




人或事物的称谓:~字。~氏。~姓。~义。~分(fèn )。~堂。~落孙山。~存实亡。起名字:“秦氏有好女,自~为罗敷”。做某事时用来作依据的称号:这些人以“办学”为~,行骗钱之实。叫出,说出:不可~状。声誉:~誉。~声。~优(a.出名的,优……



汉语拼音:xiǎo míng








  1. 一般的名号,与褒美的名号“大名”相对而言。


  2. 小名声。

    《魏书·张普惠传》:“今宰辅专欲好小名,不图安危大计,此微臣所以寒心者也。” 唐 李德裕 《授元晦谏议大夫制》:“弗沽小名,以枉大节。”

  3. 古代逻辑用语,与“大名”相对而言,犹今之种概念,与属概念相对而言。

    清 俞樾 《古书疑义举例·以小名代大名例》:“三秋即三岁也。岁有四时而独言秋,是举小名以代大名也。” 清 俞樾 《古书疑义举例·以大名冠小名例》:“如《礼记》言‘鱼鮪’,鱼其大名,鮪其小名也。”

  4. 乳名,幼时起的非正式的名字。

    晋 干宝 《搜神记》卷十五:“ 唐叔偕 女,小名 父喻 ,容色俱美。”《魏书·崔浩传》:“ 浩 小名 桃简 , 颐 小名 周儿 。”《西游记》第九七回:“这等大年纪,还叫我的小名儿!” 巴金 《家》二:“ 琴 是小名,她的姓名是 张蕴华 。”



  1. Kim (Kimy, my nickname for her) was my buddy, my crazy Korean card-playing babysitter. I spent most of my waking hours with Kimy.


  2. Now 7, Jackson said the boy, nicknamed Blanket as a baby, was his biological child born from a surrogate mother.


  3. My sister and I. Tell you a secret, nickname of my sister is maomao. I'll tell you the cause later.


  4. I heard that all the children have nicknames, right?


  5. Happened to King Edward VII, also known as nickname Teddy, Teddy Bear soon became well-known British pets, teddy bears.


  6. As children grow up, they may decide for themselves which nickname they wish to be called.


  7. I just thought I would keep her as a kitten. People usually think kittens and puppies can be easily brought up.


  8. An awful name. I was the last child born, so my mother called me Yao'er which means the youngest.


  9. "Get up, Cherry! " Parmeet implored, calling his brother by his nickname. "Get up! "


  1. 我通常叫我太太的小名。

    I usually call my wife by her nickname.

  2. 他讨厌被人叫他的小名。

    He resented being called his nickname.

  3. 你是否曾经领会到你的小名?

    Did you ever figure out your porn name?

  4. 妈妈说,我的小名叫凤梨。

    Mom said that the name of my little pineapple.

  5. 用只有你们知道得小名称呼对方。

    Call each other by private pet names.

  6. 用只有你们知道的小名称呼对方。

    Call each other by private pet names.

  7. 小强是我的小名。好的, 我马上来。

    Xiaoqiang is my nick name. Ok. I'm coming.

  8. 对,她给佩妮取了个可爱的小名。

    Yeah. She's got a cute nickname for Penny.

  9. 人们要是亲近谁, 常爱叫他的小名。

    People call their confidants by nicknames.

  10. 还没听说过佛教八小名山呢。

    But never the Eight Lesser Buddhist Mountains.

  11. 还有死神,她的小名不叫死神,而是梅

    And death? Meredith's name is not death. It's Mer.

  12. 又一次车祸中,小名又失去了另一条腿。

    Again in traffic accident, the pet name lost another leg again.

  13. 在最后次车祸中,小名失去了最后一条腿!

    Finally in second traffic accident, the pet name lost last leg!

  14. 有外人得时候, 王洋一般不敢叫我小名。

    When are outsiders, Wang Yang generally not called me nickname.

  15. 有外人的时候, 王洋一般不敢叫我小名。

    When are outsiders, Wang Yang generally not called me nickname.

  16. 如果罗马有一个小名的话, 那么一定是浪漫。

    If Rome has a nick name, it must be Romance.

  17. 沃兹是他的小名,他是苹果公司的另一位创始人。

    Nicknamed Woz, he is often referred to as the other Steve of Apple.

  18. 再一次车祸中,小名又失去了第三条腿。

    Again in traffic accident,the pet name lost the 3 rd leg again.

  19. 我还记得给各种小草和隐蔽的小花取的小名。

    I remember my childhood names for grasses and secret flowers.

  20. 都怨俺妈给俺起的小名周笨驰中间这个字。

    It was all because of the middle name stupid my mother gave me.

  21. 站在阳光里,我追问你这蔷薇花还有小名吗

    Stand in the sun, I ask that you also name flower roses.

  22. 而是喊他们的小名, 有时候小名就是较长的名字的简称。

    Instead, they often use nicknames. Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name.

  23. 而是喊他们得小名, 有时候小名就是较长得名字得简称。

    Instead, they often use nicknames. Sometimes nicknames are short forms of a longer name.

  24. 盘成郡的小名滨港口的渔船和车辆随波漂流。

    Fishing boats and vehicles were carried ashore at Onahama port in Iwaki city.

  25. 就是那个我过去一直称呼你的特殊的秘密小名是吗?

    This is the specific secret little name that I always used to call you?

  26. 有时候, 我们用小名或昵称代替叫一个人得名字。

    Sometimes we use nicknames or terms of endearment instead of using someone's name.

  27. 有时候,我们用小名或昵称代替叫一个人的名字。

    Sometimes we use nicknames or terms of endearment instead of using someone's name.

  28. 变装的纪香上电视台湾一位变装示人之人,小名为纪香。

    A crossdresser and gets on TV in Taiwan.

  29. 你凭着自己的机灵劲,在特拉华人中赢得了点小名气。

    You've got a little character, down among the Delawares, there, for quickness.


  1. 问:小名拼音怎么拼?小名的读音是什么?小名翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名的读音是xiǎomíng,小名翻译成英文是 pet name

  2. 问:小名坂拼音怎么拼?小名坂的读音是什么?小名坂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名坂的读音是Xiǎomíngbǎn,小名坂翻译成英文是 Konasaka; Onasaka

  3. 问:小名子拼音怎么拼?小名子的读音是什么?小名子翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名子的读音是Xiǎomíngzǐ,小名子翻译成英文是 Shinako; Shōnago

  4. 问:小名木拼音怎么拼?小名木的读音是什么?小名木翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名木的读音是Xiǎomíngmù,小名木翻译成英文是 Konagi; Onaki

  5. 问:小名滨拼音怎么拼?小名滨的读音是什么?小名滨翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名滨的读音是xiǎomíngbīn,小名滨翻译成英文是 Onahama

  6. 问:小名木川拼音怎么拼?小名木川的读音是什么?小名木川翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名木川的读音是Xiǎomíngmùchuān,小名木川翻译成英文是 Konagigawa; Onagigawa; Onakigawa

  7. 问:小名词性词组拼音怎么拼?小名词性词组的读音是什么?小名词性词组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:小名词性词组的读音是xiǎomíngcíxìng cízǔ,小名词性词组翻译成英文是 small nominal phrase

