







汉语拼音:mù kuǎn






  1. 筹集款项。

    叶圣陶 《多收了三五斗》:“由金融界负责募款,购屯粮米,到出售后结算,依盈亏的比例分别发还。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第一章二:“自己虽然有决心,想到南洋去募款,但也没有把握。”



  1. For instance, he recalls meeting with the town mayor to ask permission to block off streets for a student fundraiser.

  2. She travels the world giving speeches and attending fundraisers to increase awareness about this charismatic and highly endangered animal.

  3. In collecting the money for charity , Mr. A has started the ball rolling .

  4. President Bush canceled travel to political fundraisers to stay at the White House and consult with economic advisors.

  5. I greatly admire Cai SG, she will walk right up to people, stop them in their tracks, explain to them our causes and request for donation.

  6. They presented the money to Mayor Jim Cahill, who turned it over to a local group assisting victims of the attack.

  7. UK volunteers compete and raise money at a sports day event organized by the Chinese community in London.

  8. One prospective employee's resume included her experience planning an annual fundraiser for a local charity, several years in a row.

  9. Education officials are doubling efforts to help students. International artists are still raising money for victims.


  1. 模范募款信函全集

    The complete Book of Model Fund Raising Letters

  2. 奔走呼号, 为灾民募款

    go around trying to raise a relief fund for the victims of the disaster

  3. 她去为慈善事业募款。

    She went collecting for a charity.

  4. 加倍員工募款 金額的捐款制度。

    offers to match the charitable contributions its employees make.

  5. 他们采取各种不同的方法募款。

    They have resort to various devices for raising money.

  6. 运动俱乐部经营管理运动赞助与募款

    Sponsorship and Fund Raising of Sport

  7. 我们正在为遭受饥荒的灾民募款。

    We're collecting for the famine victims.

  8. 我们正在为遭受饥荒得灾民募款。

    We're collecting for the famine victims.

  9. 他们在募款建一个新的实验室。

    They are raising funds for a new laboratory.

  10. 扶轮社员如何向前受奖人募款?

    How can Rotarians approach alumni for contributions ?

  11. 身为一位募款领导人责任为何

    As a fundraising leader, what are your primary responsibilities

  12. 在募款基金会上,你曾企图挑逗她。

    You tried to hit on her at party fundraiser.

  13. 我们这次活动的主要目的就是募款。

    Our campaign's main purpose is to raise money.

  14. 规划一个募款活动时重要得步骤是什麽

    What are important steps in planning a fundraiser

  15. 规划一个募款活动时重要的步骤是什麽

    What are important steps in planning a fundraiser

  16. 我们的慈善机构向政府和私人企业募款。

    Our charity solicits funds from both governmental agencies and private enterprises.

  17. 我们得慈善机构向政府和私人企业募款。

    Our charity solicits funds from both governmental agencies and private enterprises.

  18. 费城募款总数,还有明天日程的变动。

    Philadelphia fundraising totals, and the changes to tomorrow's schedule.

  19. 他想通过跑遍加拿大去为癌症研究募款。

    He wanted to run across Canada to get money for cancer research.

  20. 募款音乐会是为了那家新孤儿院而举办的。

    The fundraising concert was held for the benefit of the new orphanage.

  21. 而不是只被回收 拿來做為募款或行銷的故事

    and not just recycled for fundraising or marketing.

  22. 我们的牧师老是在为这桩或那桩事募款。

    Our vicar is always raising money for one cause or another.

  23. 良好得管理工作如何支持扶轮基金会得募款活动?

    How does good stewardship support the fundraising activities of The rotary Foundation?

  24. 良好的管理工作如何支持扶轮基金会的募款活动?

    How does good stewardship support the fundraising activities of The rotary Foundation ?

  25. 扶轮主要的责任包括了募款、倡导和招募义工。

    Rotary's primary responsibilities include fundraising, advocacy, and volunteer recruitment.

  26. 纳森怀特有特殊理由要募款作为医疗研究之用。

    Nathan White a special reason to raise money for medical research.

  27. 你能否帮助我为因洪水而无家可归的人们募款呢?

    Can I enlist your help in collecting money for the people made homeless by the flood?

  28. 为了慈善的理由我们都在募款活动中捐了些钱。

    We all donated some money at the fundraiser for a good cause.

  29. 一群爱国青年在香港组成高登党, 为国家募款抗战。

    A group of young Hong Kong patriots established the HKG party raise fund for their nation.

  30. 她甚至以自己身为舞者的天赋来募款打击德军。

    She even used her gifts a dancer to raise money to fight the Germans.


  1. 问:募款拼音怎么拼?募款的读音是什么?募款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:募款的读音是mùkuǎn,募款翻译成英文是 raise funds



【拼音】 mù kuǎn

【注音】ㄇㄨˋ ㄎㄨㄢˇ


【引证解释】筹集款项。 叶圣陶 《多收了三五斗》:“由金融界负责募款,购屯粮米,到出售后结算,依盈亏的比例分别发还。” 郭沫若 《洪波曲》第一章二:“自己虽然有决心,想到南洋去募款,但也没有把握。”