







汉语拼音:miè shǔ






  1. How much do you know about the daily pest control regime?


  2. Conclusion One-time saturated deployment of a rodenticide in a sufficiently large area may yield satisfying killing effect.


  3. However, considering control cost and practicability, diphacinone Na-salt was the best choice.


  4. For successful rodents control in suburbs, the rats killing with rodenticide must be in combination with improving of general sanitary.


  5. Methods Using select-feeding method to determine the palatability of the poison bait and the laboratory deratization effect.


  6. Conclusion By wiping out rats scientifically and inoculating the inactivated vaccine, the spread of the disease was controlled effectively.


  7. Objective: To explore the ecological characteristics and control strategy of the rodents left at the advanced rodents control city.


  8. Objective To determine the impact of temperature and relative humidity on sulfuryl fluoride fumigation against rats.


  9. The rodenticide mainly comprises bromadiolone and sodium dichlorophenolate, and is added with metronidazole, ethanol, glycerin and the like.


  1. 我们应灭鼠。

    We should do away with mice.

  2. 灭鼠花了大力气。

    A huge effort was made to exterminate the rats.

  3. 方法采用毒饵法和器械法灭鼠。

    Methods Poisoning bait and instruments were used.

  4. 竹筒毒饵站农田灭鼠效果观察

    Observation of killing mouse effectiveness of poison bait in the bamboo tube in fields

  5. 鼠迹法检查灭鼠质量的作用评价

    Evaluation on Rodent Trace Method to Detect the Rodent Control Quality

  6. 目的观察大隆毒饵现场灭鼠效果。

    Brodifacoum poison bait had good effect on killing rodent in fields.

  7. 除虫灭鼠的日常运作你了解多少?

    How much do you know about the daily pest control regime

  8. 药剂喷洒和灭鼠药可能对人类有害。

    Chemical spraying and rodent poisons can be dangerous to humans.

  9. 每年灭鼠人员都会杀死1亿只老鼠。

    One hundred million rats are killed each year by pest exterminators.

  10. 毒饵散投与毒饵瓶室内灭鼠效果观察

    Observation on Efficacy of Scattered and Bottled Poison Bait against Rats

  11. 比如, 小熊猫误食了工作人员用于灭鼠的药物。

    For example, the red pandas ate poison that workers put out to kill rats.

  12. 莫为灭鼠而焚屋。勿小题大作。不要削足适履

    Burn not your house to fright the mouse away

  13. 不同饵料毒饵对黑线姬鼠的适口性及灭鼠效果

    Sapidity and Rat Destruction Effect of Different Poison Bait on Apodemus aqrarius Pallas

  14. 本发明公开了一种泥浆固穴灭鼠得方法。

    A method of killing mouse by using a slurry mouse hole is disclosed.

  15. 本发明公开了一种泥浆固穴灭鼠的方法。

    A method of killing mouse by using a slurry mouse hole is disclosed.

  16. 结论简易投毒箱的防鼠灭鼠效果良好, 值得推广。

    Conclusion The effect of facility derating box was considered effective and should be generalized.

  17. 你把这包灭鼠的饵料放到厨房的门后吧。

    Please put this bag of insect killer behind the door of the kitchen.

  18. 你把这包灭鼠的饵料放到厨房的门后吧。

    Please put this bag of insect killer behind the door of the kitchen.

  19. 目的观察泡沫灭鼠剂在动物园特殊场所的灭鼠效果。

    Objective To observe the effect of the foam rodenticide when used in the special area.

  20. 关闭绝食来源美食,管理,权利灭鼠是非常重要的。

    off the hunger strike source good food, management, right rodent control is very important.

  21. 目的观察溴敌隆在特殊环境的大面积灭鼠效果。

    Objective To report the efficacy of Bromadiolone for rodent control in large area of prison.

  22. 本署又定期巡查和进行灭鼠工作,以控制鼠患问题。

    On a regular basis, inspections and disinfestation operations are carried out to contain rodent problems.

  23. 结论经现场灭鼠实验,对鼠的适口性较好,安全性也好。

    Conclusion Field experiment on rodents proves that it is palatable and also secure to human, so it is applicable.

  24. 结论栖息地灭鼠是鼠害可持续控制的一项重要措施。

    Conclusion Applying rodent control on the rats habitat is important measure to sustainable rodent control.

  25. 城市规划小组制定了一个不确切的灭鼠计划,需要改进。

    The urban planning committee put out a vague plan to get rid of all the mice but it still needs to be worked on.

  26. 目的观察温度和相对湿度对硫酰氟熏蒸灭鼠效果的影响。

    Objective To determine the impact of temperature and relative humidity on sulfuryl fluoride fumigation against rats.


  1. 问:灭鼠拼音怎么拼?灭鼠的读音是什么?灭鼠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灭鼠的读音是miè shǔ,灭鼠翻译成英文是 deratization

  2. 问:灭鼠优拼音怎么拼?灭鼠优的读音是什么?灭鼠优翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灭鼠优的读音是,灭鼠优翻译成英文是 ratkiller

  3. 问:灭鼠剂拼音怎么拼?灭鼠剂的读音是什么?灭鼠剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:灭鼠剂的读音是,灭鼠剂翻译成英文是 rodenticide



一、水泥灭鼠: 将大米、玉米、面粉等食品炒熟,放少许食用油,然后拌入干水泥,放在老鼠出没的地方。老鼠食后,水泥在肠道内吸收水分而凝固,使老鼠腹胀而死。