


1. 只 [zhī]2. 只 [zhǐ]只 [zhī]量词:一~鸡。单独的,极少的:~身。片纸~字。只 [zhǐ]仅仅,惟一:~是(a.仅仅是;b.表示强调限于某个情况或范围;c.但是)。表示限于某个范围:~顾。~管。~见树木,不见森林。……





汉语拼音:zhī gāi






  1. 应该;就该。



  1. My 10 years of waiting, the only change back to one of your side, only the eyes continue or give up. . .


  2. Cos nice sweet girls are supposed to do three things in life: Marry Greek boys, make Greek babies and feed everyone until the day we die.


  3. But be continually with a holy man, whomsoever thou shalt know to observe the fear of God.


  4. Surely The Economist is not implying that we should care only about the status of women in industrialised countries.


  5. The collection will only be sufficient for in relation to those purposes.


  6. The collection will only be sufficient for, and not excessive in relation to, those purpose.


  7. When in doubt, wear black and white.


  1. 一次只该偷一罐的。

    What I should've done was just snatch one at a time.

  2. 我们不该效法恶, 只该效法好的, 善的。

    Do not imitate what is evil but what is good.

  3. 你只该试着去控制这样东西。

    That's the only thing you should be trying to control.

  4. 也许幻想只该留在我们梦里。

    Maybe some fantasies are only supposed to live in our dreams.

  5. 绑架小孩的人只该坐10年牢吗?

    Should men who kidnap a child be free in10 years

  6. 绑架小孩得人只该坐10年牢吗?

    Should men who kidnap a child be free in8 years.

  7. 否则,它们就只该出现在车的前后排。

    Otherwise, they should only be found in the front or the back of a car.

  8. 他认为他只该吃牛排,所以他瞧不上汉堡包。

    He thinks he should only get steak, and he turns up his nose at hamburger.

  9. 资料的收集只该足够应用于该目的但不超乎适度。

    The collection will only be sufficient for, and not excessive in relation to, those purpose.

  10. 只该同虔敬的人,常有来往,你知道他是遵守诫命的。

    But be continually with a holy man, whomsoever thou shalt know to observe the fear of God.

  11. 你知道他们不该只是

    And that you think They're not even qualified.

  12. 你这样的女孩不该只有一个未婚夫。

    One fiance's not enough for a woman like you.

  13. 票房得压力不该只由我一个人承担。

    The box office pressure should not only undertake by me.

  14. 我想我们不该只因为你很闷就去冒险找死。

    I don't think we should put our heads in the lion's mouth just because you're bored.

  15. 我只在该公司挂名而已。

    I only have nominal responsibility for this company.

  16. 我只在该公司挂名而已。

    I only have nominal responsibility for this company.

  17. 客户端现在只根据该工厂进行处理。

    The client now deals only in terms of this factory.

  18. 生活中没有什么该怕的事, 只有该懂的事。

    There nothing in life to fear, but every thing to know.

  19. 生活中没有什么该怕得事,只有该懂得事。

    There nothing in life to fear, but every thing to know.

  20. 则只有该元素的成员无需限定即可使用。

    Only the members of that element are available without qualification.

  21. 计算机工厂只是该公司业务的一小部分。

    The computer factory represents only small portion of the company's business.

  22. 计算机工厂只是该公司业务得一小部分。

    The computer factory represents only small portion of the company's business.

  23. 整个问题只剩下该由谁来赔偿损失了。

    The whole question narrows down to who is going to pay for all the damage.

  24. 我的方法都将只使用该方法迭代匹配的元素。

    My methods will only loop through matched elements in this manner.

  25. 只有该值取0。6到1之间,变形的模式才是未确定的。

    Only for values between 0.6 and 1.0 is the mode of deformation in doubt.

  26. 政府只做好该做的事情,为发展营造一个好的环境。

    The government will only do properly what they should do, create a good environment for development.

  27. 会籍只属于该申请会员所享有,不得转让其他人使用。

    Membership is restricted to the designated member only not transferable.

  28. 您还可以只刷新该图,从而使代码变更反映在图上。

    You can also just refresh the diagram to cause code changes to be reflected on it.

  29. 参数将只为该发送操作重写指定的默认远程主机。

    Parameter will override the specified default remote host for that send operation only.

  30. 免费晚餐并没有刺激我正如你只限于该餐厅可以使用。

    Complimentary half board didnt thrill me as you were really restricted to which restaurants you could use.