


1. 粤 [yuè]粤 [yuè]中国广东省的别称:~语。~剧。古同“聿”、“越”、“曰”,文言助词,用于句首或句中。……





汉语拼音:yuè cài






  1. Cantonese chef would consider it a culinary sin of the highest order to produce a dish that was overcooked or too heavily seasoned.


  2. Coming from Guandong parents and a mother who was a superb cook, it is natural for me to cook Guandong cuisine.


  3. As the name suggests, the Cantonese cuisine is Guangdong's vegetable, main source from Guangzhou, moist continent, Dong Jiang three schools.


  4. The Cantonese dishes are known to be quite good since the chefis from Guangdong, thus the majority of our meal was Cantonese.


  5. I can hard work, study and self-motivated, full-time lunch: cantonese dishes to have 10 tide in years of working experience.


  6. Cooking skill matured in Song dynasty and Tang dynasty as Canton has been a trading port .


  7. Raw chicken most commonly used, to a Cantonese chef hands, they make dozens or even hundreds-course.


  8. Guangdong cuisine one of the Eight Great Cuisines emphasizes seafood and unique mixed flavorings .


  9. Food is French, Italian dishes for the mainstream, and its position in the Western as the Cantonese Chinese Sichuan.


  1. 粤菜和川菜。

    Guang dong cuisine, and Sichuan cuisine.

  2. 你喜欢粤菜吗?

    Do you like Cantonese cuisine?

  3. 新潮粤菜靓京城

    New trend of Cantonese dishes appear in Beijing

  4. 粤菜的花样繁多。

    Canton cuisine uses a great variety of materials.

  5. 我很喜欢吃粤菜。

    I like cantonese very much.

  6. 我非常喜欢吃粤菜,

    I like Cantonese food very much.

  7. 我非常喜欢吃粤菜。

    I like Cantonese food very much.

  8. 再说是粤菜和淮扬菜。

    Then theres the Guangdong cuisine and the Jiangsu cuisine.

  9. 我非常喜欢川菜的粤菜。

    I very much like Sichuan cuisine and Guangdong Cuisine.

  10. 我非常喜欢川菜和粤菜。

    I very much like Sichuan Cuisine and Guangdong Cuisine.

  11. 我们饭店的厨师精通粤菜。

    Our restaurant's cook is a master of Guangdong cuisine.

  12. 粤菜指得是广东风格得菜。

    Yue Cuisine refers to Cuangdong style.

  13. 粤菜指的是广东风格的菜。

    Yue Cuisine refers to Cuangdong style.

  14. 我想大多数供应的是粤菜。

    I guess most of them serve Cantonese dishes.

  15. 每台2000元左右,要正宗粤菜。

    At about 2000 yuan and make the dishes typically Cantonese.

  16. 已经不再只是粤菜的天下了。

    It is no longer just Cantonese food.

  17. 粤菜的做法主要是蒸, 煮等。

    Cantonese dishes are characterized by steaming, boiling, etc.

  18. 听好了,它们是川菜、粤菜、鲁菜。

    Listen up, they are Sichuan, Guangdong, Shandong.

  19. 粤菜菜式多样,有很多种选择。

    There are many varieties of taste, and style in Cantonese cuisine.

  20. 粤菜菜式多样,有很多种选择。

    There are many varieties of taste, and style in Cantonese cuisine.

  21. 当然了,我们今天尝一尝粤菜,如何?

    Sure, let's try Cantonese food, shall we?

  22. 本酒楼主理粤菜, 川菜, 沪菜和京菜。

    We serve Guangdon cuisine, Sichuan, Shanghai and Beijing cuisines.

  23. 我希望将来邀请你到广东吃粤菜。

    I hope some day I invite you to eat Cantonese food in Guangdong.

  24. 这样听上去粤菜更适合我们得口味。

    Then I think Guangdong food sounds nice to us.

  25. 这样听上去粤菜更适合我们的口味。

    Then I think Guangdong food sounds nice to us.

  26. 在意大利人们说最好的中餐是粤菜。

    In Italy they all say best Chinese food is in Guangdong.

  27. 特色主营海鲜, 为北京老牌粤菜餐馆。

    Specialty this restaurant specializes in seafood. It serves Guangdong cuisine and is wellknown in Beijing.

  28. 粤菜讲究选用各种时令蔬菜, 讲究鲜, 嫩, 脆。

    Sichuan cuisine is especially known for its spicy flavor.

  29. 是的,粤菜吃起来新鲜、细嫩和爽滑。

    Yes. It tastes fresh, tender and smooth.

  30. 本餐厅主理粤菜,包括潮汕菜和客家菜。

    Our restaurant mainly serves Guangdong cuisine, including Chaozhou, Shantou and Hakka dishes.


  1. 问:粤菜拼音怎么拼?粤菜的读音是什么?粤菜翻译成英文是什么?

    答:粤菜的读音是yuècài,粤菜翻译成英文是 Cantonese food; cooked food with a Guangdong fl...


