




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:xū yào








  1. 定要;需要。

    宋 张载 《经学理窟·义理》:“然大义大节须要知,若细微亦不必知也。” 元 李寿卿 《伍员吹箫》第二折:“缓急间须要你支吾,可怜我孤身的躲难逃灾,更一家儿衔寃负屈。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·密筹》:“他若问我的虚实,你须要留心对他。” 冰心 《我的学生》:“幸而开刀经过良好,只是失血太多,须要输血。”



  1. Then he adds that in order to get CO2 to zero, "probably one of these numbers is going to have to get pretty close to zero. "


  2. She said it takes about $3, 800 a month to run Metta Cattery, not including vet fees, which can sometimes go up to $500 for one animal.


  3. You do not have to have lines or play games to get a woman to spend time with you.


  4. sometimes, to get the best out of life, you go through some of the worst. no one said it would be easy. be strong.


  5. He first had to shower, scrub his boots and strip off his silks for laundering before being allowed to come into contact with his wife.


  6. The query statement which user submits is usually necessary to search massive volume data and involve complex multi-table join operation.


  7. How much is a single to the United stingesteds?


  8. He lacks courage and needs the assurance that God will be with him. Gideon has a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.


  9. "The challenge of terrorism is a formidable challenge, and requires a comprehensive strategy of counterterrorism, " he said.


  1. 接地腕带须要

    The wrist strap needs to be

  2. 教育儿童须要耐心。

    It takes patience to educate children.

  3. 大家都须要喘口气。

    Everyone needs to take a break.

  4. 是, 你们须要通知税务局。

    Yes, you have to inform the IRD.

  5. 你须要坐下来和聆听。

    You need to sit down and listen.

  6. 做这项工作须要细心。

    This work needs to be done carefully.

  7. 我须要提高我的英语水平。

    I need to improve my English.

  8. 当射箭时,你须要拉弓。

    When you an arrow, you draw the bow.

  9. 勇敢的行为不须要吹号。

    Brave actions never want a trumpet.

  10. 来打印你自己须要的药。

    and you print your own personal medicine.

  11. 这地板脏了,须要擦洗一下。

    This dirty floor wants a scrub.

  12. 你须要去学习,愿上帝辅助你。

    You have need to learn, and may God help you.

  13. 要过大家庭生活,须要训练的。

    It takes training to live in a big family.

  14. 医生对我说,我须要好好休息。

    The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest.

  15. 你不须要假的,这与他们。

    You don't have to fake it with them.

  16. 后来的情况还须要我说吗?

    Why should I tell the rest?

  17. 须要弄清楚,这些计划要合法。

    It should be ascertained that the plans comply with the law.

  18. 由于火势蔓延, 须要立即采取行动。

    Prompt action was required as the fire spread.

  19. 时来须要趁时,不然时去无声息。

    Take time when time comes, lest time steal away.

  20. 须要在一些得确得事举措快一些。

    You're on to something tangible and need to act fast.

  21. 你当时真须要付那麽多钱吗?

    Need you have paid so much?

  22. 须要在一些的确的事举措快一些。

    You're on to something tangible and need to act fast.

  23. 不知道开一个店须要多少钱。

    I wonder how much you need to start a shop.

  24. 因为手术之后须要照料及等待康复。

    Because it need to take care and recover after the operation.

  25. 钞票不是万能得, 有时还须要信用卡!

    Cash is not invincible, sometimes you need credit cards as well!

  26. 钞票不是万能的,有时还须要信用卡!

    Cash is not invincible, sometimes you need credit cards as well!

  27. 就我们所知, 没有什么须要担心的。

    As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern.

  28. 理论家晓得一切编程须要知道得东西。

    The Theoretician knows everything there is to know about programming.

  29. 理论家晓得一切编程须要知道的东西。

    The Theoretician knows everything there is to know about programming.

  30. 你也须要升级杀毒软件的扫描器。

    You may also need to update the product's scanning engine as well.


  1. 问:须要拼音怎么拼?须要的读音是什么?须要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:须要的读音是xūyào,须要翻译成英文是 need




拼音:xū yào 基本解释 [must] 客观情况要求一定要 写文章须要真实、准确 详细解释 定要;需要。 宋 张载 《经学理窟·义理》:“然大义大节须要知,若细微亦不必知也。” 元 李寿卿 《伍员吹箫》第二折:“缓急间须要你支吾,可怜我孤身的躲难逃灾,更一家儿衔寃负屈。” 清 李渔 《奈何天·密筹》:“他若问我的虚实,你须要留心对他。” 冰心 《我的学生》:“幸而开刀经过良好,只是失血太多,须要输血。”