




1. 衣 [yī]衣 [yī]人穿在身上用以蔽体的东西:~服。~着(zhuó)。~冠。~架。~锦还(huān)乡。披或包在物体外面的东西:炮~。糖~。肠~。中医把胎盘和胎膜统称为“胞衣”。姓。……



汉语拼音:yù yī






  1. 专供洗澡穿的衣服。

    《仪礼·士丧礼》:“浴衣於篋。” 郑玄 注:“浴衣,已浴所衣之衣,以布为之,其制如今通裁。”《礼记·丧大记》:“浴用絺巾,挋用浴衣。” 唐 孟浩然 《腊月八日于剡县石城寺礼拜》诗:“讲席邀谈柄,泉堂施浴文。”如:他穿着宽大的浴衣,躺在靠椅上。



  1. "Now its your turn" , she said and laid down flat on her back after taking off the bathrobe again.


  2. Lo: What's worse is, there was no complimentary shampoo, no bathrobe, no slippers.


  3. I remember undressing, putting on a bathrobe, and standing out on the balcony.


  4. The boy bathed and put on his bathrobe and went into his room.


  5. Put on the Yukata , and pull the right side of Yukata around the body.


  6. He came out the bathroom, wearing the red silk bathrobe.


  7. Quickly he turned off the tap, slipped on his dressing-gown, and hurried downstairs.


  8. She stood trembling on the doorstop, a bathrobe clutched tightly closed at her throat by a long pale hand.


  9. The gent has taken off his clothes and put on his bathing-suit, but the water is getting colder and there is an autumn nip in the air.


  1. 毛巾布浴衣

    towelling bath robe.

  2. 有肩带浴衣

    tank suit

  3. 我换穿浴衣。

    I change into a bathrobe.

  4. 双面起绒浴衣织物

    bathrobe cloth

  5. 她穿着一件旧浴衣。

    She had on an old bathrobe.

  6. 用毛巾布做的浴衣。

    A bathrobe made of toweling.

  7. 亮红色的瓢虫浴衣。

    Funny ladybug animal towel in bright red.

  8. 穿着浴衣会客不太礼貌。

    It's not good manners to meet guests in a bathrobe.

  9. 纯白翻领割绒睡袍浴衣

    Velour Shawl Collar Gown White

  10. 我才发现我忘了穿浴衣。

    I realized I forgot to put on my bathing suit.

  11. 割绒翻领睡衣睡袍浴衣浴袍

    Velour Shawl Collar Gown Black

  12. 他常常整天穿着浴衣闲坐着。

    He often sat around in his bathrobe all day.

  13. 我胖得连浴衣都系不上。

    I'm so fat my bathrobe won't tie up!

  14. 丝制其他男睡衣,浴衣,晨衣

    Other mens or boyspyjamas, bathrobes, dressing gowns and similar articles, of silk.

  15. 她昨天买了一件新浴衣。

    She bought a new bathrobe yesterday.

  16. 我胖得连浴衣都系不上了。

    I'm so fat my bathrobe won't tie up!

  17. 威利的旧浴衣在他瘦弱的身上摆动。

    Willie's old robe flapped around his frail figure.

  18. 我挣扎着穿上浴衣,踉跄地下了楼。

    I struggled into a bathrobe and staggered down the stairs.

  19. 她用早餐时穿着浴衣,真够风雅的。

    She looked perfectly respectable in her bathrobe at breakfast.

  20. 当你闯关成功后,会赠送你一件浴衣。

    When you enter successfully, we will give you a bathrobe.

  21. 她的内裤为什么会在你的浴衣口袋里?

    What was her underwear doing in your bathrobe pocket?

  22. 可能是像在浴衣里的一把光秃秃的枪。

    Maybe like a bald guy in a bathrobe.

  23. 冷的时候从浴衣上面穿上宽袖棉袍。

    Put on a Tanzen over the Yukata, when you feel cold.

  24. 慢慢地,她从最下面扣上了浴衣的扣子。

    Slowly, she buttons her black blouse from the bottom up.

  25. 快清醒吧,她只是个穿浴衣的小女孩。踩她!

    Snap out of it. She's just a girl in a bathing suit. Insult her!

  26. 他从浴室出来,穿着那件红色的丝质浴衣。

    The boy bathed and put on his bathrobe and went into his room.

  27. 我记得我脱掉衣服,穿上浴衣,站在室外阳台上。

    I remember undressing, putting on a bathrobe and standing out on the balcony.

  28. 那人穿了一件浴衣,显然是刚从浴室出来。

    The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.

  29. 时尚的客房设有皮革扶手椅、书桌、浴衣和免费矿泉水。

    Stylish room with leather armchairs, work desk, bathrobes and free mineral water.

  30. 如果你感到紧张,不妨想象听众都穿着浴衣的样子。

    Imagine the audience in bathrobes in case you are nervous.


  1. 问:浴衣拼音怎么拼?浴衣的读音是什么?浴衣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浴衣的读音是yùyī,浴衣翻译成英文是 bathrobe; bath gown



专供洗澡穿的衣服。《仪礼·士丧礼》:“浴衣於箧。” 郑玄 注:“浴衣,已浴所衣之衣,以布为之,其制如今通裁。”《礼记·丧大记》:“浴用絺巾,挋用浴衣。” 唐 孟浩然 《腊月八日于剡县石城寺礼拜》诗:“讲席邀谈柄,泉堂施浴文。”如:他穿着宽大的浴衣,躺在靠椅上。