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1. 迁 [qiān]迁 [qiān]机关、住所等另换地点:~居。~移。~徙。变动,转变:变~。~就(改变自己的意见,凑合别人)。~延(拖延)。~怒。事过境~。贬谪,放逐:~谪(贬官远地)。~客(流迁或被贬谪到外地的官)。古代称调动官职,一……
汉语拼音:qiān huí
清 王元榜 《庚癸纪略》卷下:“二十五日,市上稍觉繁盛,人家避居乡间者,天气炎热,颇有迁回。”
Occasionally a company might bring some manufacturing back to the U. S. But it's a trickle, and the exceptions seem to prove the rule.
虽然偶尔可能会有某家公司将一些制造业务迁回美国,但这只是涓涓细流,这些例外事件似乎恰好证明业务外迁才是美国制造业的主流。Other rural folk might be willing to work closer to home in the growing number of factories moving inland .
而随着迁回内地的工厂数量的持续增加,其他农村人民可能会更希望在离家近的地方打工。The firm will bring jobs home. In February Meccano said it would repatriate manufacturing jobs from China to its headquarters in Calais.
2010年2月Meccano宣布其加工制造工厂将从中国迁回总部加莱(法国的一个工业城市),这样可以为加莱创造多个就业岗位。The census study should help determine whether the fish remain close to home or migrate and then return to the same areas year after year.
这次普查研究会帮助确定鱼儿是始终在家附近活动,还是年复一年地在原住地迁出和迁回。In the Spring of 2005, I relocated back to Southern California to start the next chapter of my career as a freelance concept artist.
在2005年春季,我迁回南加州开始下一章我的职业生涯作为一个自由的概念艺术家。You get the sense, though, that if Stern wants the team back in Louisiana, he will find enough support on the board to make it happen.
虽然你可以知道了斯特恩意向,但是,如果斯特恩要想把球队迁回路易斯安那,他就必须得到理事会足够的支持,使之成为可能。Return of the financial assets or generated income of an organization or individual from a foreign country to the home country.
组织或个人从国外迁回国内的金融资产或收益。They were supposed to have relocated by now, with lectures due to have begun in the south in early May.
它们如今本应该迁回,在五月上旬就应该开始授课。After the war, in 1946, the university was moved back to its original location in Beijing.