


日落的时候:~阳。~照。朝(zhāo ㄓㄠ)~相处(chǔ ㄔㄨˇ)。泛指晚上:前~。除~。一~谈。……

















  1. As the sunlight weakened at the beginning of the next night, the instructors ran us out to the beach.

  2. The mind has a thousand eyes , And the heart but one ; Yet the light of the whole life dies When love is done .

  3. The sun was low in the sky and the huge chimney in the distance cast a lengthening shadow across the streets and houses.

  4. I will have to take care of him and his family. to enjoy the sun sets the days.

  5. You know how you will get home. This knowledge is comforting, and you decide to stay awhile longer and enjoy the sunset.

  6. All the regrets had been washed off, just like the sunset from yesterday.

  7. The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.

  8. As the late afternoon sun lowered in the sky, we explored our wilderness, dodging prickly cactus and sharp rocks.

  9. You can't achieve a beautiful day through any effort on your part. You can't buy a sunset or even the scent of a rose.


  1. 夕阳西下。

    The sun was bending in the west.; The sun was low in the west.

  2. 远处夕阳西下。

    Far off to the west the sun was sinking.

  3. 夕阳西下, 断肠人在刷牙!

    Sundowners, heartbroken people in brushing!

  4. 夕阳西下,我们沿着河岸线划行。

    I rowed the two of us along the edge of the shoreline as sunset approached.

  5. 夕阳西下, 天空的颜色渐趋深暗。

    The color of the sky deepened as the sun went down.

  6. 我们坐在海滩上,观赏着夕阳西下。

    We sat on the beach watching the setting sun.

  7. 夕阳西下,群星马上就会向我闪烁。

    The sun is setting, soon the stars will shine upon me.

  8. 夕阳西下的美景缓和了她惊骇的情绪

    The peaceful sunset gentled her dreadful mood.

  9. 每次看到夕阳西下,我就想起你。

    Every time I watched the sun go down, I thought of you.

  10. 夕阳西下, 泪洒红尘里, 人断肠, 在天涯。

    The sun was setting west, along with tears of someone at the edge of the world.

  11. 夕阳西下, 把金色的余辉洒在矮矮的西山上。

    The sun was setting, spilling golden light on the low western hills.

  12. 每当夕阳西下,散散步,呼吸一下是如此的美好。

    When the sun comes down, it is so nice to take a walk and breathe.

  13. 夕阳西下, 莫瑞妮不得不回到她深海里的家。

    The sun disappeared, and Morveren slipped back beneath the water to her home.

  14. 我们在这座大花园中一直散步到夕阳西下。

    We enjoyed the tour in the great garden the whole day until sunset.

  15. 祝你旅途愉快,耳畔常有阳光,直到夕阳西下。

    Hope you a pleasant journey. Sunshine is around till the sun falls.

  16. 夕阳西下,一股凉爽的风从海上吹起白浪。

    As the sun sank in the late afternoon, a brisk wind from the ocean whipped up whitecaps.

  17. 夕阳西下,朔风凛冽,这个破落的塔群更显得悲凉。

    There is something deplorable about this cluster of broken stupas in the glow of the setting sun.

  18. 夕阳西下,天色很快暗下来,但是还有足够的光线。

    The sun was setting fast, but there was still ample light.

  19. 夕阳西下,远处大烟囱长长的影子落在街道和房屋上。

    The sun was low in the sky and the huge chimney in the distance cast a lengthening shadow across the streets and houses.

  20. 夕阳西下,雁翎队带着两箱大洋和三个俘虏,成功返航。

    The sun was setting. YanLingDui with two boxes of the ocean and three prisoners, successful return.

  21. 夕阳会西下, 像落幕似地把夜暮降下。

    The sun would ring down, pulling darkness after it like a curtain.

  22. 夕阳西下禅钟唱晚,

    When the night bell tolls

  23. 夕阳西下时,天空的颜色千变万化。

    At sunset the sky became a kaleidoscope of colors.

  24. 夕阳西下了,我们就动身回家。

    As the sun had set, we started for home.

  25. 夕阳西下时, 天空变得红彤彤的。

    As the sun set, the sky became suffused with a bright pink.

  26. 难道它们没有注意到帝国时代夕阳西下?

    Do they not notice that we are nearing the sunset of the time of empires?

  27. 夕阳西下时, 空气变冷了, 天空布满了云。

    Just at sunset the air turned cold and the sky cloudy.

  28. 夕阳西下时的校园,有着不可抗拒的美丽。

    The sundowners campus, with the irresistible beauty.

  29. 当夕阳西下之时,天际被染成了红色。

    When the sun sets, the sky is dyed red.

  30. 所有的悔过就这样忽略,就像夕阳西下的昨天。

    All the regrets had been washed off, just like the sunset from yesterday.




