


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:ér huò






而或 [ér huò]
  1. 指有时候。

    而或长烟一空,皓月千里。——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》



  1. At the end of the day remains a cloud day extension, asymptotic and forever, that are nestled into a distant or weak, or prescribed.


  2. Note: all programs subject to change pending on booking of venues, weather and arrival date of group.


  3. Not because the stand or fall of external things with her loss and happy or sad, or in court for the people doing the official worries;


  1. 这家商店因公平交易而或好名声。

    The store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.

  2. 那旋律会跟著不同的动作而或强或弱。

    The melody will turn to be strong or weak according to the different movements.

  3. 围绕一个中心或而转动。

    Cause to turn on an axis or center.

  4. 幼虫因饥饿或而败血病死亡。

    Larval death from starvation or septicemia.

  5. 为了建筑物的根基或而开凿挖掘的工人。

    A worker who excavates for foundations of buildings or for.

  6. 因无能而坏事或受损

    To spoil or lose through ineptitude.

  7. 侵蚀通过磨损而侵蚀或被侵蚀

    To erode or be eroded by abrasion.

  8. 使因争论而烦恼或疲惫

    To harass OR wORry by wrangling.

  9. 通过仔细辨别而发现或理解。

    discern or comprehend.

  10. 屠宰为了买卖而宰杀或处理

    To slaughter or preparefor market.

  11. 特权的, 因特权而有的或行使特权的

    Of, arising from, or exercising a prerogative.

  12. 扭曲因痛苦而扭曲或扭动身体

    To writhe or squirm, as in pain. propeller twist

  13. 发热因摩擦或日晒而发热或变红

    To irritate or inflame, as by chafing or sunburn.

  14. 衰变由于放射性衰变而解体或缩小。

    To disintegrate or diminish by radioactive decay.

  15. 叶的明显而简单脉或肋。

    A prominent, simple vein or rib of a leaf. See illustration for midvein.

  16. 因过度浸泡而变软或分解。

    Become soft or disintegrate as a result of excessive soaking.

  17. 摇动因外来力量而摇晃或颤抖

    To shake or shiver from impact.

  18. 因过失、不幸或缪误而受苦或受害

    Suffer because of wrongdoing, misfortune or an error

  19. 用贿赂获得因贿赂而影响或腐败

    To gain influence over or corrupt by bribery.

  20. 袭击为偷窃而威胁或殴打某人

    To threaten or assaultwith the intent to rob.

  21. 入睡, 倒下因为劳累或疲倦而入睡或倒下

    To fall asleep or collapse from fatigue or exhaustion.

  22. 由于年龄或缺点而引退或不合格。

    Retire or become ineligible because of old age or infirmity.

  23. 距发生地很远而发生或定位的。

    taking place or located away from the site.

  24. 玷污, 有损因瑕疵而损坏或破坏

    To mar or impair by a flaw.

  25. 振动因能量耗尽而衰减或阻滞。

    The vibration will decay or damp as a result of the dissipation of energy.

  26. 虚掷, 失去因赌博而挥霍或输掉

    To waste or lose by gambling.

  27. 筋疲力尽因费力而变弱或垮掉

    To weaken or collapse from exertion.

  28. 低头, 屈膝因恐惧或谦虚而低或屈。

    To bend low, as in fear or humility.

  29. 吓服, 吓倒通过激起敬畏而控制或吓服

    To control or subdue by inspiring awe.

  30. 因懒惰而逃避或推卸做某事

    Shirk to deliberately avoid doing something you should do, because you are lazy



ér huò 有时候。

【出处】而或长烟一空,皓月千里。——宋· 范仲淹《岳阳楼记》 或:有时。