




1. 南 [nán]2. 南 [nā]南 [nán]方向,早晨面对太阳,右手的一边,与“北”相对:~北。~方。~面。~国(指中国南部)。~陲(南部边疆)。~极。~半球。姓。南 [nā]〔~无(mó)〕佛教用语,意思是合掌稽首,表示对佛尊敬或……







汉语拼音:yún nán bái yào






  1. A staff member from Yunnan Baiyao Group explained that the difference "may be made to meet the requirements of different countries. "


  2. Methods: On the basis of the comprehensive treatment. Yunnan Baiyao were applied externally on the affected part of the patient's body.


  3. In the middle of the shelving, with no fancy packaging or extreme promises, is Yunnan Baiyao toothpaste, priced at a punchy Rmb26.


  4. The silica-based xerogel has good hemostatic effect on the rabbit's ear side veins which is better than that of the Yunnan Baiyao.


  5. Yunnan White Medicine Spray will greatly reduce the pain of a stiff neck or a broken leg.


  6. Objective: To evaluate the effect of Yunnan white medicinal powder on acute reaction and damage induced by radiation.


  7. Objective: To observe the curative effect of Yunnan Baiyao in assisting treatment for newborn scleredema .


  8. Yunnan Baiyao ( farinaceous ) how is injury of remedial abrade substandard used?


  9. Does old people stop with agent of mist of Yunnan Baiyao gas what side effect does arthralgia have?


  1. 云南白药新用

    New method of using yun nan white drug

  2. 云南白药治疗静脉炎14例

    Yunnan Baiyao Used to Treat 14 Cases of Phlebitis

  3. 云南白药配伍治疗消化性溃疡40例

    Yunan white drug treatment digest ulcerate 40 example

  4. 庆大霉素加云南白药灌肠治疗化脓性肠炎

    Gentamicin Enema Combined with Yunnan Baiyao in Treatment of Suppurative Enteritis

  5. 云南白药联合微波治疗宫颈糜烂疗效观察

    Observation on Efficacy of Yunnan White Combined with Microwave on Cervical Erosion

  6. 云南白药对血小板的释放与代谢反应的影响

    Changes of Platelet Release and Metabolic Reaction after Administration of Yunnan Baiyao Capsules

  7. 酚妥拉明联合云南白药治疗咯血48例临床观察

    Clinical effect of phentolamine adding Yunnan White for the 48 patients with emptysis

  8. 云南白药对阿霉素血管外渗的防护作用

    Protective function of Yunnan Bai Yao in blood vessel leakage of ADM

  9. 云南白药通过资本运作增强核心竞争力的实证分析

    An Empirical Study of Enhancing Core Competitiveness by Means of Capital Operation

  10. 缩宫素配伍云南白药对药物流产出血的影响

    Affection on Hemorrhage of Drug Abortion with Pitocin and Yunnabaiyao

  11. 云南白药对体外震波碎石术后肾功能的保护作用

    Protection of Renal Function from Damage Due to ESWL by Yunnan Baiyao

  12. 云南白药对跌打损伤等许多病痛都具有神奇疗效。

    Yunnan Baiyao is exceptionally effective for the treatment of fracture, injury, etc.

  13. 云南白药对实验性牙周炎及实验性糖尿病牙周炎的影响

    The Effect of Yunnan BaiYao on Experimental Diabetic Periodontitis in Rats

  14. 妥塞敏与云南白药联合治疗肺结核咯血的效果分析

    Effect of the joint treatment of tranexamic acid and Yunnanbaiyao in hemoptysis caused by pulmonary tuberculosis

  15. 老年人用云南白药气雾剂止关节痛有什么副作用?

    Does old people stop with agent of mist of Yunnan Baiyao gas what side effect does arthralgia have?

  16. 大剂量云南白药治疗应激性胃溃疡的疗效观察及护理

    Effect of high dosage Yunnan Baiyao on patients with stress gastric ulcer and their nursing

  17. 预防性应用云南白药对减少隆乳手术出血的效果研究

    Study on Reducing Bleeding Effects of Prophylactic Application of Yunnan Baiyao in Breast Augmentation Operation

  18. 排膜汤联合云南白药治疗药物流产后子宫出血的临床观察

    Clinical observation on combination of Paimo Decoction and Yunnan Bai Yao for uterine hemorrhage secondary to drug abortion

  19. 云南白药合剂

    White Drug powder

  20. 云南白药气雾剂能治疗皮肤烫伤吗?

    Can agent of mist of Yunnan Baiyao gas treat skin scald?

  21. 云南白药合剂防治放射性食管炎的临床观察

    Clinical study on White Drug powder mixture used to prevent and treat radiation esophagitis

  22. 云南白药合电子热磁理疗仪治疗腰肌劳损的临床研究

    Clinical Research into Yunnan Baiyao Combined with Electronic Thermomagnetic Physiotherapy Instrument to Treat Psoatic Strain

  23. 云南白药万花油混悬剂治疗陈旧性压疮效果观察

    Effect of Suspension of Yunnan White Powder and Wanhua Oil on Old Badsore

  24. 说是处理,其实也就是在鼻子里放了点云南白药止血。

    so called treatment, actually she just put a little bit of yunnan white drug powder in my nose to stanch.


  1. 问:云南白药拼音怎么拼?云南白药的读音是什么?云南白药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:云南白药的读音是,云南白药翻译成英文是 Yunnan Baiyao