


1. 丁 [dīng]2. 丁 [zhēng]丁 [dīng]天干的第四位,用于作顺序第四的代称:~是~,卯是卯。成年男子。人口。从事某种劳动的人:园~。丁 [zhēng]〔~~〕象声词,形容伐木、下棋、弹琴的声音。……


液体降落:感激涕~。植物凋谢:~落。凋~。~散(sàn )。整数以外的尾数:~数儿。部分的,细碎的,与“整”相对:~碎。~卖。~钱。~售。~乱。~工。~打碎敲。整数系统中一个重要的数,小于一切自然数,是介于正数和负数之间唯一的数,记作“0”……



汉语拼音:dīng líng







  1. 古民族名。又称“丁令”、“丁灵”。

    汉 时为 匈奴 属国,游牧于我国北部和西北部广大地区。《史记·匈奴列传》:“后北服 浑庾 、 屈射 、 丁零 、 鬲昆 、 薪犁 之国。” 张守节 正义:“已上五国在 匈奴 北。” 司马贞 索隐引《魏略》:“ 丁零 在 康居 北,去 匈奴 庭 接习水 七千里。” 唐 李涉 《六叹》诗:“ 汉 臣一没 丁零 塞,牧羊西过 阴沙 外。” 清 纳兰性德 《蝶恋花》词:“去去 丁零 愁不絶,那堪客里还伤别。”

  2. 象声词。

    唐 黄滔 《戴安道碎琴赋》:“朱絃併断,类冰泉裂石以丁零。” 赵树理 《登记》:“有一个明晃晃的小东西从她衣裳口袋里溜出来,丁零一声掉到地下。”



  1. I shut the door and, as a cook, began to play happily and loudly with the cooking utensils and dance around the oven.


  2. "Silent" ! The composition of time! When it was all ready, I and ZhouXingWen come together "clever" composition class.


  3. A beggar pours his change into the pocket of another, as the sound of jangling money rings out for minutes.


  4. So it would ever be, he saw, simultaneously with the slow archaic tinkle from the phone box as he rang off.


  5. To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.


  6. Before the sixth century, a tribe called Dingling(Gaoche) lived in the Lake Baykal of Russia.


  7. What is that rattling in your pocket?


  1. 丁零咚咙噪音

    clonking noises

  2. 丁零的自行车铃声

    the jingling of bicycle bells

  3. 把钥匙弄得丁零当啷直响

    jingle the keys

  4. 门窗丁零当啷地响了一夜。

    The and windows rattled all night.

  5. 酒杯丁零一声掉在地上。

    The wine glass dropped to the floor with a tinkle.

  6. 商店的钟发出丁零当啷的巨大响声。

    The shop bell jangled loudly.

  7. 简掏出钥匙丁零当啷地晃着。

    Jane took out her keys and jangled them.

  8. 房门一开,铃声丁零响了。

    A bell tinkled as the door opened.

  9. 使发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音

    To cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound

  10. 叮当响发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音。

    To make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.

  11. 她手臂上的金手镯丁零当啷地响。

    The golden bangles on her arms clashed and jingled.

  12. 狂风大作。门窗丁零当啷地响了一夜。

    The wind blew hard. The and windows rattled all night.

  13. 使叮当响使发出叮当或丁零的金属碰撞的声音。

    To cause to make a tinkling or ringing metallic sound.

  14. 他在厨房把厨具弄得丁零当啷地响。

    He made kitchen utensils and appliances jingle in the kitchen.

  15. 他把兜里的钥匙弄得丁零当啷乱响。

    He jangled the keys in his pocket.

  16. 铃,玻璃破碎,冰块在饮料中搅动的丁零声。

    the tinkle of a bell, of breaking glass, of ice being stirred in a drink

  17. 葬礼进行曲在高速播放时会变成欢快的丁零声。

    The Funeral March when played at high speed become samerry tinkle of sounds.

  18. 我朋友的脚步摇摇晃晃, 跨一步, 帽上铃铛就丁零当啷响。

    The gait of my friend was unsteady, and the bells upon his cap jingled as he strode.

  19. 他歇下手,亲热的向我点点头,帽上铃铛就丁零当啷响了。

    He paused and nodded to me familiarly, while his bells jingled.

  20. 我个人的梦想之车将装备一按键式噪音检测器,它能定汽车内部有时是从汽车引擎发出的希奇古怪的丁零咚咙噪音的位置,并把它们除去。

    My personal dream machine will come complete with a push-button Rattlefinder, to locate and erase those mysterious internal clonking noises that sometime come from my car engine.


  1. 问:丁零拼音怎么拼?丁零的读音是什么?丁零翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁零的读音是dīnglíng,丁零翻译成英文是 tinkle

  2. 问:丁零当啷拼音怎么拼?丁零当啷的读音是什么?丁零当啷翻译成英文是什么?

    答:丁零当啷的读音是dīnglíng-dānglāng,丁零当啷翻译成英文是 The sound produced by continuous collision of m...



【拼音】:dīng líng

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