




1. 场 [cháng]2. 场 [chǎng]场 [cháng]平坦的空地,多指农家翻晒粮食及脱粒的地方:~院。量词,指一事起迄的经过:下了一~雨。集,市集:赶~。场 [chǎng]处所,许多人聚集或活动的地方:~子。~地。~所。量词,用……



汉语拼音:fén chǎng







  1. 墓地。

    田间 《我的歌》:“看红色的宫墙上,革命者的坟场上,一位革命的女神,高举她的红旗。”



  1. Wilson Hall is one of the oldest campuses on Athens, and rumors speculate that it was built on an ancient burial ground.


  2. But what irked him wasn't a green graveyard at the bottom of the hill. It was that other ghost out of his childhood.


  3. If that hill didn't change its shape on bad nights there would be an awful steamboat grave-yard around here inside of a year.


  4. At the grave site, the bodies of a few children could be seen, but it was unclear whether women were buried there, as well.


  5. Never mind about loving me. You're a woman who's sending a soldier to his death with a beautiful memory.


  6. He had, by this time, reached his dwelling, on the EDGE of the burial-ground, and, hastening up the stairs, took refuge in his study.


  7. Help Aaron like a spacial commander, like an adventurous boy across a cemetery or like a brave knight in Anaby's Kingdom.


  8. Ongoing: You may complete quest cards from your graveyard. As you do, remove them from the game as an additional cost.


  9. RHETT: You're a woman sending a soldier to his death with a beautiful memory.


  1. 坟场和火葬场。

    Cemeteries and Crematoria

  2. 和合石坟场

    Wo Hop Shek Cemetery.

  3. 赤柱国殇纪念坟场

    Stanley Military Cemetery

  4. 在坟场里有许多坟墓。

    There are many graves in the grave yard.

  5. 一朝进坟场, 大家都一样。

    We shall lie all alike in our graves.

  6. 等我们把莫斯科变成坟场。

    When we turn Moscow into a graveyard.

  7. 所有这一切的坟场的风景?

    where are the landscapes where all of that stuff ends up?

  8. 据说阿富汗是帝国的坟场。

    AFGHANISTAN is said to be the graveyard of empires.

  9. 英联邦国殇纪念坟场管理委员会坟场

    Commonwealth War Graves Commission cemetery

  10. 我把他丢到梦坟场了

    I banished him to the dream graveyard

  11. 今天该离开你凭吊的坟场

    Leave for today the low graves you are tending

  12. 你晓得他们后院有坟场吗?

    You know they have, uh, dead people in the backyard?

  13. 我总认为会在坟场遇到你。

    I thought I'd run into you at the cemetery.

  14. 那是一片坟场, 四周松柏耸立。

    It is a graveyard surrounded by pine trees.

  15. 那是一片坟场,四周松柏耸立。

    It is a graveyard surrounded by pine trees.

  16. 坟场工人是不是喜欢值大夜班

    Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift.

  17. 你去过坟场, 对么?你去那里干什么?

    You been at the yard, haven't you? What were you doing up there?

  18. 他回家都要步行经过一坟场。

    He had to walk past a graveyard to reach home.

  19. 海上被杀死或者淹死的人的坟场。

    Davy Joness locker A graveyard for people killed or drowned at the sea.

  20. 此外,跑马地建有一座犹太教坟场。

    There is also a Jewish Cemetery, at Happy Valley.

  21. 秋男一大早就去坟场了,你不知道?

    She went early. don't you know?

  22. 你还没把我送进坟场, 我真是幸运。

    I'm lucky that you haven't put me in a box cemetery.

  23. 你是否曾到访过香港任何一处坟场?

    Have you ever visited any cemetery in Hong Kong?

  24. 人们不喜欢住在教堂或坟场的对面。

    People don't like living opposite a church or a graveyard.

  25. 鲍比住在坟场第二天,第二天,和下一步。

    Bobby stayed the cemetery the next day, and the next day, and the next.

  26. 他将安葬于薄扶林华人基督教坟场。

    He will be buried at the Chinese Christian cemetery in Pokfulam.

  27. 汤姆好像听见从坟场传来的微弱的声音。

    Tom seemed to hear some faint sound coming from the graveyard.

  28. 汤姆好像听见从坟场传来得微弱得声音。

    Tom seemed to hear some faint sound coming from the graveyard.

  29. 将目标生物牌从你坟场中移回你手上。

    Return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

  30. 古老坟场中的十字架样式,具有强烈的心灵意义。

    A celtic cross pendant in a style similar to those in ancient graveyards.


  1. 问:坟场拼音怎么拼?坟场的读音是什么?坟场翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坟场的读音是fénchǎng,坟场翻译成英文是 A graveyard.



(2) [graveyard]∶停放尸体的院子或围场 墓葬建筑指为安葬死者而建于地下和地上的建筑。中国的墓葬建筑中深深渗透着礼制的内容。皇帝死后的埋葬地称“陵”,诸侯称“封”,大夫称“坟”。坟丘的大小、衣襟棺椁、墓葬仪式都是按等级严加规定的 另外,在魔兽争霸3游戏中为不死族研究科技的建筑