medicine.

  9. 论特殊病因所致温病的诊治问题

    Discussion on Diagnosis and Treatment of Epidemic Febrile Disease due to Specific Cause of Disease

  10. 对温病学教学改革的认识与思考

    About Teaching Reformation of Study of Warm Disease

  11. 温病学对传染性非典型肺炎预防的认识

    Science of epidemic febrile disease on preventing infectious sars

  12. 温病条辨滋养胃阴学术思想探讨

    On Academic Thought of Nourishing Stomach Yin Described in Differentiation of Syndromes in Epidemic Febrile Diseases

  13. 温病初起治疗宜汗与忌汗之辨

    On the Compatibility and Incompatibility of Inducing Diaphoresis at the Beginning of Epidemic Febrile Diseases

  14. 温病学说与皮肤红斑类疾病辨治

    Warm Disease Doctrine and Identification and Treatment of Skin Erythema Type Diseases

  15. 论痰对温病发展传变的影响及其治疗

    Discussion on the effect of sputum on the development and change of seasonal febrile disease and its treantment

  16. 从460例流行性出血热患者看温病脉迟的意义

    Realising The Meaning of slow Pulse in Acute Febrile Diseases through460 Cases of EHF

  17. 从中医药治疗新传染病论温病学的现代发展

    Modern Development of Theory of Seasonal Febrile Diseases in Terms of Treating New Infection Diseases with Chinese Medicine.

  18. 清代四部温病著作防治温疫方药规律研究

    Four Works of Warn Disease about Plague Prevention and Treatment of Prescriptions Research the Disciplinarian during the Qing Dynasty.

  19. 温病卫气营血的血液流变学电脑诊断程序研究

    Computerized diagnosis of hemorrheology of wei, qi, Ying and Xue in acute seasonal febrile disease

  20. 升清降浊活血法治疗温病肺系发热的临床研究

    Treatment of pulmonary fever of warm disease with therapy of ascending lucidity, descending turbidity and activating blood

  21. 临床的治疗在传统的温病诊疗基础上也产生了相应的变化。

    The clinical treatment also changed on the basis of the traditional febrile diseases diagnosis and treatment.