







汉语拼音:bǐ fǎ






  1. 画画、写字、作文的技法或特色。

    唐 颜真卿 《怀素上人草书歌序》:“某早岁尝接游居,屡蒙激劝,教以笔法。” 宋 欧阳修 《归田录》卷二:“ 昌花 写生逼真,而笔法輭俗,殊无古人格致。” 清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·先修王善书》:“余尝睹王所书《多心经》,用《圣教》笔法,体势遒劲。” 茅盾 《无题》:“我这是把《诗经》上反复咏叹的笔法神而化之的。”



  1. Twain softened the point with humor, but he made the point nonetheless.


  2. The Impressionists had a sense of freedom, which, through loose brushwork and a bold palette, introduced spontaneity and subjectivity.


  3. "I refer to it as the 'pornographic narrative, ' and I don't mean that in a purely sexual sense, " Professor Townsend said.


  4. to produce a slight variation color between the different directions all in the brushwork itself.


  5. The author used the technique of the sketch for we painted his lean, riddled with wrinkles and the appearance of a knot in one's heart.


  6. Tangka , remaining a mysterious art, attracts people with its rich imagination, careful layout, striking colours and meticulous paintings.


  7. This approach turns much of the book into a very good history of economic thought.


  8. Artists with a variety of colors, abstract strokes depicting the scene of this winter.


  9. Second, the lyric line is not the natural state lines, but a technique of the lines.


  1. 春秋笔法精神

    the spirit of metaphorical techniques in Spring and Autumn Period

  2. 笔法松散粗略。

    The brushwork is loose and undescriptive.

  3. 漫画式的笔法

    cartoon speech.

  4. 世间无所谓笔法。

    There is no such thing as the technique of writing.

  5. 仿鲁迅的笔法

    in the style of Lu Xun.

  6. 那如果你想看笔法呢?

    But what if you want to see brush strokes?

  7. 笔法过于苍劲用力,不是吗?

    His brushstrokes are really intense, aren't they?

  8. 一篇笔法细腻的描写文

    a fine piece of descriptive writing

  9. 毕加索得笔法精妙绝伦。

    Picasso's brushwork is particularly fine.

  10. 从笔法看草书风格的演变

    The Evolution of Chinese Cursive Script through its Strokes

  11. 笔法画家用画笔染颜料的方式

    the manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush

  12. 笔法包括执笔和运笔两个方面。

    The technique of writing includes two aspects of holding and wielding brush writings.

  13. 他生动的笔法给故事增添了趣味。

    His vivid touch added salt to the story.

  14. 他生动的笔法给故事增添了兴味。

    His vivid touch added salt to the story.

  15. 多麽美丽的笔法描写这暴力下的死亡!

    What a beautiful way to describe such a violent death!

  16. 工笔画笔法细腻,注重细节和色彩绚丽。

    Gongbi painting is characterized by fine brushwork, attention to detail and bright colors.

  17. 塾师以笔法谈作文, 如匠人以规矩谈美术。

    Professors of composition talk about literature as carpenters talk about art.

  18. 他组织编修的史书大量运用春秋笔法。

    The historical records for which he organized the compiling work adopted, to a large extent, the style of the Spring and Autumn Annals.

  19. 三是采用了豪放纵逸的大写意笔法。

    Third, it adopted the bold and unrestrained vigorous freehand brushwork.

  20. 早期的恍惚不定缩成了笔法技巧上的徘徊。

    His earlier stage of uncertainty is condensed in techniques.

  21. 这个梦一般得夙愿是以细腻得笔法描绘出来得。

    This cherished fantasy is embellished with minute detail.

  22. 这个梦一般的夙愿是以细腻的笔法描绘出来的。

    This cherished fantasy is embellished with minute detail.

  23. 从而完全透过不同的笔法制造出微色差。

    to produce a slight variation color between the different directions all in the brushwork itself.

  24. 活灵活现地描述用精确的笔法灵活地描写或描绘

    To describe or portray with deft precision.

  25. 详细探讨米芾书法笔法及其在手札创作中的应用。

    Second, Mi Fu calligraphy and his letters on writing applications.

  26. 凡高发展了个性化的笔法及鲜明、纯色的品位。

    Van Gogh developed a taste for personalized brushwork and brilliant, unmixed colours.

  27. 我认为首先要有很好的笔法,也就是如何运笔。

    First, good brushwork, that is, how to hold and use the brush in writing.

  28. 这本书用一种轻松、喜剧的笔法处理这棘手的问题。

    The book handles the delicate subject with a light comic touch.

  29. 基本功扎实,笔法雄中见秀,刚柔相济,师古人而不泥。

    Basic solid, style, and saw the show flexibility, the teacher rather mud.

  30. 好了,第一步 我要你们忘掉所有学到过的笔法。

    Okay, I want you to start by forgetting everything you heard about brush technique.


  1. 问:笔法拼音怎么拼?笔法的读音是什么?笔法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:笔法的读音是bǐfǎ,笔法翻译成英文是 artistic technique