


1. 看 [kàn]2. 看 [kān]看 [kàn]使视线接触人或物:~见。~书。~齐。观察,判断:~病。观~。~好(根据市场情况,估计某种商品好销)。~透(透彻深刻地了解或认识。亦称“看破”、“看穿”)。~风使舵。访问,拜望:~望。~朋……





汉语拼音:kàn mù






  1. 省墓;祭扫祖坟。



  1. See how tall the graveside grass has grown;


  1. 抹大拉的女孩来看墓

    A Magdalene girl comes to pay her respects.

  2. 看!明朝墓石。

    Look! The Ming Tombs.

  3. 看!明朝墓石。

    Look! The Ming Tombs.

  4. 你快带我去看一下岳飞墓吧。

    Take me to look at the mausoleum of General Yue fei.

  5. 到目前为止, 我没有看出妇好墓里哪些是红山的玉器。

    So far, I do not see what is inside the tomb of Fu Hao Hongshan jade.

  6. 一直说到墓石让我们来看一看它吧。

    Kept hearing about this headstone. Wanted to see it for ourselves.

  7. 我们去看看西汉南越王墓博物馆,怎么样

    How about visiting Western Han Nanyue King Tomb Museum

  8. 西夏陵墓得唯一特征是可以明显地看出其等级。

    The unique characteristics of Western Xia mausoleums are clearly visible on the spiritual terraces.

  9. 你看,它们的形状像一个个土墩,所以就叫土墩墓。

    Early in the pagoda is a semicircular in Datu mound, which is entirely in the form of the tomb.

  10. 但是, 当她们到达那里的时候, 她们看到墓前的石头移开了。

    However, as they arrived, they saw the the stone in front of the tomb was removed.

  11. 从桃花山唐墓出土的青瓷俑看唐初的服饰和音乐制度

    Early Tang Dressing and Musical System Revealed by Celadon Figurines from Tombs at Taohuashan

  12. 一看这副枯骨, 就知道墓主人肯定已经死去很多年了!

    The minute you see the dry bone, you know that the occupant of the tomb died many years ago.

  13. 一看这副枯骨,就知道墓主人肯定已经死去很多年了!

    The minute you see the dry bone, you know that the occupant of the tomb died many years ago.

  14. 一天我们看到 亵渎古代清真寺和苏非圣徒墓的新闻。

    One day we wake up to the news of the desecration of ancient mosques and Sufi tombs.

  15. 从太清宫长子口墓的考古美术资料看商末青铜纹饰

    From mouth archaeological fine arts materials the end bronze line decorations of watching etc. Of tomb, eldest son of Taiqinggong Palace

  16. 看起来象一个地下室或陵墓之类的东西。

    It looks like a crypt or a mausoleum or something.

  17. 陵墓的东边是另外一座看起来像清真寺的建筑。

    To the East of the Taj is another building that looks just like the Mosque.

  18. 西夏陵墓的唯一特征是可以明显地看出其等级。

    The unique characteristics of Western Xia mausoleums are clearly visible on the spiritual terraces.

  19. 因此我们可以看出这儿是一个宫殿,那儿有一个陵墓?

    So we have a palace here and mausoleum there?