


1. 葛 [gé]2. 葛 [ɡě]葛 [gé]多年生草本植物,茎可编篮做绳,纤维可织布,块根肥大,称“葛根”,可制淀粉,亦可入药(通称“葛麻”):~布。~巾(葛布做的头巾,古人不分贵贱常服)。~履。表面有花纹的纺织品,用丝做经,棉线或麻线……





汉语拼音:gé téng






  1. 葛的藤蔓。

    《出曜经》卷三:“其有众生,堕爱网者,必败正道……犹如葛藤缠树,至末遍则树枯。” 明 唐顺之 《答王南江提学书》:“故佛家有认贼作子与葛藤绊路之説。” 贺敬之 《雷锋之歌》:“梅花的枝条上,会不会有人暗中嫁接有毒的葛藤。”

  2. 比喻事物纠缠不清或话语噜苏繁冗。

    宋 王君玉 《杂纂续·不识迟疾》:“急如厕説葛藤话。” 明 沉德符 《野获编·内阁三·太仓相公》:“贸首相仇,亦从 司农公 起见,其祸蔓延至今,益葛藤无了日云。” 朱自清 《山野掇拾》:“前一种人真是一把‘刀’,一把轧乱麻的快刀!什么纠纷,什么葛藤,到了他手里,都是一刀两断。”



  1. Lush mountains of trees, kudzu fly linked Ya Li Ching Chung Sau, the exhibition leaves flutter, beating black bear, goat flocks.


  2. An outsider, intruding on this place like kudzu vines.


  3. Exploitation and Utilization of Pueraria DC .


  4. Kudzu grows so fast it can completely cover a cabin in the woods in a couple of days.


  5. It's been called the "vine that ate the south. "


  6. The comparative anatomical studies on the drought resistant structures of kudzu leaves of different varieties


  7. Genetic Diversity of Rhizobia Isolated from Pueraria spp. In Sichuan, China


  8. Study on Function of External Factor on Steeping Kudzu Vine into Kudzu Hemp


  1. 葛藤的综合开发与利用。

    Exploitation and Utilization of Pueraria DC.

  2. 葛藤的价值及其开发前景

    Value and Development of Pueraria lobata

  3. 葛藤茎叶栽培平菇研究

    Study on Planting Pleurotus Ostreatus with Kudzu Vine and Leaf

  4. 葛藤的利用价值及开发前景

    Utilization Value and Exploitation Foreground of Pueraria Lobata

  5. 他们的关系犹如葛藤,暧昧不清。

    Their relationship is somewhat ambiguous, it is convoluted like hemp vines.

  6. 他们的关系犹如葛藤,暧昧不清。

    Their relationship is somewhat ambiguous, it is convoluted like hemp vines.

  7. 灌木和葛藤披上了绿色的新装。

    Shrubs and vines were putting on fresh garbs of green.

  8. 灌木和葛藤披上了绿色得新装。

    Shrubs and vines were putting on fresh garbs of green.

  9. 葛藤主要天敌等级评价的初步研究

    Study on grade judgments of natural enemies on kudzu for control potential

  10. 取食葛藤的昆虫种类调查初报

    Survey of insect species feeding on kudzu Pueraria lobata Ohwi.

  11. 葛藤在综合利用中的低成本加工方法

    The Low Cost Processing Method in Comprehensive Utilization about Pueraria Lobata

  12. 葛藤茎沤制葛麻条件的探讨

    Study on Function of External Factor on Steeping Kudzu Vine into Kudzu Hemp

  13. 忙, 像锐利无比的慧剑, 斩断妄想葛藤。

    Keeping busy is the sword with which you shear off the vine of delusion.

  14. 葛布是葛藤的茎皮纤维加工制成的。

    Wine is the stems of kudzu paper made from fiber processing.

  15. 葛藤主要节肢动物类群种间关联的研究

    Interspecific association among dominant species groups of arthropods on Pueraria lobata

  16. 葛藤不同类型叶耐旱结构的比较解剖学研究

    The comparative anatomical studies on the drought resistant structures of kudzu leaves of different varieties

  17. 葛藤总黄酮得提取纯化及其抗氧化活性得研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Total Isoflavonoids from Stem of Pueraria Lobata Ohw and Its Antioxidant Activity

  18. 葛藤总黄酮的提取纯化及其抗氧化活性的研究

    Study on Extraction and Purification Process of Total Isoflavonoids from Stem of Pueraria Lobata Ohw and Its Antioxidant Activity

  19. 猪对玉米干酒糟消化与利用的研究葛藤的栽培与利用

    Study on the Digestibility of Dried Distilled Grain in Growing Pigs

  20. 今天太值得记念了,绝了旧葛藤,添了新机会。

    That day certainly deserved to be commemorated as the end of old entanglements and the beginning of new opportunities.

  21. 葛藤节肢动物类群组分及主要种类数量动态

    Composition of arthropods and population dynamics of main insect groups on Pueraria lobata

  22. 石漠化石灰土与水土保持植物葛藤化学元素含量特征

    Content Characteristics of Chemical Elements in Pueraria lobata and Its Calcareous Soil on the Rocky Desertification Area in Guizhou Province

  23. 攀西野生葛藤资源的开发利用与可持续发展研究

    The development and utilization of wild pueraria lobata resource and study on its sustainable development in panxi area


  1. 问:葛藤拼音怎么拼?葛藤的读音是什么?葛藤翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葛藤的读音是géténg,葛藤翻译成英文是 kudzu and rattan whose stems and vines intertwi...

  2. 问:葛藤块茎素拼音怎么拼?葛藤块茎素的读音是什么?葛藤块茎素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葛藤块茎素的读音是gě téng kuài jīng sù,葛藤块茎素翻译成英文是 tuberosin

  3. 问:葛藤掌舟蛾拼音怎么拼?葛藤掌舟蛾的读音是什么?葛藤掌舟蛾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葛藤掌舟蛾的读音是géténgzhǎngzhōu'é,葛藤掌舟蛾翻译成英文是 Phalera cossioides

  4. 问:葛藤菌绒孢拼音怎么拼?葛藤菌绒孢的读音是什么?葛藤菌绒孢翻译成英文是什么?

    答:葛藤菌绒孢的读音是géténgjūnróngbāo,葛藤菌绒孢翻译成英文是 Mycovellosiella puerariae



葛藤(拉丁学名:Argyreia seguinii (Levl.) Van. ex Levl),又名:野葛、粉葛藤、甜葛藤、葛条,旋花科、银背藤属藤本,高达3米,茎圆柱形、被短绒毛。叶互生,宽卵形,长10.5-13.5厘米,宽5.5-12厘米,先端锐尖或渐尖,基部圆形或微心形,叶面无毛,背面被灰白色绒毛,侧脉多数,平行,在叶背面突起。生于丘陵地区的坡地上或疏林中,分布海拔高度约300-1500米处。分布于东南亚和澳大利亚,中国贵州、广西及云南东南部等地。有解肌退热,生津,透疹,升阳止泻等功效。用于外感发热头痛、项背强痛,口渴,消渴等疾病。